The Most Transparently CORRUPT Administration EVER

It seems that desperation is setting in at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue in a big, BIG way.

The Dictator is doing his level best to distract from one abuse of power by trying to highlight another and another.

Just a couple of days after 3 whistle-blowers shed some light on the truth of Benghazi, Lois Lerner, in a nothing-burger conference answered a planted question regarding possible abuses by the IRS and the targeting “scandal” came to light.

The most transparent administration in history is transparently corrupt.

The only plausible explanation for having the question planted and answered with an apology by Lois Lerner is that Obama must have thought he would be able to distance HIMSELF more from the IRS abuse of power than he could from Benghazi and there are a few direct reasons FOR that tact.

We KNOW that SOMEBODY had to issue the Benghazi “STAND_DOWN” orders and the chain of command there is very short.

Had someone OTHER than Obama issued those orders, somebody’s head would have already rolled through the rose garden long, long ago.

Then there’s the fact that Obama himself, DISAPPEARED from the entire situation room situation on the night OF the attacks. He was there and then, he was gone and, under sworn testimony, we know that he never checked in again.


We knew EXACTLY where he was every second during the bin Laden raid but, with Americans under attack, an Ambassador missing, a rescue mission against orders and a second attack on the CIA annex…Obama was invisible.

HOURS passed and, no Obama.

He HAD to be somewhere and SOMEBODY has to know where and what he was doing.

We also know that during the attacks, Obama’s ONLY outgoing call was to Hillary Clinton.

The next morning, Obama and Hillary have the same, lame and now disproven story that a You Tube Video was to blame.

They were piecing together a cover story while Glen Doherty and Tyrone Woods were fighting for their lives and painting enemy positions with lasers for an air strike that simply put, had been denied.

Then there’s that lame video cover story and the talking points debacle.


Too much…WAY too much to cover for and then came the whistle-blowers.

Things were getting too close for comfort so…trot out an IRS apology and divert attention from the “scandal” that claimed 4 American lives with one in which nobody died.


All of a sudden the diversionary “scandal” became deeper and more wide-spread that IT was supposed to be.

Lerner was one thing but, Sarah Hall Ingram was quite another. Now, she’s in charge of the IRS/OBAMACARE enforcement bureau and things are stinking out loud.

The woman overseeing the IRS targeting of Conservatives was promoted to run Obamacare’s enforcement and Obamacare itself, already mired in deep funding issues and with unions starting to turn on it, is on shakier and shakier ground.

Steven Miller and Doug Shulman get called in and the revelations start piling up.

Miller is “asked” to resign to show that Obama is taking this “seriously” but then it comes out that Miller was just 2 weeks away from stepping down ANYWAY.

So much for taking a tough stance.

Shulman, we know now, had visited the white house 157 times and the only reason he can come up with under oath for all those visits was an EASTER EGG HUNT?

A week later and we learn that the IRS abuses we were told ENDED in 2012 are STILL taking place and the people close to Obama that we were told by lying Jay Carney had no knowledge of the abuses until Obama did and like Obama, learned of them in a newspaper report actually had MONTHS upon MONTHS of prior knowledge.

All at once, the IRS “scandal,” meant as a distraction from Benghazi had legs of its own and was quickly getting out of control.

Lerner took the 5th after claiming SHE did nothing wrong. What’s she afraid of???

NOW we learn that an IRS agent, interviewed by the House committee, has told them that the order to target the Tea Party came directly from Washington DC rather than being the obtuse plan of 1 or 2 rogue Cincinnati IRS office agents.


What to do? What to do?

Bring on a “scandal” that would surely distract from the others without doing any further harm to the oval dweller.

Let it slip that Holder had spied on the Associated Press.

After all, the press, sans Fox News, was in Obama’s hip[ pocket and had been protecting him for the last 4 ½ years. The PRESS will surely let THIS play just enough to get Conservatives, Fox News and the House off his corrupt ass regarding Benghazi and the IRS.

Well, guess what.

The press, even the lap dog press…Was NOT amused.

It turns out that if there’s anything Obama’s leg-humping MSM likes less than exposing Obama’s corruption it’s being spied on BY Obama.

All is not lost though because Obama, on the press spying case, can always throw Holder under the campaign bus as a way of claiming he has no tolerance for the crushing of the 1st Amendment.

Excuse me while I throw up just a little.

Holder, for his part, will be a good little Obamabot soldier and fall on his sword to protect his boss and claim to be the highest link in the chain of corruption for that particular abuse of power.

Just wait and see.

Holder will tender his resignation with the excuse that he wasn’t clear in the spying when he signed off on the warrant against James Rosen and to eliminate the possibly of distrust, he’ll step down. Obama will accept, reluctantly and claim to be the zero tolerance president but, too bad…It’s NOT going to end there.

