There may well be more to Eric Holder’s “possible” perjury and the DOJ’s spying on journalists than appears at first blush.
While congressional committees continue to probe the James Rosen situation and Holder’s obvious lying TO the committee…
I am taking another look at the DOJ and their spying on the Associated Press.
Now, we ALL know what the DOJ gave as the reason for the clandestine grab of AP phone records that could well have placed HUNDREDS of press reporters AND many Members of congress in the snoop-happy cross-hairs.
It was the DOJ’s attempt to find out who was leaking classified info TO the press.
Hold on…Not so fast…
I have a question.
If Holder and his goons were trying to find the source of leaks…Why wasn’t he spying on the only possible SOURCES of those leaks?
Obama’s inner circle.
ONLY those with fresh knowledge OF that information could have possibly LEAKED that information.
Reporters were simply doing what reporters and SUPPOSED to do.
It seems to me that the list of names of leakers HAD to be pretty damn short. MAYBE 10-12 people.
So…Why then did Holder and the DOJ goons want access to HUNDREDS and HUNDREDS of REPORTER’S phone and email records?
Reporters…REPORT what they sniff out or are given and THEY didn’t LEAK anything.
They had to be looking for something else.
Well, a couple of days ago, I started connecting dots and before I continue, let’s all remember that while socialists will, no doubt, label all of this as just a crazy conspiracy theory, I contend it is a circumstantial case.
Murderers have been sent up the river on circumstantial evidence so…
Okay…Let’s begin.
Google, as we know, is an Obama hugger so it comes as no great surprise that there are things they’ve scrubbed from their search engines and locked away from prying eyes.
Such is the case of a story first reported back in 2004.
In that story, Obama was in a debate with Alan Keyes and Keyes made the point that Obama had been born in…
Socialists will crawl the wall at the mere mention of this but, that’s NOT where the story ended.
In response to Keyes’ allegation, Obama responded, according to reports:
“So what? I am running for Illinois Senator, not the presidency.”
An admission by omittance of a denial?
That’s dot 1 and I’ll be getting BACK to that dot a little later.
Okay…Dot 2.
I was born in Los Angeles but grew up in Lincoln Nebraska. My wife was born in Chicago and grew up in Lincoln.
Since we BOTH arrived in Lincoln before we were a year old, I might understand if either one of us slipped up and told someone we were originally from Nebraska.
NEITHER of us, however, would miss the mark by 8000 miles.
Did Michelle Obama miss the mark by more than…10 THOUSAND miles in this 2010 speech or…was she RIGHT ON THE MONEY?????
Now we have BOTH of them in agreement.
Let’s move to dot 3.
Back in 1991, a literary agent penned the bio of a young Barack Obama who was writing his first book, “Journey’s in Black and White” and the bio was sent out to publishing industry colleagues.
That little bio, and its tale-telling opening line was unearthed a couple of years ago by Andrew Breitbart.
“Barack Obama, the first African-American president of the Harvard Law Review, was born in Kenya and raised in Indonesia and Hawaii.”
Allow me to explain something here. Those bio blurbs are often written by an editor BUT…In nearly ALL cases, they have to be APPROVED by the person the bio represents.
Obama may not have WRITTEN his own bio but it is VERY likely he APPROVED it.
By the way, despite being included in a promo piece for upcoming literary works…Obama never wrote the book the bio was created for.
Hang on…I WILL get back to dot 1 before I’m through here but we have a little more to cover first.
Dot 4.
In August of 2003…Obama was about to spring “Dreams From My Father” on the public and the same literary agents who had published the 1991 bio published ANOTHER bio, pried from the archives by WND stating:
“Barack Obama was the first black president of the Harvard Law Review. He was born in Kenya to an American anthropologist and a Kenyan finance minister, and was raised in Indonesia, Hawaii and Chicago.”
Dot 5.
In 2007…AS OBAMA WAS LAUNCHING HIS PRESIDENTIAL BID…That same publishing company, Dystel and Goderich, sensing a BOON for “Dreams From My Father” pushed their star author THUSLY:
“Barack Obama is the junior Democratic senator from Illinois and was the dynamic keynote speaker at the 2004 Democratic National Convention. He was also the first African-American president of the Harvard Law Review. He was born in Kenya to an American anthropologist and a Kenyan finance minister and was raised in Indonesia, Hawaii, and Chicago.”
