Friday Fume

What a week. I have to admit…I’m a little dizzy from all the liberal spin this week.

While these KNOT HEADS chase their own tails at warp speed, I have to sit by WATCHING them.

Don’t these nuts know they can kiss their own butts without the whirling rampage? Honestly, I never know whether to be completely appalled or mildly entertained by it all.

I suppose, a little of both. Oh well…It IS Friday and either way…

I’m fuming.

So…There was Eric Holder, appearing in front of a Senate hearing a few days ago, where he actually said that he was showing consistent values and…



It seems to me that if this moron would PART with about 72,400 documents, memos and emails AS QUICKLY AS HE DID WITH THOSE GUNS….Congress wouldn’t be heading FAST AND FURIOUSLY TOWARD CONTEMPT CHARGES!!!

Now, the head of the DEPARTMENT OF INJUSTICE wants to cut a deal with Issa…What did he call it…Oh yeah…

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Flag Day and the Pledge…Getting it Right

When I was a kid, growing up in Nebraska in the 1960’s, every day in school, we stood, put our right hand over our heart and said the Pledge of Allegiance.

Someone was always picked to lead the Pledge and that was an honor.

Sadly, in many schools today, that is no longer the case.

Today, there are those who try to make some sort of statement by NOT saying it at all. Rather than stand they sit. Rather than speak, they remain silent.

But for those who do recite the Pledge of Allegiance, I want to bring something to your attention. I think it’s important and maybe, after reading this, so too will you.

There is a very good chance you’re saying it incorrectly.

It’s not your fault. You get the words correct but, many say it the wrong way. It’s how you were taught as a child to memorize the Pledge and, well, it’s just not correct.

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When it Comes to Syria, Obama is Pounding Sand

Every day, for months and months, we have watched, horrified, as Assad in Syria murders his own people. Women, children, men…Innocents slaughtered in the streets, in their homes, day and night.

Many have been outright executed.

Now, over the past 2 days, we have heard that the Russians are sending helicopter gunships to Assad in Syria.

Helicopter gunships is a gross understatement. These are killing machines designed not to pinpoint targets but to literally wipe out everything and anything in front of them. These helicopters are built to fight tank battalions in the field. In an urban area, they can and will rain death and destruction from the sky.

Assad, of course, claims he won’t be using them for that purpose – but then again, he claims it’s not HIS government killing his people.

Through it all, through the death, the murders, the destruction…We wonder why? Why is Obama doing…nothing?

Let me try to explain what Obama doesn’t want you to know.

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Obama’s “Private Sector’s Doin’ Fine” Dance

Last Friday, Obama gaffed BIG time.

That’s what the media wants you to believe. That he gaffed when he said that the private sector was doing fine.

Mainstream media of course went into damage control using liberal talking points. Obama himself “clarified” his remarks as soon as he could.

Now, a few days later, some conservatives are questioning whether it was a gaff at all. Now they are speculating that he simply slipped up and spoke aloud what he really believes regardless of the political fallout.



Not a gaff???

A show of hands please…Who would like to know what last Friday’s Obama statement REALLY was???

Okay…Here we go.

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An Open Letter to Congress from We The People

Author’s note: The contact information for all Members of Congress can be found by CLICKING HERE. Please email the link to this letter to all Members of YOUR Congressional delegation today!


To:  All Members of Congress

Re: Holder’s Contempt


Dear Member of Congress,


Today, We The People speak with a singular voice as this letter, distributed via social media and our own email lists, is forwarded to each and every Member of Congress.

We understand that, finally, Congress is ready to vote on contempt charges against Eric Holder.

It’s about time.

It has now been more than a year since Holder started obstructing justice and stonewalling Congress and the American people regarding Fast and Furious.

Now, we are led to understand, there is still a way for Holder to escape contempt charges if he simply turns over a few, post February 4th, 2011, documents.

This is outrageous and unacceptable!

As one of We The People, this must NOT be allowed to happen.

The Congressional Committee investigating Fast and Furious has subpoenaed some 80,000 documents, emails and memos from Eric Holder. Holder has only turned over 7,600 of those subpoenaed documents.

We The People demand that the ONLY way for Holder to escape contempt charges is to immediately turn over all documents, emails and memos subpoenaed. ALL OF THEM. All 72,400 subpoenaed but so far withheld documents.

