Mark Kelly – Exhibit A – Exposing the Hypocrites

So…There he was, a week ago, in Tucson where even dogs know exactly who he is, at a gun store…BUYING a .45 caliber semi-automatic handgun.

The day AFTER giving testimony in Colorado as they attempt to ban everything from pea shooters to shotguns.

Mark Kelly.

Mr. Gabby Giffords and former astronaut.

Socialist controlled puppet for the gun ban crowd.

Here’s what he told CNN.

“As I was leaving, I noticed a used AR-15. Bought that too. Even to buy an assault weapon, the background check only takes a matter of minutes.”

“I have no use for a gun like that.”

Gun for the goose…None for the gander.

Naturally, in the age of cell phones and citizen journalists, he was snapped filling out the paperwork and as often happens in the 21st century (and beyond) Buzz Lightyear (to the left of liberal) Kelly was outed.

Isn’t it something when…

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Rewriting History? Socialists Will Say Anything

Say Anything.

It’s more than the title of a John Cusack movie…It’s the socialist mantra.

Say anything, the socialist base will rally around it. It doesn’t matter that it’s absurd. It doesn’t matter that it is transparently a lie.


Go ahead. The Pravda media will either back you or ignore the whole thing.

Tell em Obamacare isn’t a tax. Tell em it won’t cost a single dime. Tell em it’s the “AFFORDABLE” Care Act.

Say anything.

Tell em it has to be passed to find out what’s in it.

Say anything.

Tell em whatever it is it must be done for the sake of the children.

Tell em that the economy gets more “Bang for the buck” from food stamps than from anything else.

Tell em, “Deficit reduction has been a high priority for us. It is our mantra, pay-as-you-go.”

Just say anything…

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Benghazi – Transparent Lies to Cover the Truth

The very idea that, now 6 months after the attacks in Benghazi, we still don’t have anywhere near adequate answers to the most basic of questions regarding the attacks should be appalling to each and every American.

That we do not yet know how or why all the red-flag warnings in the months leading up to September 11th 2012, why each and every single cable, email and memo asking for added security or at the very least, a status quo in security were completely ignored is also abysmal.

That as the attack on the Benghazi Consulate was taking place, Tyrone Woods was instructed to stand down is not only absurd but the fact that nobody is taking the responsibility for that order is simply disgusting.

That upon his arrival in Benghazi, Glen Doherty began to assist Tyrone Woods at the CIA annex in Benghazi, called for air support, gave coordinates and the two, while fighting for their lives and the lives of others were painting enemy positions with guidance lasers for help that would never be sent is completely beyond comprehension.

That, while all of this took place, Obama would speak with his CIA director and Secretary of Defense for only 30 minutes before walking away, never to personally check the status of the situation again until after it was all over, some 7-8 hours later is dereliction of duty at best, downright suspect and, at worst, treasonous.

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Weekend Edition: Rand Paul – Old School, New Era

Last Wednesday, we witnessed a rare moment.

The fact that it was a rare moment is, in and of itself, disgusting for it SHOULD be the most common of moments as to go without notice.

The moment was as uncommon as common sense.

For just short of 13 hours a Senator from Kentucky stood on the floor and asked a simple question.

13 hours.

He wanted to know whether or not the president…ANY president, had the authority to kill an American citizen, on American soil, that was an unarmed noncombatant who was not, at the time of his or her droning, actively engaged in an ongoing act of terror or violence.

Last Wednesday was not the first time the senator had asked the question. In fact, he had asked and asked the question both verbally and in writing.

In a nutshell, the answers he received were, “We have no intention of doing that” and, “We have never done that before.”

To those who provided those responses, thank you for answering questions not asked.

The senator from Kentucky did not ask whether or not this had been done before.

The senator from Kentucky did not ask if there was any intent to do it in the future.

The senator from Kentucky simply wanted to know if the president believes he has the AUTHORITY to do it.

There are only two options when it comes to the answer.

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Friday Fume

So…We finally track down bin Laden’s son in Jordan and been LYIN’S crew IMMEDIATELY reads the TERRORIST his…RIGHTS?????


The DICTATOR has locked the peasants out of the palace because of the sequester…One assumes because he doesn’t want anyone to accidentally stumble upon the Queen’s 27 personal hand maidens.

And socialist senator, Chris Murphy fired off an angry letter to NASCAR trying to get the racing organization to drop an NRA sponsorship of a race in…TEXAS…of all places.

“Whether or not this was your intention, your fans will infer from this sponsorship that NASCAR and the NRA are allies in the current legislative debate over gun violence.”


Has this dip from Connecticut ever SEEN NASCAR fans and…HAS HE EVER BEEN TO TEXAS?????