This TOO was dug out by WND.
Dot 6.
In 2008, Kenyan Ambassador, Peter Ogego, when asked by a Detroit radio station if Obama’s Kenyan birthplace whould have a monument, stated:
“His birthplace is already an attraction…it’s already well known.”
Dot 7.
Just a few weeks AFTER the 2007 pushing of the author Barack Hussein Obama by Dystel and Goderich…
Now then…as the investigation of Obama’s birth certificate and background were being carried out by Mike Zullo, lead investigator for Sheriff Joe Arpaio’s Cold Case Posse, Zullo discovered that…
“During our investigation, we actually were told [that media] had been threatened with FTC investigations. Commentators [had been] threatened with their jobs.”
According to Jerome Corsi, “Testimony is being developed that the White House is intimidating, in a systematic way, the mainstream media and if any broadcasters dare go into this birther story, they’re going to risk FCC investigations… people are going to have careers ruined… thrown off the air.”
Mike Zullo went on to state that some of those threats actually caused some individuals to “…quit their positions over safety concerns for their families.”
So…When did this bombshell from Zullo come to light?
Mid March of 2012…Just a little over a year ago.
Dot 8.
The DOJ and Eric Holder’s spying on the Associated Press took place over a 2 month time span…IN MAY…OF 2012.
Okay…NOW we connect back to that very 1st dot.
That report, regarding Obama being challenged by Alan Keyes over being BORN IN KENYA and NOT being a NATURAL BORN U.S. Citizen which brought about the stern retort from Obama:
“So what? I am running for Illinois Senator, not the presidency.”
That’s right…
In 2004…THE AP…the SAME AP on which Holder and his goons were SPYING…Printed an article that labeled Obama as KENYAN born.
As I said before, THAT article has been scrubbed and searches for it come up empty BUT…Another article, BY THE AP…can be found with the headline, “Kenyan-born Obama all set for US Senate” and the opening line of, “Kenyan-born US Senate hopeful, Barrack Obama, appeared set to take over the Illinois Senate seat after his main rival, Jack Ryan, dropped out of the race on Friday night amid a furor over lurid sex club allegations.”
Hundreds of AP reporters would have made THOUSANDS of phone calls and sent or received THOUSANDS of emails over a 2 month timeline and since absolutely NO evidence exists that the sources of white house leaks have been made public FROM the DOJ’s spying on the AP…
Could info on Obama’s origins be what those goons were looking for or is it just a COINCIDENCE that, at the same time Zullo discovered THREATS being made by government entities against REPORTERS regarding Obama’s birth certificate…The DOJ was SPYING on the VERY journalistic organization which dared to print, in 2004, that Obama was BORN IN KENYA???
There are no coincidences in politics.
Is there any FORENSIC evidence of this being the case?
Not YET and if anyone could FIND it, my hunch is Mike Zullo would be the man…But…There IS circumstantial evidence if you just start connecting the dots.
I remember way back when I was at Berg’s place studying about all of this. Then another place started up, Constitutional Republic, something. I can’t remember the name. Anyway, there was a lady on there that had heard that debate with Alan Keyes and BO. She heard Obama say that. She had said that it was right before a break.
So a bunch of us went searching for that tape to help her find it. I remember that we did find the debate, but that part had already been edited. Too bad that we couldn’t find it.
Dot #_: Andrew Breitbart’s unexpected death = March, 2012. What did he know and what was he about to expose? I have never believed his death was accidental.
Bluecow…smstrauss has been around attempting to debunk any and all who refute 0’s origins since 2008. Ignore it. Not a a scintilla of verbiage it spews is worthy of anything more than a … flick, a ppfffttt or dismissal … it’s a sock puppet…paid for with your tax dollars.
Great post, btw…connecting the dots is very useful and for the life of me I haven’t a clue why C-Span yanked that video from the internet in ’08 – the Keyes/0 debate for the US Senate. I saw it many times before it vanished as did thousands upon thousands of others who were following this shit back during the ’08 primary. Wish we could FOIA C-Span but they are a private entity funded by private dollars…oh well….
