Socialism – The Mental Disorder Explained

Socialism is a disease. It’s a mental affliction and it causes those infected with it to lose their minds.

It’s also contagious.

As the disease afflicts liberals, its progressive nature turns them into socialists.

It starts in childhood unless inoculated against and is fostered through the government school system where it becomes an epidemic.

Many, already infected in THEIR youth become carriers, spreading the disorder to others.

Symptoms are visible and include the eating of bean sprouts, the wearing of Birkenstocks even during winter, extremely short hair cuts on women and long hair on men, a constant and improvable belief in global warming,

Perhaps the MOST notable signature symptom of SMD (Socialist Mental Disorder) is the uncontrollable proclivity to blame others for your own ideology’s behavior.

A case study can be made with Ed Schultz.

Just a couple of nights ago, Schultz, host of a barely seen MSNBC propaganda show, made a rather odd statement.

He blames Detroit’s financial demise on…


Ed couldn’t help himself.

He has SMD.

Said Schultzy: “Detroit, Michigan, used to be really a symbol of industrial strength and manufacturing in this country. But, thanks to a lot of Republican policies, the city is now filing for bankruptcy,” and to help make is brain-addled point, he brings in BRENIE SANDERS, himself in the final, staggering stages of SMD?????

It’s sort of akin to when someone with severe Turrets Syndrome blurts out, “F-ING HAIRY MONKEY NUTS!!!” during the moment of silence a Christmas Eve candle-light service.

“Detroit, Michigan, used to be really a symbol of industrial strength and manufacturing in this country. But, thanks to a lot of Republican policies, the city is now filing for bankruptcy.”

Schultz then lit into Kevyn Orr, Debt-roits recently appointed emergency City Manager claiming that Orr’s move to declare bankruptcy is causing even MORE people to flee Debt-roit.

So…Let’s see…

The last time Detroit had a REPUBLICAN Mayor was…


The last time REPUBLICANS held the majority on the Detroit City Council was…


But…According to the “special needs” Ed Schultz (no offense to special needs children because Ed’s “special needs” are far, FAR more special than THEIRS) It’s REPUBLICANS who have instituted policies that have run Detroit into the crack cocaine soaked dirt.

To make Ed’s “problem” even more apparent…Back in 1957, when the Motor City had a REPUBLICAN Mayor…Their population was nearly 2 million. SINCE then…Folks with common sense have been leaving Detroit faster than Antony Weiner can post a new selfie of his elfy.

Detroit’s population, under DEMOCRAT/LIBERAL/SOCIALIST control has shrunk down to 1/3 of its former size.

At least Weiner (AKA Carlos Danger) can blame it on cold water which is, again, the result of SMD.

REALITY, which eludes those suffering the effects of Socialist Mental Disorder, shows that UNION pensions are a primary source of Detroit’s fiscal problems as THEY account for ¼ of current city spending and will, in just 3 short years, account for HALF of Detroit’s annual spending.

Those retired union socialists also are sucking the city dry for $200 million dollars in healthcare benefits.

Altogether…Between the retired socialist solidarity workers healthcare and their pensions…Those who still live IN Debt-roit are on the hook for $561 dollars apiece in taxes every year. The garden variety Detroiter makes about $1200.00 per month BEFORE taxes and the growing number of those living in POVERTY in the Motor City is nearly 230,000 out of the 600,000 population and the official unemployment rate in Debt-roit is 30%.


Those are the hard and true numbers but, the onslaught of socialism has brought much, MUCH more woe to what used to be the manufacturing capitol of the Midwest.

Drugs. Gangs. An epidemic of welfare recipients. Arson. Violence….And the omnipresent ENTITLEMENT MENTALITY that follows socialism around like a predator.

And…Don’t forget the graft, theft, fraud and bribery achieved at the hands OF government in Debt-roit during the years of socialist control with civilian sufferers of Socialist Mental Disorder continuing to vote them INTO office.

For YEARS, Republicans, Conservatives and Tea Partiers have warned the Democrats, Liberals and Socialists of Detroit that bankruptcy was coming because of the UNION’S refusal to negotiate lower pensions and worker pay-ins to their own retirement and healthcare.

Those with SMD claimed WE were the ones that were wrong.

Guess what?

Detroit’s SOCIALISM has now run out of other people’s money.

Those clenched fisted union workers COULD have paid in 20-25% of their pensions and refused to do so. NOW, because of bankruptcy, they will be lucky to see 10 cents on the dollar and it will, more than likely, work out to about 7 cents on the dollar their socialist unions demanded and got for them and that’s STILL more than they’re going to get if Kevyn Orr hadn’t stepped in and filed the $18 BILLION dollar debt ridden Detroit for BANKRUPTCY.

