Obama – Lies, BIG Lies and the COLOSSAL LIE…


There stands the Emperor.

He’s naked. Completely exposed.

The Emperor has no clothes.

And from the bottom of the cat’s litter box, the Editorial Board at the New York Times, in an effort to cover for the Emperor’s over exposure, writes that the Emperor, “Clearly had left his cuffs unbuttoned by mistake.”


Obama…”MISPOKE” when he told Americans that, “If you LIKE your plan, you can KEEP your plan and, if you LIKE your doctor you can KEEP your doctor?”


Misspeaking is when you call a woman Terri when her name is really Mary.

Misspeaking is when you say you’re in Cincinnati when you’re really in Cleveland.

A “misspeak” is when one gives untrue information… UNintentionally and corrects it quickly, not getting it wrong again.


But a LIE, on the other hand is something quite different…

A LIE is when one tells an UNTRUTH, knowing full well that it is an UNTRUTH and is usually done to hide the TRUTH.

Here is an example.

Obama knew, FULL WELL, that this was NOT true.

If you liked your existing health insurance plan, you could NOT keep it BECAUSE…Obama’s HHS Department had already tightened that noose down so as to intentionally wipe out the “grandfather clause” written into the 2700 page Obamacare bill.

According to the new regulation, if your existing plan were to change even by the amount of a dollar, BIG GOVERNMENT would deem THAT to be a SIGNIFICANT alteration of your existing plan and that would DISQUALIFY your insurance company from being able to keep YOU as a client REGARDLESS of whether or not YOU liked your plan and wanted to KEEP your plan.

We also now know that Obama was warned NOT to say it by his policy team. They told him it wasn’t true.

His POLITICAL team however, told Obama…You go right ahead and tell the people that they CAN keep their doctors and their plans because…If you tell them they MIGHT be able to keep them or that MILLIONS of them WON’T be able to keep them…THAT’S A HARD SALE TO MAKE!!!

Obamacare could not survive having up to 14-16 MILLION Americans being able to keep their existing plans so…The Obama administration FIXED that and…OBAMA knew it.

So…That was a lie.

Now then…BIG lies are lies that effect more than just one or 2 people.

The “If you LIKE your plan you can KEEP your plan and if you LIKE your doctor you can KEEP your doctor” lie…As we now know…will effect up to 14 MILLION PEOPLE IN A NEGATIVE WAY!!!

Therefore, it was a lie AND…It was a BIG lie.


In the annals of lying, there ALSO exists THE COLOSSAL LIE…Lie…lie…lie…

Anything deemed colossal always has an echo effect attached to it so…

The COLOSSAL LIE…Lie…lie…lie…occurs when one TELLS the initial lie and then…Prances about the entire country…Like the Tooth Fairy’s evil 3rd cousin twice removed…THE LIE FAIRY…Telling the SAME…BIG…LIE…Over and over again for 3 YEARS!!!!!

Ahhhhh…The COLOSSAL LIE…Lie…lie…lie…

However…According to the litter box liners at the NY Times…

“Mr. Obama clearly misspoke when he said that. By law, insurers cannot continue to sell policies that don’t provide the minimum benefits and consumer protections required as of next year. So they’ve sent cancellation notices to hundreds of thousands of people who hold these substandard policies.”

Let’s dissect that statement, shall we?

“Mr. Obama clearly misspoke when he said that.”

No…He KNEW it was a lie…He knew it was a BIG lie and HE made it into a COLOSSAL LIE…Lie…lie…lie…

“By law, insurers cannot continue to sell policies that don’t provide the minimum benefits and consumer protections required as of next year.”

Because of a new REGULATION added TO Obamacare…Insurers cannot continue to see policies that don’t provide what THE BIG BROTHER BIG GOVERNMENT HAS DEEMED TO BE the “minimum benefits and consumer protections required”…BECAUSE GOVERNMENT KNOWS BETTER WHAT IS GOOD FOR YOU THAN…YOU DO…as of next year.

“So they’ve sent cancellation notices to hundreds of thousands of people who hold these substandard policies.”