Looks like SMRStrauss is paid to do this. Why in the world would this person be looking for this information then have a ready-made reply available? There is no explanation for a normal Joe to waste his time on a few nutty birthers. It just doesn’t add up. I’ve seen others just like this on some other sites too. Who would waste their time trying to refute a few crazy birthers? It is so obvious that he is paid to do this. You ever heard of Saul Alinsky? You know, the first “community organizer” from Chicago, and a total marxist. Read the rules and you will understand what SMRStrauss is all about.
In addition, as someone else has mentioned there are many cases where his “evidence” is clearly contradicted by Obama himself, his family and others in government positions. The old addage that “where there’s smoke there’s fire” comes to mind. It is only because the MSM has ignored and apparently been threatened not to expose this fraud that he ever could have been elected. Unfortunately there are lots of sheeple and enough true marxists in this country to get him in. Oh and there is all the voter fraud too. Oh and the voter suppression by IRS, Justice and other government agencies.
Now there is a professor from Columbia U. saying he never saw or heard of this liar in all his years as professor of History at the school. You have to be absolutely out of your mind or a low IQ moron to believe THE LIAR’s story IF you are aware of even just a few of the “coincidences” in his life story. The problem is that the Alinsky rules are very effective in shutting down the truth tellers. If it were me though and I had been threatened as a journalist — I would not back down one bit. There are too many cowards in this country today. So many people have died for our liberty and not one or two or a few people are willing to give up anything to see this marxist POS go down?
I think a fund should be started to raise money to go to the person who can expose this POS. I think for 1-3 million $ someone would give up the goods on him. Since there seems to be a shortage of just plain honor any more I think it would take a large sum of money to out him. There has got to be someone out there who has access to something tangible to put him away for life.
EXPLANATIONS you have NOT been told – PRESS COVERUP of the Greatest FRAUD in World History !!!
1.) Hawaii ALLOWS OUT OF STATE / COUNTRY birth-registrations – via DOH 338-17.8 (note Act 96 in 1961)
( Therefore: NOT PROOF OF “HAWAII” BIRTH – & w/ no proof required of “parents” or even “date-of-birth” )
( easily verified ) LINK:
2.) NEWSPAPER ANNOUNCEMENTS easily explained as “Public Notice” of birth “recording” via Act 96 / 338-17.8
3.) Act 96 / 338-17.8 also explains 2008 (short-form) CertificaTION of Live Birth – NOT A CERTIFICATE.
( NO Hospital / Doctor listed – does NOT “prove” Hawaii birth – Not Acceptable For Passport or “Hawaii Homelands” )
MOST IMPORTANT: BEFORE IT WAS CHANGED BY OBAMA, the official U.S. Passport Application required: “certificaTIONS” from “FOREIGN” BORN applicants. (CertifiCATES from “American-native” born applicants.)
*** It also used to specify that “short-forms” may NOT be acceptable, (unless it included HOSPITAL & DOCTOR).
4.) Obama nor his attorney stated the new Long-Form Birth-Certificate was “LEGAL”. Instead repeated 8X:
“Presidents (only) LEGAL birth-document was-&-is the (not-proof) 2008 COLB, (certificaTION)”
( read transcript ) LINK:
5.) Computer/Graphics experts & law enforcement investigators proved the LFBC is a computer-altered “forgery”.
6. ) NOTE that: All statements from Hawaiian officials have been CONTRADICTORY, or mis-quotes from other officials.
( Including conflicting statements from governors – NEW governor Abercombe admits only a “written entry notation”. )
7.) The LFBC “verification” from Hawaii is INVALID because it is not legally “signed”, or dated.
( Only RUBBER-STAMP signature with initials “JK” beside it – NOTE: “JK” in internet shorthand is “JUST JOKING”. )
NOTE: It does NOT state Obama’s Date-of-Birth, nor, certify PDF is “TRUE and ACCURATE” copy of original.
