Gun Ban Poster Boys and Girls – BUSTED!!!


What Mr. Gabby Giffords has a bad week…He really has a BAD week.

First, he had to pull his daughter’s dog from a sea lion pup on the beach. No…The sea lion didn’t survive and yes…It WAS all caught on video…


Mark Kelly isn’t going to get his gun.

You will remember, just a couple of weeks ago, Mark Kelly was photographed at a Tucson gun store, just a day or so after his holier-than-thou testimony AGAINST buying guns and AFAINST the 2nd Amendment in Denver, filling out paperwork to purchase a Sig Sauer M400 5.56mm rifle, a semi-auto AR-15 style weapon.

Once THAT image went viral, Mr. Giffords had to quickly walk it back on CNN telling us all that he only did it to prove how easy it was to pass a background check and buy a weapon AND that he would turn it over to the cops as soon as he had it in his possession.

Well, as you may well remember…

We, at The National Patriot, pointed out that any and ALL weapons turned over to ANY law enforcement in Arizona are considered “ASSETS” and auctioned off to the highest bidder which would have made Mark Kelly something of a middle straw man in the weapon’s continuing journey.

You see, telling an unbelievable tale to get out of being caught in a high profile hypocritical move without researching the implications can and usually DOES lead to the law of unintended consequences biting one in the butt.

NOW we discover that the gun store owner, Doug MacKinlay, posted to HIS Facebook page that HE, “determined that was in my company’s best interest to terminate this transaction prior to his returning to my store.”

Sorry Mark Kelly…Now the WHOLE thing has backfired on you.

MacKinley will now DONATE the weapon to the Arizona Tactical Officers Association to be raffled as a fundraiser and make an additional contribution of $1,295 — the value of the rifle — to the Eddie Eagle GunSafe Program and he will return Kelley’s money.

According to MacKinley, “While I support and respect Mark Kelly’s 2nd Amendment rights to purchase, possess, and use firearms in a safe and responsible manner, his recent statements to the media made it clear that his intent in purchasing the Sig Sauer M400 5.56mm rifle from us was for reasons other then for his personal use.”

The weapon in question was purchased by Diamondback Police Supply from a customer and, according to a Tuscon city ordinance, the gun must be held for 20 days to make sure it wasn’t used in a crime which is why Kelly wasn’t given possession of it at the point of HIS purchase of it.

Doug MacKinley has acted very responsibly in this matter and 2 great organizations will benefit from his actions. While I have no intention of telling Mr. MacKinley how to run his business, I might suggest that should, for any reason, Kelly want to distance himself from his own hypocrisy at this point by NOT accepting the refund of his purchase price for the weapon, a nice donation OF it be made to the NRA…In Mark Kelly’s name.

Meanwhile, in Congress…

“We, the undersigned, intend to oppose any legislation that infringe on the American people’s constitutional right to bear arms, or on their ability to exercise this right without being subjected to government surveillance.”

“The Second Amendment to the Constitution protects citizens’ right to self-defense. It speaks to history’s lesson that government cannot be in all places at all times, and history’s warning about the oppression of a government that tries.”

“We will oppose the motion to proceed to any legislation that will serve as a vehicle for any additional gun restrictions.”

All of that in a letter penned by Sens. Rand Paul, R-Ky., Mike Lee, R-Utah, and Ted Cruz, R-Texas, and sent to Harry Reid who has promised to push on with “gun control” legislation in the senate.

“Gun control” is a socialist code phrase for expansion of government to control the people and nothing more. It’s the latest salvo in a socialist agenda aimed at shooting holes into the constitution.

There hasn’t been a day gone by since the school shooting in Newtown that socialists haven’t tried to exert political capitol and use the tragedy to implement their long held belief that We the People, law abiding citizens, be subjected to more and more governmental control but not one of them, Mark Kelly, Gabby Giffords, Diane Feinstein, Chuck Schumer or Harry Reid included, can explain how any of their measures will stop bad people with bad intentions from inflicting their brand of evil deeds.

For perspective, this is the exact same ilk who ran away from Fast and Furious, finally hiding behind Executive Privilege to cover their own gun running scheme to Mexican drug cartels which resulted in a body count of hundreds including Brian Terry and most likely Jamie Zapata, U.S. Border Agents.

It’s also the same ilk currently doing all they can to ignore the terrorist murders of the Benghazi 4, Ambassador Stevens, Sean Smith, Glen Doherty and Tyrone Woods in what very well may have been a weapons running scheme from Benghazi Libya to Syrian Rebels affiliated with al Qaeda.