The NY Times Editorial cat box liners went on to state:

“This overblown controversy has also obscured the crux of what health care reform is trying to do, which is to guarantee that everyone can buy insurance without being turned away or charged exorbitant rates for pre-existing conditions and that everyone can receive benefits that really protect them against financial or medical disaster, not illusory benefits that prove inadequate when a crisis strikes. “

Oh, good grief…

This COLOSSAL LIE…Lie…lie…lie…Has obscured the crux of what healthcare reform is trying to do which is to guarantee that OBAMA IS FUNDAMENTALLY TRANSFORMING A CONSTITUTIONAL REPUBLIC INTO A SOCIALIST STATE by FORCING Americans to buy insurance AT EXORBITANT RATES that covers EVEN THOSE WHO ARE WELL PAST THEIR CHILD-BEARING YEARS…INCLUDING MEN…WHO ARE BIOLOGICALLY INCAPABLE OF BEARING CHILDREN to be covered for MATERNITY CARE…THOSE WHO HAVE NEVER TAKEN AN ILLEGAL SUBSTANCE IN THEIR LIVES to be covered for SUBSTANCE ABUSE CARE and those who have never exhibited a single sign of MENTAL DISORDERS to be cover for…MENTAL CARE…At rates FAR ABOVE what they have been paying for the insurance plans THEY CHOSE FOR THEMSELVES!!!!!


That demographic is more than 1200 strong and naturally includes many of the liar’s political donors and a couple of entire states that traditionally vote for socialists and, not to go at all unnoticed, there are 5 states that have been “guaranteed” LOWER premiums and THOSE 5 states…NEW YORK…COLORADO…OHIO…NEW JERSEY and…RHODE ISLAND…Are ALL either SOLIDLY BLUE VOTING BLOCKS or are considered to be SWING STATES and therefore…VERY important to the progression of SOCIALISM for decades to come.

The other 45 states will see their insurance premiums shooting upward.

You can read the chart, compiled by the Heritage Foundation here.

Now then…I know what you’re thinking.


No. No…The NY Times is not engaged in lying.

What THEY’RE engaged in is…


Propaganda, according to Merriam (Webster if you do not happen to be on a first name basis) is: “Ideas or statements that are often false or exaggerated and that are spread in order to help a cause, a political leader, a government, etc.”

The NY Times has traded in their journalistic credentials to become a cog in the COLOSSAL PROPAGANDA MACHINE…Chine…chine…chine…which also includes the alphabet members of the media such as ABC…CBS…NBC…CNN and MSNBC although some are now reluctantly trying to regain  a modicum of their past standing by starting, at least, to question the voracity of the COLOSSAL LIES…Lies…lies…lies…Told by Obama.

Others who once reveled in the tingles running UP their collective legs, are now feeling a trickle running DOWN them as they too are being exposed.

And finally, here’s another little nugget of inconvenient truth for you.

Many of the 15 million or so who are receiving cancellation notices have been insured by companies accepted by the top 18 hospitals in the United States as complied by U.S. News and World Report and now, we learn that 11 of those top 18 hospitals have OPTED OUT of OBAMACARE while the remaining 7 are only accepting 1 or 2 of the Obamacare listed insurance carriers.

That means that many of those who held what BIG SOCIALISM has now deemed to be SUBSTANDARD insurance USED to be able to go to THE best hospitals in the nation for their care and now…BECAUSE they have been FORCED into what BIG SOCIALISM has deemed to be BETTER insurance…THEY CAN’T GO TO THOSE HOSPITALS and, if the doctors they LIKED are were told they could KEEP happen to work in one of those top 18 hospitals…THEY CAN’T KEEP THEIR DOCTOR AFTER ALL!!!

Imagine needing a particularly risky surgery or a highly specialized treatment…Maybe it’s you…Maybe it’s your child…And you WERE insured by a company accepted by THE BEST in that field. NOW…You’re being told that your prior, choice of insurance is SUBSTANDARD and your NEW…OBAMACARE plan is NOT accepted by the BEST in the nation.

AND…Only 4 of those top 18 hospitals are located in the 5 states with guaranteed lower premiums under Obamacare meaning that 14 of them are in states where people will see either their premiums, their deductibles or both…GOING UP…UP AND AWAY!!!

Those are people who will be paying MORE to get LESS that they WERE getting with the BIG SOCIALIST DEEMED SUBSTANDARD INSURANCE POLICIES!!!

Up to 16 million people who once held private insurance coverage will be cancelled by their policy carriers BUT, when you add in those who are projected to lose their employer coverage…The number jumps to…129 MILLION AMERICANS…DUPED AND DUMPED BY OBAMACARE!!!!!