8.) Therefore VERIFIED by Obama’s ATTORNEY (and Hawaii’s non-verification): The presidents only “legal” birth-document is the 2008 COLB, short-form certificaTION. ( But: Does NOT “prove” Hawaii birth !!! )
9.) Obama has claimed TWO DIFFERENT Hawaii hospitals & birth-doctors – but NONE admits he was born there.
10. ) Barack Hussein Obama is NOT a (CONSTITUTIONALLY eligible) “NATURAL BORN” citizen, even IF born in Hawaii: His father was not an American-citizen, and his mother NOT OLD ENOUGH to convey citizenship.
( Minor vs Happersett & Venus 12— and subsequent Supreme Court decisions indicate TWO American-citizen parent(S) – restated as recently as 2008 when Sen. Resolution 511 resolved John McCain’s eligibility w/ TWO “CITIZEN” parents. )
11.) His Dystel & Goderich BIO FOR 16+ YEARS read: “Born in Kenya — Raised In Indonesia & Hawaii”.
12.) Obama ADMITTED he was “Kenyan Born” and thus not “Natural Born” during Illinois Senator “debate”.
But stated it “did not matter” because he was NOT (yet) running for “president”. ( He now says he is “native” born . )
13.) The EVIDENCE is that NANCY PELOSI KNEW – she deliberately DELETED “ELIGIBILITY” CLAUSE from 2008 nomination-affidavits to all 50 states. ( BUT: Hawaii forced her to re-instate it — for ‘Hawaii” only. WHY ??? )
14.) DUAL citizen at birth (American/BRITISH), and possibly now Indonesian citizen. ( w/ INDONESIAN PASSPORT ??? )
15.) FACT: NO (credible) EVIDENCE Obama currently U.S. ”CITIZEN”. ( thus ILLEGAL ALIEN ??? )
16.) There are NO PASSPORT records available. ( school applications “sealed” – enrolled as “FOREIGN” student ??? )
17.) He is using a STOLEN “Connecticut” SS# since 1986. ( from Harold Bounell / born 1890 & died 1976 )
18.) FAKE Selective Service application. ( Signed “the-day-after” date-stamped , with (19)80 stamp created from a “reversed – (20)08 stamp”, with signature that looks like his “recent” signatures instead of known 1980 signatures. )
19.) Evidence: enrolled in a (Muslim) Indonesian school AS AN “INDONESIAN” CITIZEN, under name Soetoro.
BUT: Soebarkah was used on a “official” U.S. form, (mothers passport application); thus may be “LEGAL” name.
20.) If birth-certificates are correct, he should use Obama “II”. (He is USING HIS “FATHERS” name by omitting the “II”)
“WHO” is this ILLEGAL ALIEN, using ILLEGAL NAME & SS# ??? “WHY” is he RUINING our/YOUR country ???
More … Obama said he was born in Kenya … dots … here:
CDR Kerchner (Ret)
The definition of a natural born citizen has nothing to do with the location of one’s birth, but rather, the citizenship of one’s parents. Obama claims his father was a British citizen, since Kenya in 1961 was not independent. Therefore, it is IMPOSSIBLE for Obama to be eligible for presidency. All of this other stuff only clouds the issue, which is plain and simple. Obama is NOT a natural born citizen if his father is who he claims he is. End of story.
NYT editorial says Obama has “lost all credibility”, then a few hours later it quietly changes the wording to be less damning.
Sounds like they got a visit or a call from the Obama enforcement team.
You say what we want….or else!
Dear smrstrauss,
RE: The “born in Kenya” story is the height of the loony side of the birther movement. It is based on forgeries like that of Lucas D. Smith, …
Really? For the better part of 20 years, TWENTY YEARS, prior to Lucas Smith “forging” anything Obama’s biography produced by his own publicist stated he was born in Kenya – even after multiple revisions. Additionally, as early as 2004, when Obama’s Keynote speech at the DNC National Convention skyrocketed him to national prominence, Kenyan newspapers and high-level government officials were referring to him as Kenyan born.
RE: Obama has a Hawaii birth certificate that says that he was born in Hawaii, in Kapiolani Hospital, …
Really? Which birth certificate would that be and when did Obama himself claim it as his, and when did who at Kapiolani Hospital claim Obama was born there?