And of course, the same ilk responsible for the UNNECESSARY release of more than 2000 ILLEGAL ALIEN…CRIMINALS into cities and towns across America due to “sequester.”

But LAW ABIDING…U.S. CITIZENS…are the ones THAT ILK doesn’t trust with a weapon or more than 10 bullets.

Just last week, Shawn Moore posted a photo of his son holding a rifle on FB and someone called the cops.

Moore is a gun safety expert, teaches gun safety classes and his 10 year old son holds a NJ hunting license. The new .22 rifle was a birthday gift from his father.

Police showed up, demanding to inspect his weapons, search his home and demanded that Moore open his gun safe. They had NO warrant. Also on the scene was a social worker who REFUSED to identify herself OR show her credentials and threatening to remove the children from the Moore household FOR THEIR OWN PROTECTION.

Mr. Moore, also a Member of the NRA, held his ground and refused to cooperate.

In that case, local government agencies were MORE than willing to violate the 4th Amendment to infringe on Mr. Moore’s 2nd Amendment rights.

It was, to be clear, a microcosm of what the federal government, under this socialist regime, wants to do all across this free nation and while Mr. Moore had HIS attorney on the phone throughout this illegal attempt at search and seizure, the next time, in the next place this happens, the outcome may well be quite different because the 2nd Amendment primarily protects law abiding citizens from the tyranny of their own government.

THAT is exactly what socialists fear and EXACTLY why THEY want to infringe upon the 2nd Amendment.

We don’t need to be protected BY the government nearly as much as we need to be protected FROM them.

4 thoughts on “Gun Ban Poster Boys and Girls – BUSTED!!!

  1. Expanded background checks will be abused.

    First instance of abuse is where the background checks are used to create in illegal national gun registry.

    The powers that be… can also lower the bar so that a person with a small misdemeanor for a bar fight back when they were in college is considered a prohibited person. In some states / cities excessive speeding or downloading a lot of music can get you a felony charge. Felonies are no longer restricted to violent crimes. How long before spitting on the sidewalk prohibits you from owning a gun?

    Then they have the whole domestic violence side they are trying to stretch to include just grabbing someone’s wrist or shoving someone out of your way as you walk out the door. No end to the amount of abuse that background checks will eventually lead to.

    In NYC if you have a gun permit, the police randomly call your house and ask your family members if you every display any signs of stress or great anger… and then pick at that. The wrong answers by your family will get your permit revoked.

    The purpose of the Second Amendment is to prevent future tyranny.

    “When the govt fears the people there is liberty. When the people fear govt there is tyranny” – Thomas Jefferson

  2. The purpose of the Second Amendment is to arm people in order to prevent future tyranny. They need the tools to do this.

    The term “Well Regulated” in the Second Amendment meant “Well Manned and Equipped ” in 1791 as was determined in the 1939 United States v. Miller case after referencing the autobiography of Benjamin Franklin. The concept of Government Regulation, as we understand it today, did not exist at the time.

    United States v. Miller also determined that the term “Arms” refers to “Ordinary Military Weapons” (not crew operated). American Citizens have the right to Keep and Bear, which means Own and Carry, any weapons that a soldier carries into battle. That includes past, present and future weapons. A Militia consisted of armed volunteers willing to fight with their personal arms and not under government control.

    The 2008 Heller v. Washington DC decision reaffirmed that the Right to Bear Arms was an Individual right. The 2010 McDonald v. Chicago decision reaffirmed it yet again and made it clear that it applies to every state, every city and every town in the United States.

    To limit the Second Amendment to muskets would be the equivalent of limiting the First Amendment to writings in quill pens.

    Liberty is worth the risk of death!

  3. I spent 2.5 days in jail because I refused to allow an unwarranted search of my house when the san Bernardino county cops showed up saying a hang up call had been made from my house. they took it all the way until the day we were set to go to court. cited exigent circumstances of seeing multiple pairs of shoes in my front entryway so they were certain I was lying about being the only one in the house. of course they found nothing but my firearms & they took those. I got no voucher & of course the guns never made it into their evidence booking.

    I’ve reported the guns stolen and I’m on their list – they stop my car every time I’m in at our house in the mountains of sbc. the police have – largely – become nothing more than an legalized gang. I was even told by one of the deputies at the jail that we “only have the rights that the police are willing to grant us.”

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