As the vote is set to take place on June 20th, 2012, We The People demand that no Member of Congress accept ANYTHING LESS than the FULL compliance to the subpoenas by that scheduled date.

Should Eric Holder attempt or agree to turn over just SOME of the remainder of what has been subpoenaed, he is stalling for more time. He has already been given more than a year to comply.

Let me ask this question. Were I, as a common citizen, subpoenaed to turn over evidence in an investigation and, for more than a year, I refused to give some 90% of the subpoenaed evidence TO the investigators…What exactly would be MY fate?

If upon then handing over a small handful of more evidence, in the face of contempt charges, but FAR from all I had been ordered to produce…Would I then be “off the hook?”

I believe we both know the answers.

Why then should the Attorney General, appointed as our nation’s top law enforcement officer, be given such latitude? Why should the Attorney General be allowed to essentially tell but 10% of the truth under oath? Why is the Attorney General NOT held accountable to the same standards as We The People?

Eric Holder has, for more than a year, obstructed justice from the top of the Department OF Justice. He has shown open contempt for Congress and the American people and he has perjured himself.

As a Member of Congress, the time is long overdue for you to act and act decisively. Do NOT provide Eric Holder with another chance, another pass and more time to stall this important investigation. People on both sides of our southern border have died because of Fast and Furious and so has agent Brian Terry. The weapons “walked” over that border will be in play for years…Decades…to come and the more than 200 deaths thus far are just the beginning.

Will YOU, as a Member of Congress, take this opportunity to act decisively or will YOU allow further obstruction of justice by striking some sort of “deal” to allow Eric Holder to stall, stonewall, and continue to break the laws by which I, as a common citizen, must abide?

If Eric Holder is NOT held FULLY accountable and allowed to turn over but 10% of the subpoenaed material, a dangerous and unconstitutional precedent will be set in that the nation’s top law enforcement officer will be held to a much lower standard than the common citizen.

If YOU, as a Member of Congress, accept some sort of “DEAL” in this regard, YOU will set that precedent.

Please do NOT respond to me personally. Rather, reply to this letter via The National Patriot at as the author of this letter which is being sent to all Members of Congress, WILL print it for all to see.

Fed up American Voters with the ID’s to prove it and a focus on accountability, await your response.


We The People

National Patriots All.

A House of Cards in a Perfect Storm

Well…It’s about time, isn’t it?

After being given more than a year to comply with congressional subpoenas and nearly a month after a Memorial Day weekend deadline went unheeded, It now looks as though congress, like most conservatives, have finally had enough of Eric Holder and his antics.

Last Saturday, in the article, “Mr. Speaker…File Contempt Charges…NOW!!” we at The National Patriot sent an open letter to Speaker Boehner’s office and asked that our Patriot readers follow suite and email the link to the article to him as well.

To believe it was our letter and the flooding of Boehner’s email which turned the tide would be a false pat on the back, but, it certainly didn’t hurt.

One can easily suspect similar pressure came from within the house chamber.

The list of Members of Congress who have called for Holder’s resignation or firing has grown over the last 6 months to now number more than 130. It’s very possible that number swelled after last Friday’s hearing in which, Holder again, stone walled and dodged questions.

Never, in memory, have we witnessed such a direct and compelling display of contempt of congress.

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A Fox, a Weasel and 2 Badgers Now on Guard

This is perhaps the most obvious case of the fox guarding the hen house ever.

In this case, it’s worse than that.

Here, we have a weasel, guarding the hen house and reporting his findings to a fox.

Eric Holder, perhaps the most corrupt Attorney General in our nation’s history, has appointed 2 investigators to look into leaks coming from the White House. Those two investigators report only to Holder; and he, in turn, reports to perhaps the most corrupt president in our nation’s history.

Seal Team 6.

The doctor who helped identify bin Laden.

The CIA double agent who helped nab the 2nd underwear bomber.

The cyber virus that hit the Iranian nuclear program.

Obama’s drone kill list.

Somebody high up…VERY high up…Can’t keep their mouth shut.

Last week, Obama in a press conference, stated that to insinuate that the leaks were coming from his administration was both wrong and offensive.

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Mr. Speaker…File Contempt Charges…NOW!

To: Speaker of the House

John Boehner

Email Form for Speaker Boehner (Use this form and paste the link to this article in the message box)


Speaker Boehner,

Have you had enough of Eric Holder yet? Have you?