If I was the head of NASCAR…I’d send this Murphy pants wetting ninny a letter asking if he could help get the Newtown Kids Choir to sing the anthem before the race since they’ve been used as props everywhere else.

Yep…It’s been quite a week of socialists on parade hasn’t it?

What do ya say we wrap it up with a few laughs? Today is Friday my patriot friends and…

I’m fuming.

Oh dear…

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The Department of Homeland Security tells their border agents to run and hide if gunfire breaks out.

According to Brandon Judd, Tucson Local 2544/National Border Patrol Council, “We are now taught in an ‘Active Shooter’ course that if we encounter a shooter in a public place we are to ‘run away’ and ‘hide.’ If we are cornered by such a shooter we are to (only as a last resort) become ‘aggressive’ and ‘throw things’ at him or her. We are then advised to ‘call law enforcement’ and wait for their arrival (presumably, while more innocent victims are slaughtered).”

Okay…Got that?

They are to run and hide and as a LAST resort…THROW things at the shooter.

Remember that as you read on as it WILL become even MORE disturbing…Shortly.


We have DHS telling US that in case of an office intruder we should…

Grab up a pair of scissors or hide under our desks.

Now then…Just as I asked you to keep in mind the border agent’s instructions…Also…Keep THIS in mind.

I do hope you’re sitting down.

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Molesters and Murderers Welcome in Colorado!!


You know who you are.

Those with evil in their hearts, a lack of respect for life, those devoid of conscience and so easily offended by a sideways glance that you believe the glancer’s life should be ended.


The welcome mat is about to be rolled out for YOU!!!!

It seems that the mind-numbed socialists of the Rocky Mountain High as a Kite state are delusional enough to believe a new law or two will stop you.

Yesterday, some nut, “claiming” to be a Republican stated that HE wants these new Colorado gun bans passed and he wants them passed NOW!!!

According to the foothills fool, if the new gun bans are NOT passed…

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Detroit Has Run Out of Other People’s Money

Allow liberals and socialists to be in control of something long enough and it will collapse.

Take Detroit…

No really…You can have it…PLEASE take it.

Detroit has been in the hand of socialists since 1961. 52 years of socialist mayors elected to office by socialists and paid for by socialist unions.

It’s over.

At least it darn well should be.

Michigan Governor, Rick Snyder declared Detroit to be in a state of financial emergency last Friday and that helps to clear the way for the STATE to take over DETROIT’S financial situation and appoint a special or, emergency, city manager to start the proves of straightening out the disaster that IS Detroit.

Now, to give you a glimpse into the mindset of socialists, their minds warped by 15 or more years of public school indoctrination…some having possibly attended asylums of HIGHER indoctrination…

As Governor Snyder made his announcement, about 2 miles away at the scene of the crime, Detroit’s City Hall…

PROTESTERS gathered to chant…

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Weekend Edition: Calling a Spade a Spade

So…They DIDN’T release 500 ILLEGAL ALIEN CRIMINALS onto the streets and into the cities?

They being, the Dictator’s administration.

They Didn’t release 500 Illegal Alien criminals. Well…THAT’S good…wait…what???

It wasn’t 500…IT WAS 2000???????

Yes…2000, maybe a few more…ILLEGAL ALIEN…CRIMINALS…were released by this administration onto our streets and into our cities.

Because of a “sequestration” that hadn’t even happened yet.

They were turned loose before…BEFORE..sequestration became reality but, it’s okay…They have to report in…They’re being “monitored” and when they have another court date…THEY ARE SUPPOSED TO JUST WALK RIGHT BACK INTO THE COURTROOM AND PRESENT THEMSELVES.


We KNOW whose dumber than a box of rocks idea “sequestration” was. Woodward cleared THAT up. “Sequestration” is OBAMA’S lame-assed idea. Yes, Republicans and socialists all agreed TO it BUT, the idea itself came directly from the OVAL OFFICE and guess who signed it last?

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Friday Fume

Such a week. Oh my goodness.

Dennis Rodman is now BFF with Lil’ Kim over in North Diarrhea…

Curly is our new Pentagon Chief…Larry is the Secretary of State and we’re just WAITING for MOE(HAMMAD) to lead the CIA!!!!


THAT didn’t end well for those OTHER Dictators…Did it???


It’s a wonder we don’t ALL go screaming into the night isn’t it?

Well, somehow, we’ve survived another week of socialist stupidity and we need some laughs to maintain our sanity.

It’s Friday Patriots and…

I’m fuming.

Can we all move on now?

Now that the Pope has gone to do whatever retired Popes do?

Look, I KNOW he’s the first one to give his 2 weeks notice and then retire in 598 years so, those who were in charge of the retirement party were sort of…Caught napping but good grief…2 full weeks of LASTS after being the FIRST in 598 years was a little much..

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