And now, YOU know…the COLOSSAL TRUTH…Truth…truth…truth…

6 thoughts on “Obama – Lies, BIG Lies and the COLOSSAL LIE…

  1. he is a liar! obama is plagued by his own lies! I find his recent statements amazing! I also find it very difficult to believe! I know that my ears did not deceive me when I heard him clearly state, quoting him directly “If you like it, you can keep it” as he spoke directly to all the American Public regarding obamacare just 5 days before it went live online. “Once a liar, always a liar.” Which lie should we, the American Public, believe? Do we benefit when Our Countries President, obama, told the same lie, or versions of the same lie, over and over again? Which version of “If you like it, you can keep it” has plagued him most?, the first lie or one of the many through-out the three years that he, all those in his administration, as well as all democrats in public, told? Which one was the most egregious lie? If obama is plagued, it is only by being caught in all his lies & being outed by the media, while we, the public, lose all of our healthcare! His only worry is that he is not held in better regard for the lies that he has told. It is because we, the public were directly affected by his own words, which he finally had to admit publicly were lies. He has ruined his entire 2nd term and the funny thing about this is that he has only himself to blame. He should resign because he has abused the trust that the public had placed in him. He is a total failure!

    The aca law aka obamacare is a lie. It is a total failure and disaster. There is no point to continue to throw our hard earned tax dollars on a law that is a total disaster. It must be totally repealed. Our country must go back to the original system of healthcare that we had throughout our lives, which was the best in the world. Our Congress then must sit down together and draft better healthcare proposals. Ones that lower costs, still provides a safety net, but does not prevent any tax paying law abiding citizen the opportunity to keep whatever plan they like. The excellent healthcare that we have always had is now set to become the same kind of system that European nations have already proved doesn’t work. We should not penalize the tax payers’ intimate relationship with their doctors and providers of healthcare that they enjoyed & been happy with for years.

  2. A liar makes a claim that he/she knows is not true. A PATHOLOGICAL liar seeks a wide audience for his lies and then lies about the evidence of his earlier lies. A pathological liar is one who would go before a world forum (the United Nations) and spout a lie repeatedly… or would go before the entire nation and intentionally lie repeatedly and then, when his hapless victims MUST recognize his lies, he lies, again repeatedly, to claim that he spoke the truth.

    Adolf Hitler’s henchmen lied about the hellish attacks on Jewish citizens, in 1938, as being spontaneous. When the insurers came to the Nazi leaders (Goering, etc.) to complain about the mountain of claims, they were told that they should be glad they would only be required to cover MOST OF THEIR LOSSES! Is it coincidental that when the people protested the loss of their insurers, the tyrant, Obama, also tried to put the burden on the insurers.

    When laws and regulations are created, what gives the president of the nation the power to favor any single citizen by issuing waivers to those who should be treated equally under the law?

    It is long past the time when the enablers of the media and the enablers of our Congress seize the responsibility demanded by the behavior of a presidential tyrant who continues to rule by whim!

  3. Great article. Thank you for sharing your wisdom with us.

    Like other truly talented phonies, Barack Obama concentrates his skills on the effect of his words on other people — most of whom do not have the time to become knowledgeable about the things he is talking about. Whether what he says bears any relationship to the facts is politically irrelevant. A talented con man or a slick politician does not waste his time trying to convince knowledgeable skeptics. His job is to keep the true believers believing. He is not going to convince the others anyway. Obamas numbers have dropped to an all time low. 39% What a shame, eh? 🙂

  4. The origin of the word LEFT:
    c.1200, from Kentish and northern English form of Old English lyft- “weak, foolish” (cf. lyft-adl “lameness, paralysis,” East Frisian luf, Dutch dialectal loof “weak, worthless”).

  5. As George Carlin once joked, “Somebody had to graduate bottom of their medical class. And there is someone that has an appointment to see them tomorrow.”

    I believe they will be very busy in the coming year.

  6. What irks me is that they are treating those that are losing their insurance right now as ‘nothing’ , ‘small potatoes’, or ‘chump change’. Over 10 million people! Not worth crying over. And yet these same lefties bow to gay marriage or the even cow tow to screaming muslims. Both of these groups put together are smaller than those losing their insurance. The gay population is only 1.7 % of the population- less than 4 million across the US. The muslim population is under 7 million. Another group the left- and now the GOP -want to cater to are illegal aliens. Another possible 11 million. That’s a big number- but when 10-15 million are losing their insurance- that’s nothing…

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