I know I have and I also know I’m not alone.

Listening to Holder feign amnesia in one congressional hearing after another is nauseating. He’s done it 8 times now and I have had quite enough.

The committees have subpoenaed some 80,000 documents, emails and memos from Eric Holder and he has turned over only 7,600 of them.

Holder himself yesterday admitted to having 140,000 such documents but upon questioning from Congressman Issa as to how many subpoenaed documents he has YET to turn over, Holder would only say that he has turned over 7,600.

Speaker Boehner, in not answering questions, in stonewalling, in lying, in claiming he does not recall dates, conversation or reading documents, in claiming he has no idea who knew what, when they knew it or who if anybody they told, Eric Holder is clearly showing contempt for the congressional committees.

We all watched and listened to the sound bites from yesterday’s hearing. We all heard time and time again…”I don’t know,” “I don’t recall,” I was not aware,” and on and on and on.

We heard the contentious back and forth with Congressman Issa and we listened while Holder refused to answer question. We heard it and I suspect, you did as well.

All of that was rehashed non answers of questions asked and not answered by Holder in 7 previous hearings but there was something new. Something startling. Something which did not get much notice yesterday, but I want to bring it to your attention today.

This was the give and take between Eric Holder and Congressman Jason Chaffetz.

In this, you will hear, point blank and no question about it, Eric Holder PERJURE himself before the congressional committee.

PERJURY, Mr. Speaker.

Watch and listen.

From an email dated Oct 17th, 2010, from Deputy Assistant Attorney General Jason Weinstein to James Trusty:

“Do you think we should have Lanny participate in press when Fast and Furious and Laura’s Tucson case [Wide Receiver] are unsealed? It’s a tricky case, given the number of guns that have walked, but it is a significant set of prosecutions.”

Then on Oct. 18th, 2010, from Trusty back to Weinstein:

“I think so, but the timing will be tricky, too. Looks like we’ll be able to unseal the Tucson case sooner than the Fast and Furious (although this may be just the difference between Nov. and Dec).”

“It’s not clear how much we’re involved in the main F and F [Fast and Furious] case,” reads the email, “but we have Tucson [Wide Receiver] and now a new unrelated case with [redacted] targets. It’s not any big surprise that a bunch of US guns are being used in MX [Mexico], so I’m not sure how much grief we get for ‘guns walking.’ It may be more like ‘Finally, they’re going after people who sent guns down there.’”

Mr. Speaker, with the words being read aloud to him by Congressman Chaffetz, Eric Holder stood his ground and told Congressman Chaffetz that those emails DID NOT REFER TO FAST AND FURIOUS.

Mr. Speaker…clearly…Eric Holder is lying and THAT, sir, is perjury.

For Eric Holder to insist, over and over again, that these emails do not refer to Fast and Furious when he is told over and over again by Congressman Chaffetz that they clearly do because they indeed mention Fast and Furious by name is both showing contempt for the Congressional Committee and committing perjury.

No more delays, Mr. Speaker. No more waiting. No more chances, Mr. Speaker.

I call on you to bring charges of contempt and perjury against Eric Holder NOW.

You, sir, have allowed Eric Holder more than a year to comply, and it is obvious to the world that he has no intention of doing so; and to allow this travesty to continue is, in and of itself, a travesty and any who would allow the continuation of it are themselves guilty of aiding and abetting the contempt, the perjury and the travesty.

Not for one more day Mr. Speaker, should the Attorney General, the head of the Department of Justice, be allowed to obstruct justice!

Have you had enough of Eric Holder yet? Have you?

I know I have and I also know I’m not alone.

Friday Fume

I have DONE it! Once again I have survived a week’s worth of liberal/socialist insanity and I certainly hope you have also.

It was close though and had it not been for Governor Walker…I might have gone screaming into the night. Walker’s big win in the “too close to call” recall sent a clear message that liberal/socialists are in big trouble come November but…

We still have 5 months to go and the other side is shifting their abhorrent behavior into high gear.

No worries…If we have survived the last 3 1/2 years, I’ll bet that, together, we can make it through until November.

It’s Friday my friends and you KNOW what THAT means…

I’m fuming.

Oh boy. How do I…handle…this one delicately.

We’re starting this week in Granola City USA…San Francisco where what ain’t fruits and nuts are flakes.

That’s where a guy cut off his own…ummm…

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