FYI: Even if, EVEN IF, Obama was born in the Oval Office of the White House the mere fact that the person he claims as his father was never a U.S. citizen makes Obama ineligible to serve as president because he’s not a “natural born citizen” as required by the U.S. Constitution.
There’s one swift and simple way to settle the issue: Run a congressional EBI on the bastard!
There are more than just a few articles from news sources around the world which refer to Obama as Kenyan born. In 2009 many of them were still available on the internet and at their original locations. Much scrubbing of the net has taken place but most of the articles were archived and can still be accessed. Here is an excellent source of archived information:
There are also other sites with excellent information.
I printed out the minutes from a Kenyan Parliament Meeting in which this was stated by one of the high ranking Parliament members. I copied the entire 69 page report directly from the Kenyan Parliament website. Here is my favorite excerpt from that document.
“A Kenya National Assembly Official Report, dated March 25, 2010. On p. 31, 2nd paragraph, the Minister for Lands, James Aggrey Orengo, who is a member of the Kenyan Parliament identifies Obama’s birthplace as Kenya — and that he is “not even a native American.”
During debate over the draft of a new Kenyan constitution, James Orengo, the country’s minister of lands and a member of parliament for the Ugenya constituency, cited America’s election of a Kenyan-born president as an example of what can be accomplished when diverse peoples unite:
“If America was living in a situation where they feared ethnicity and did not see itself as a multiparty state or nation,” Orengo posited, “how could a young man born here in Kenya, who is not even a native American, become the president of America?”
Ar least one other Kenya Parliament minutes contains multiple references to Obama being born in Kenya
Also, as a back-up to Sheriff Joe Arpaio’s 100% proof that Obama’s online BC is a lousy forgery, check out this from the Israeli Science and Technology website:
This is part of the intro before the actual exam which concludes the BC is a lousy forgery.
“The analyses presented below reveal without a doubt that the Long-Form Birth Certificate of Mr. Obama is a fabricated, fake and forged document.
The publication of such a blatantly fake document about something so basic as the birthplace of Mr. Obama, should raise great concern about the suitability of the person who is holding the reins on the most powerful country of the World.
Moreover, the lack of action on the part of the members of the United States House of Representatives and Senate, as well as the courts of the United States, despite many previous appeals to these three branches of American government, also raise a concern about how the governmental institutions of the reputedly best, and certainly the most important democracy in the Free World have avoided this issue.
Below, we present two different means by which the PDF document of Long-Form Birth Certificate of Mr. Obama can be examined.
Go here for the rest of the article and even instructions on how to do your own examination of Obama’s forged birth certificate:
Of course Obama is as phoney as a three-dollar bill and everyone knows it……but some will never admit it.
And, to keep up with the latest:
> Reporters…REPORT what they sniff out or are given and THEY didn’t LEAK anything.
If you know one reporter had to have had contact to the person leaking the information, it is much easier to check this one reporter’s records than those of dozens of potential leaks.
AND there are too many Muslims and Iranians in our House. I dare you to count them all. You will be shocked.
There are too many ‘coincidences’ for it NOT to be true. Too many people have been ‘snuffed’ for there NOT to be a story. His own grandmother said he was from Kenya.She mysteriously died when Obama went back to be ‘by her side’. I dont know too many grannies that would actually lie under these circumstances. There are too many trails of bodies for it NOT to be true. George Stephanopoulos even covered for Obama when he slipped in one of Georges political interviews. Hes from Kenya alright. And if we can actually prove it beyond a shadow of a doubt, we will finally be rid of all the bills and new ‘laws’ that he has conjured up to collapse America.
When did America decided to brake our laws so a none native can destroy our lives?
As for evidence that Barak Obama was born in Kenya, we have the words of Obama himself. In 2004 Obama was in a debate with Alan Keyes and Keyes made the point that Obama had been born in……Kenya.
In response to Keyes’ allegation, Obama responded, according to reports:
“So what? I am running for Illinois Senator, not the presidency.”
Why did Obama concede the point that he had been born in Kenya? Why did he argue that being born in Kenya didn’t matter, since he was not running for President?
If Obama had actually been born in Hawaii, as he now claims to have been, why did he not say so in 2004?
Obama never claimed to have been born in Hawaii until 2007 when he decided to run for President.