But there’s ol’ Eddy Schultz…As ravaged by Socialist Mental Disorder as are those who, for decades, voted the union/socialist line in Detroit, trying to make the case that REPUBLICANS are to blame.

Obama blames George W. Bush, a You Tube video maker and a couple of rogue IRS agents from Cincinnati.

Socialist Mental Disorder.

Antony Weiner blamed a Twitter hacker.

Socialist Mental Disorder.

Obama, Sharpton, Farrakhan, Jackson, Maxine Waters, Holder, the New BlacKKK Panther Party and the Congressional Black Caucus cry racism every time the wind blows in Chicago.

Socialist Mental Disorder.

Hillary “What difference does it make” Clinton, Nancy “You have to pass the bill to find out what’s in the bill” Pelosi, Sandra “I’m not a slut now, give me $3000.00 in free birth control” Fluke, Hank “Won’t the island capsize” Johnson, Charlie “Shhhh…I’m hunting WABBITS” Rangel…

All suffer from Socialist Mental Disorder just as do those who believe abortion is a mother’s “health choice” and guns are responsible for gun deaths.

A growing cesspool of celebrities are now advocating a boycott of Florida over the George Zimmerman acquittal.

Jay Z…Is vowing to join that boycott just as soon as he finishes making MILLIONS of dollars IN Florida.

While nobody is really sure what causes the initial infection resulting in Socialist Mental Disorder, it could very well be hereditary because, considering where socialists heads are permanently embedded, there are simply too few available orifices into which a germ could climb.

Considering where Jay Z is fond of keeping his only other available orifice, resulting in spawn named “Blue Ivy,” it MUST me hereditary as no bacteria with the volume of self-respect held by a common ameba would go anywhere near it.

Jay Z and his receptacle, by the way, spent their anniversary in CUBA.

Socialist Mental Disorder.

Socialists will revolt at being told they suffer from a mental disorder and will likely start in with their Turrets like retorts but then, socialists are always revolting.

Author of some note, J.D. Salinger, put it this way:

“All morons hate it when you call them a moron.”

Ed Shultz is a moron.

As he blames Republicans for the downfall of Detroit, because of Socialist Mental Disorder, he will never be able to accept the FACT that OTHER morons, suffering the same mental disorder as he, have run Detroit FOR decades and INTO the ground.

As another author, Lionel Shriver stated:

“Everything people do that doesn’t work has to be somebody else’s fault. Next time you know, geezers’ll be suing the government for getting old and kids’ll be taking their mommies to court because they come out ugly.”

I believe the statute of limitations has run out on Ed Schultz’s mommy even though the doctor presiding over his birth, for the rest of his career, swore it was a breech birth when, in actuality, it wasn’t.

Social Mental Disorder is always fatal.

If you don’t believe it…Just look at the EKG…Otherwise known as MSNBC’s ratings.

Ed Schultz…Dead Man Talking…SMD claims another victim.

One thought on “Socialism – The Mental Disorder Explained

  1. This guy isn’t the only one blaming Republicans. It is the MEME, and why not? It works! When you have the media running with it, and brain dead Americans not paying attention, it is easy to say a complete lie and have it believed! Also, watch for the campaign for Hillary to center around the imaginary “war on women”. I saw Jemooooo whatshername on Hannity the other day. Jemoooo is tight with Hillary. The topic was the recent scandals involving Weiner and Spitzer. Well, Jemooooo said, with all seriousness, that this is why we need to elect more women in politics, so there won’t be any of these awful sexual scandals. Men are such PIGS, you know, and women are 109% virtuous at all times! She is already ramping up the new meme to get Shrillary elected. They are so transparent to anyone paying attention, but therein lies the problem. Short attention span theatre!

    Weiner is a dbag, but I am more fascinated by his wifey poo, who came into the press conference with a HUGE dazzling smile on her face. She knows how stupid people are, and how gullible they are. She wants POWER that she can have if she but “stands by her man”. She took lessons from her mentor, Hillary. Democrat men are dirtbags, but Democrat women are greedy, power hungry socialists who pretty much are like those suckers fish on the sides of sharks. I am AMAZED that they consider themselves feminists. A TRUE feminist doesn’t just stand there and “take it”. But then, Bill and Hillary set the precedence. They showed us that your personal character is of no importance. It is no one else’s business. I see and understand very well, the twisted mind of the Socialist, BUT that does not stop me from complete and utter shock when it is on full display. The arrogance…the narcissism…bubbling up and overflowing. And yet, they still get away with it! America is truly on her death bed, surrounded in the seven deadly sins.

    Thank you for another great piece, Craig!

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