Israel in the Crosshairs – Obama Poised to Create ANOTHER Vacuum

Barack Hussein Obama has created more vacuums than Dyson and while the cost of a Dyson vacuum is steep…The cost of an Obama vacuum is STAGGERING and Israel is in the crosshairs.

Obama created a power vacuum in Libya by “leading from behind” and arming the Libyan “rebels” who were, in fact, elements of al Qaeda…Our enemy in a time of war.

The removal of Kaddafi led to a vacuum which was then filled BY al Qaeda and their alias, Ansar al-Sharia.

The cost was 4 American’s lives…Ambassador Stevens, Glen Doherty, Sean Smith and Tyrone Woods. The price also included the strengthening OF al Qaeda and the loss of tens of thousands of pieces of military weaponry.

Obama created a power vacuum in Egypt when he said Mubarak had to go.

THAT vacuum was quickly filled by the Muslim Brotherhood and the cost of THAT vacuum included…Instability in the region, put Israel in jeopardy, threatened the Suez Canal, cost hundreds of Coptic Christians THEIR lives and killed thousands in the streets.

In leaving Iraq without sealing a deal to have troops remaining there, Obama created a power vacuum there too. As soon as American troops pulled out of Iraq, insurgents filled the vacuum and today, the streets and towns of Iraq are as dangerous as they were before the war.


Yes, Obama is creating a power vacuum in Afghanistan.

By telling our enemies there exactly when we will be leaving, Obama has handed Afghanistan over to the Taliban and the vacuum left by our withdrawal will be filled by those who have been trying to kill us for years there.

IF one believed Obama never MEANT to create those power vacuums in the first place, one would have to wonder WHY he hasn’t recognized the pattern.

Step 1) Force a Dictator from power.

Step 2) Create a vacuum of power where that Dictator once stood.

Step 3) the enemy, ISLAMISTS, step in and fill the vacuum.

It’s just that simple so, why doesn’t Obama RECOGNIZE the PATTERN???

He DOES recognize the pattern.

That’s why he keeps REPEATING…HIS part of the pattern.

He WANTS Islamists to fill those vacuums.

It IS the only logical explanation, isn’t it.

Well, guess what…Obama is about to do it again and, just like the OTHERS, This time, it’s ANOTHER questionable Dictator who must go.

Gaddafi was QUESTIONABLE…Not a good guy but, somewhat controllable and HE HAD TO GO.

Mubarak…Not the nicest guy on the planet but, he DID keep the peace in the region and with Israel but…MUBARAK HAD TO GO!!!

Iran’s “leadership” was already ISLAMIST so…They could stay.

Iraq…DEMOCRACY was about to set in with elections and purple fingers and the people there were getting their first taste of freedom so…PULL OUT…CREATE a VACUUM and viola…ISLAMISTS take over.

Karzi in Afghanistan…He’s corrupt but, he WAS working WITH us UNTIL…Obama made it clear exactly when we were getting out. THAT’S when KARZI started siding with those who are NOT LEAVING…The Taliban and guess who’s gonna be taking over in Afghanistan when we’re outta there?

It’s the same scenario and the same exact pattern EVERY TIME and, it’s about to happen AGAIN.

Now…Obama is about to make it rain…CRUISE MISSILES…In Syria because another questionable Dictator, Assad, has top go.

Once again…the WORSE than the Dictator crowd is being AIDED by Obama…the Syrian “REBELS” who are…Ansar al-Sharia and al Qaeda…AGAIN AND STILL…OUR ENEMIES…and the very same who killed Ambassador Stevens, Glen Doherty, Sean Smith and Tyrone Woods in BENGHAZI!!!

The question being asked now, by those baffled by Obama’s “get tough” stance is…Why NOW???

Why not 2 or 2 ½ years ago when the PEOPLE of Syria wanted regime change?

Why not when his arbitrary “RED LINES” were FIRST being crossed by Assad?

Why not when the grassroots PEOPLE of Syria were making headway?

The answer is SIMPLE and CLEAR when you understand the pattern.

OBAMA had NO intention of assisting the PEOPLE of Syria because THEY wanted REAL democracy for their country. Having ASSAD in power was, to OBAMA…Better than having or fostering TRUE DEMOCRACY.

It wasn’t until the “REBELS” al Qaeda and Ansar al-Sharia USURPED the freedom movement in Syria that Obama wanted to get involved and NOW…With the ISLAMIST “rebels” looking like they WON’T oust ASSAD due to the propping up OF Assad by the RUSSIANS and IRAN…OBAMA feels the need to take sides and guess whose side he’s taking?


The arms deal, shipping weapons from Libya to Syria via the Turks fell apart nearly 1 year ago in Benghazi and one can presume that Libya’s “rebels” Ansar al Sharia didn’t want to give all those missing weapons to Syrian “rebels” so they attacked the Consulate and CIA annex to STOP IT.

Obama’s clandestine effort to take the weapons he had given to our enemies in Libya and transfer them to our enemies in Syria had failed and Obama MUST do SOMETHING to assist our enemies in Syria in order to create the needed power vacuum.

The civil war in Syria is between a brutal regime and equally if not more brutal terrorist rebels.

The atrocities being committed by the “rebels” are no different than the atrocities now being committed by the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt and, Obama is backing BOTH groups of Islamists.

Who used the chemical weapons in Syria?

Nobody really knows.

Obama says it was Assad as Assad would use them to put down the “rebel” uprising and maintain control of his country.

Putin says it was he “rebels” as the “rebels” would do it to push Obama into action against Assad.

It’s really anybody’s guess but, Obama IS sending warships and cruise missiles to Syria, having our military commanders meet with those of Britain, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Turkey, France, Italy and in Jordan yesterday, he’s met with his national security team and Defense Secretary, the anti semite Chuck Hagel to form contingency plans and, earlier this year, Obama sent F-16’s to Jordan for MILITARY EXERCISES and KEPT them there where THEY are now on alert.

Naturally, Obama claims there will be “NO BOOTS ON THE GROUND” but, he also claimed that in Libya and we now know that to be a lie and, NATO has had boots on the ground in Syria for MONTHS now.

Remember who his primary partner in “LEADING FROM BEHIND” IN Libya was?


All of this in an effort to “END THE BLOODSHED” in Syria???

No…All of this to create another power vacuum to be filled by ISLAMISTS in Syria.

The prize in this high stakes game of Islamist chess is ISRAEL and Obama is using his PAWNS…Egypt, Libya, Saudi Arabia, Iran and yes…SYRIA…To take it.

The Obama Doctrine is ONLY a FAILED policy of one believes the outcomes are unintended.

To Obama…the Doctrine is a screaming success.

One thought on “Israel in the Crosshairs – Obama Poised to Create ANOTHER Vacuum

  1. It’s called setting the stage for the next world war. The Military industrial Complex is alive and well; create instability in the region, sit back and watch the fireworks. You know once the Muslim Brotherhood completes their agenda of controlling the Middle East they are going right after Israel. WHEN that happens it will open the flood gates of war.

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