The ONLY documentary evidence Barak Obama has EVER produced and personally vouched for, the long form birth certificate ostensibly proving that Obama was born in Hawaii, has been proven to be a forgery.
Mr. Strauss’s reference to “the overwhelming proof that Obama was born in Hawaii” is therefore pure fiction and propaganda.
Y’know, regardless of where that big-eared commie bastard was spawned, there’s proof ABSOLUTE that the WH forged his BC, and NO proof of which passport he took to Pakistan.
What I want to know is when these dots are connected, why to they show a sketch of Breitbart’s face?
Wow. 7 minutes and an essay was produced? Good catch DanL60.
smrstrauss, just to clarify, 7 minutes after this post went up you came on with your lengthy reply, full of boilerplate denials, false equivalency, ad hominems, and misdirection. Well done and entirely predictable.
My only question is this: How much does OFA pay you to be a professional troll?
All of this could be put to bed in a matter of minutes… Just produce the real paper long form birth certificate. Should not be that hard, if it exists. A scanned copy that was proven to be a falsification is NOT proof of anything other than forging an official document, which is a crime.
I will make short,there’s not one shred of verifiable evidence,to date, that aka BHO,or whoever he is,is even a US citizen or where he was born,PERIOD.Now,if anyone has said verifiable evidence,please come forward,I will not hold my breath.There’s more evidence of lie’s than truth.
Re: “Here is an image of Barry Soetoro’s Indonesian school registration where it says that he IS Indonesian.”
Answer: Have you ever heard the verb “to lie?” The unsigned school registration form is a lie. Obama was never an Indonesian citizen. It is likely that there was a quota on foreign students at that school and that they already had too many, so what did they do? They entered little Obama as an Indonesian.
An UNSIGNED school application is not a reliable source of information. The Indonesian GOVERNMENT is a reliable source of information.
Oh…It was signed.

Now…Go peddle your revisionist history and talking points elsewhere.
Re: “You see…By his own admission, Obama was a student on Indonesia at a time when Indonesia, BY LAW, required one to be a CITIZEN of Indonesia to be enrolled in an Indonesian school AND…at that time…THERE WAS NO…I REPEAT NO…dual citizenship allowed in Indonesia.”
That’s right. No dual citizenship was allowed in Indonesia, and that is one reason why Obama was never an Indonesian citizen. First off, the law that you are referring to is a birther creation. It never existed. There is no such law. Want to find out? Ask the Indonesian Embassy. More importantly, Obama was never an Indonesian citizen. Want to find out? Ask the Indonesian Embassy.
Phone (202) 775 – 5200—and ask for the press officer.
Why do you believe the fantasies of the birther sites when they have lied so many time in the past and when a simple telephone call can check the facts?
Here is an image of Barry Soetoro’s Indonesian school registration where it says that he IS Indonesian.
The “born in Kenya” story is the height of the loony side of the birther movement. It is based on forgeries like that of Lucas D. Smith, and falsifications–such as the claim that Obama’s Kenyan grandmother said that he was born in Kenya—when she actually said right on the same tape that he was born IN HAWAII, and she said in another interview that the first that her family in Kenya had heard of Obama’s birth was in a letter FROM HAWAII.
Lucas D. Smith, a convicted felon, claimed that he went to Kenya and got Obama’s birth certificate at a hospital in Mombasa. But Lucas D. Smith has constantly refused to show proof that he, Smith, had ever gone to Kenya. All that he would have to do would be to show a Kenya stamp on a page of a passport, but Lucas D. Smith has refused to do that, constantly, and he has also constantly refused to say why he will not show that proof. (Moreover, his “birth certificate” uses US date formats [month/day/year] and not the day/month/year format used in Kenya.)
Laying aside for a moment the overwhelming proof that Obama was born in Hawaii, the evidence that Obama was NOT born in Kenya is also very strong. There were a grand total of 21 people who came to the USA from Kenya in 1961. Of these only seven were US citizens. And the birther myth has always been that Obama’s parents went there and returned by plane, but only one person came to the USA from Kenya in 1961 by plane and that person was, wait for it, NOT a US citizen. And Obama’s father did not go to Kenya in 1961 either (making it unlikely that his mother did, since travel late in pregnancy was rare, and even more rare without the husband going along). WND has proved with a FOI Act request that Obama senior stayed in Hawaii throughout 1961.