There HAD to be OTHERS within the DOJ who knew EXACTLY what was going on and the investigation into it will continue.

Obama will appoint another guardian of HIS door BUT…That appointee WILL have to be confirmed and THAT is NOT going to be easy. Expect the appointee to be FILIBUSTERED.

Why ELSE do you think the socialist controlled senate is in such a renewed toot to change the filibuster rules?

For the Dictator, none of this is good. Benghazi is HUGE…Americans died while HE disappeared and the cover-up ain’t working.

The problem for someone who operates as does this Dictator is that the distractions from the REALLY BIG mess have to be BIG themselves and up until now, this absurd and corrupt administration has never had to control or manage the distractions.

Now, they DO and they don’t know HOW.

Perhaps the Dictator should come out and claim something REALLY big…Harken back to his only claimed success…ANNOUNCE THAT HE’S WON THE WAR ON TERROR!!!

Yeah…THAT should do it.

Well…Then again…Maybe he should save the jokes for the next White House Correspondents Dinner…If he makes it that far.

3 thoughts on “The Most Transparently CORRUPT Administration EVER

  1. I forgot one other random thought from the weekend. When 9/11 and Katrina happened, the mainstream media wanted an accounting of every single moment and movement of GW Bush. But Benghazi happens, Obama DISAPPEARS the night of Benghazi, and NO ONE from same biased media has any questions or natural curiousity about his time for an entire night! Things just get curiouser and curiouser!

  2. You see the problem with narcissistic people is that they lie to much that sooner or later they forget what they said in their lies. Then things start to get jumbled together and they bury themselves further in the ground. That is what is happening with our fearful leader. He couldn’t tell the truth from a lie if his life depended on it. His whole life is a lie. He is nothing but a made up mannequin. So this is the year when all his bullshit is going to hit the fan. Oh he will try with another disaster. Watch out Boy Scouts. You and your families are next to be the distraction. Why move a jamboree from the safety of an active military base to the mountains of West Virginia. You find a reason for that, and you will find the next distraction from all Obama’s lies and scandals. Benghazi will be his down fall. You don’t lose four Americans, and in the middle of a fight for their lives, disappear. He didn’t disappear when credit for Bin Laden supposedly being killed was to be taken. And my theory is, that Bin Laden is still alive somewhere living the good life. Even as a Seal you don’t kill an unarmed man. And it is proof that his weapons were on a shelf above the door, and he was not armed. And bring that along with sailors on that ship where he supposedly had his at sea burial, saying they didn’t see a burial, and again there goes that word again, conspiracy. Pretty hard to hide a burial aboard a ship.
    Yes all the shit is starting to become transparent.

  3. He could always throw out the birth certificate next! Kinda kidding, but considering the pattern here….

    I have several random thoughts about the scandals that have occurred to me. On the IRS scandal, when Shulman was asked why he was at the Whitehouse so many times, why didnt he just say they were discussing the implementation of Obamacare? I mean that would have seemed plausible, considering the mess it is turning out to be. But he DID NOT say that. Instead he snarkily threw out “Easter egg hunt”. If it were true he was there to discuss implementation, he would have said that, bc it would have been believable. But that is NOT what they were discussing and he wasn’t clever enough to think of that, apparently. Also, on the IRS, over the weekend I heard a panel discussing this, and a guest on Chris Wallace’s show pointed out that if the IRS couldn’t even handle an influx (which,as it turned out, wasn’t an influx after all) of some 60,000 applications, as was their excuse for delays, then how can the IRS possibly be trusted to employ the myriad complexities and huge numbers of people to be covered by
    Obamacare? Great point.

    On Benghazi, I had a thought that I haven’t heard anyone talk about. People keep assuming that Ovomit will throw Hillary under the bus, if it comes down to it, BUT I haven’t heard anyone suggest that HILLARY MIGHT THROW OBAMA UNDER THE BUS! We are talking about the power hungry CLINTON’S here, and Obama is an Amatuer compared to them when it comes to the wheels on the bus going round and round.
    There are carcasses strewn all over the landscape by them!

    Last random thought…remember when Ovomit first became POTUS, and people advised him to get rid of his Blackberry for security reasons, and he ADAMANTLY refused and clung to it like a baby protecting it’s ba-ba? If one REALLY wanted to see how corrupt this admin is, all they have to do is subpoena Obama’s Blackberry! I am betting there were a TON of messages on there relating to Benghazi and every scandal going clear back to the one on Blago! It is a way to communicate with his Gestapo without it being on the Whitehouse lines.

    Do NOT trust the press. I think they are STILL 100% behind trying to cover for O. Every move they make is to provide cover for the Fuehrer, because if he goes down, they go down with him, and they damn well know it.

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