And the Kenyan government investigated the “born in Kenya” story, and found that it was not true.
“Jon Chessoni, a first secretary at the Kenyan Embassy in Washington, can’t understand why his office gets so many baseless questions about whether Barack Obama was born in Kenya.
“It’s madness,” said Chessoni on Monday.“His father, in 1961, would not even have been in Kenya. When this matter first came up, the Kenyan government did its research and confirmed that these are all baseless claims.”” …
Obama has a Hawaii birth certificate that says that he was born in Hawaii, in Kapiolani Hospital, and the officials of both parties in Hawaii have confirmed that fact. It is also confirmed by the birth announcement in the Hawaii newspapers in 1961, which were sent to the papers only by the DOH of Hawaii.
Obama’s birth announcement appeared in a section of the newspapers called Health Bureau Statistics. As the name indicates, and as the papers and the DOH also say, ONLY the DOH of Hawaii could send birth notices to the Health Bureau Statistics section of the paper. And the DOH only sent out those notices for children that it had issued birth certificates for, and in 1961 the DOH was not allowed to register the births of children who were not born in Hawaii.
Oh, and there is this: …
Is that all? NO there is more.
Birthers allege that the Kenyan government has hidden all documents that prove that Obama’s mother went to Kenya. Well, that is possible, but not likely—such things tend to leak. But what about the US government? Did it hide its records too?
That is because, obviously, if a child were born in Kenya she or he would need a US travel document to get to the USA. We simply do not allow a child to be carried into the USA without some form of official document. (Except some are smuggled across the Mexican and Canadian borders, but Kenya does not have a land border with the USA.) And a US travel document, such as having Obama added to his mother’s US passport would have required an application for that document in the US consulate in Nairobi Kenya.
That application would have been filed in multiple files, and there would have been communication about it with Washington, so it would be difficult to be lost or scrapped. And the Bush Administration was in charge of the US State Department for eight years until early 2009, so they could have found it, and if they did they would surely have shown it, and they didn’t.
So, for the “born in Kenya” story to be true, both Kenya and the Bush Administration must be part of a plot. Hawaii too, of course, and that would include the former Republican governor of Hawaii, now running for the US Senate. And the birth notices in the Hawaii newspapers that were placed by the DOH in the Hawaii newspapers (and only the DOH could put notices into the Health Bureau Statistics section of the papers) in 1961 would have to be fraudulent too.
And, btw, Kenya is about ten thousand miles from Hawaii, and the idea that Obama’s parents had that kind of money or would spend it on a trip while Obama’s mother was late in pregnancy (which was very rare in those days) and take the risk of stillbirth and Yellow Fever (which was endemic in Kenya, and a Yellow Fever shot is bad during pregnancy) is nutty in the extreme.
The bottom line: There is no proof that Obama’s mother went to Kenya and it is highly unlikely that she did. The Kenyan government and Obama’s relatives both say that he was not born there. If he were born in Kenya there would have to be US government documents saying that his family applied for a passport or a visa, and there isn’t any. There is no INS check in for Obama or his mother (which would normally have taken place in New York, since there were no direct flights, and those files are not missing), and the birth certificate and the confirmation of the officials of both parties and the Index Data and the birth notices in the Hawaii newspapers all show that he was born in Hawaii.
There has been EXACTLY the same amount of verifiable proof produsced that Obama was born in Hawaii as there has been proving that he was born on Mars. But NONE of that may matter one bit.
You see…By his own admission, Obama was a student on Indonesia at a time when Indonesia, BY LAW, required one to be a CITIZEN of Indonesia to be enrolled in an Indonesian school AND…at that time…THERE WAS NO…I REPEAT NO…dual citizenship allowed in Indonesia.
There are ALSO no REPATRIATION records or documents bearing the name Barry Soetoro…the name he used in Indonesia OR Barack Hussein Obama.
Therefore…He is STILL a citizen OF Indonesia and NOT eligible to be the president of the United States.