New Black Panthers Advocate Violence, Obama Silent

Obama has stepped into the fray before, will he step in now?

In Tucson after the Gabby Giffords shooting, Obama called for calmer heads and less rhetoric. In Tucson Obama stated that, “Terrible things happen for reasons that defy human understanding.” He continued with, “For the truth is that none of us can know exactly what triggered this vicious attack, no one can know what thoughts lurked in the inner recesses of a violent man’s mind.”

Obama later in that speech said that people should not use what happened as, “one more occasion to turn on one another.” Obama encouraged a sense of humility, empathy and especially reflection instead, urging people to consider whether they have, “shown enough kindness and generosity and compassion to the people in our lives.”

He was correct but transparently full of political expediency, seizing the moment for his own aggrandizement.

Will he step up NOW? In the wake of the Trayvon Martin shooting will he NOW step up?

No. I rather doubt that he will.

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The Unspoken Miracle of Easter

It is Passover.

It is Easter weekend.

As Christians, we know what happened that weekend and we know why we celebrate it. We have been told the story, “The Greatest Story Ever Told” for most of our lives. We know it.

Don’t we?

We know about the last supper.

We know about the Garden.

We know about Judas and the 30 pieces of silver.


We know of the trials and the freeing of Barabbas and the scourging and the washing of Pilot’s hands.

We know of the stations of the cross, the nails, the last words.

We know he was set in the tomb, the stone rolled to cover the opening and the Roman guards.

We know of Mary and the discovery, the words he spoke, Thomas having to touch his hands and feet.

We know the whole story. Don’t we?

What are we missing?

Maundy Thursday…Good Friday…Easter Sunday….

What of Saturday?

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Are you part of the 42%?

Are you part of the 42%?  If you are, then you are rightly upset by all the rhetoric coming out of the incumbent’s administration and the talking heads on media.  If you are not part of the 42%, then consider yourself lucky.  For the all of you who are wondering what I am talking about, grab a beer, some popcorn and your calculator and read on…

Oh, and I refuse to use the man’s name when referring to the person occupying the seat of President.  I respect the office of the President, as one should.  I do not respect the man or his ideology.

Ok… So… Unemployment is at 8.2%. However, 88 MILLION people are not in the work force. Let’s compile some numbers here (according to the CIA World Factbook)…

  • US Population: 313.8 million (2012 abstract based on 2010 census and data derived comparing previous census data)
  • Population of working age (15-64): 209.2 million
  • Population NOT working: 88 million

And what is the “official” unemployment percentage? 8.2%.  That means that officially, ONLY 17.2 million people are not working.  Hmmmm  Does not add up.  What is the real percentage based on the numbers above?  Well, using the numbers above, you get a percentage of…wait for it…42%. Yes. 42% of people are not in the work force, according to those numbers. And I TRIED to use round numbers of the extrapolated numbers to be as generous as possible, but I am not willing to spin numbers for any reason.  I deal in fact, and the fact is our country is a LOT worse off than our government handlers are letting on.

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Friday Fume

I gotta tell ya, this last week has left my HEAD spinning!

I’m beginning to see a pattern too. The closer we get to the election…Week by week…The deeper into insanity the liberals go.

I suppose desperation could be driving them to the edge but seriously, do they need to take the rest of us along for the ride??

Well, it IS Friday and…

I’m fuming.

The GSA…a VALUABLE government agency, basically in charge of not wasting our money has been…


Turns out these YAHOOS spent almost a MILLION dollars on a conference in HENDERSON Nevada. $4.00 shrimp, $14.00 breakfasts…$75,000.00 on a seminar on how to assemble a bicycle…


Now, to be fair, this isn’t JUST the liberals…THIS HAS BEEN GOING ON FOR A LONG TIME but seriously, should the government agency in charge of making sure the government doesn’t waste the people’s money REALLY employ…12,500 PEOPLE???


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And we thought it was bad, during the Clinton administration, when the Lincoln bedroom was being rented out to celebrities and donors.

This may not be overnight accommodations but, it’s far, far worse than anything we have ever seen before.

A few days ago, either at the white house or possible in elsewhere in DC, Obama administration officials from the National Security Council met with representatives of the Muslim Brotherhood.

Yes. THAT Muslim Brotherhood.

The same Muslim Brotherhood which vowed NOT to partake in the formation of a new Egyptian government before they stated the decade’s old peace treaty between Egypt and Israel should not be kept in force and before, just days ago, they announced that they will indeed seek the presidency of Egypt.

Yes, THAT Muslim Brotherhood which has ties to Hamas.

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Obama is No Beethoven

It has been said that, “A lie can travel halfway round the world while the truth is putting on its shoes.” It has also been said that the above quote came from Mark Twain. That, in and of itself, may well be a lie as it seems more probable that the quote came from Charles Haddon Spurgeon; but aside from this, what of Spurgeon do we know or, for that matter, care.

Regardless of the origin, the quote is true but only up to a point.

It describes but the beginning of the race. Truth, eventually, wins the day because the lie, eventually, stumbles.

As for Twain, a voluminous liar in practice, he did have something to say on the matter.

The glory which is built upon a lie soon becomes a most unpleasant encumbrance. How easy it is to make people believe a lie, and how hard it is to undo that work again!”

“Almost all lies are acts, and speech has no part in them.”

I am different from Washington; I have a higher, grander standard of principle. Washington could not lie. I can lie, but I won’t.”

Twain, indeed had a great deal to say regarding the practice or art of the lie, but perhaps my favorite is this:

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BOOYAH…The FACTS Behind Obama’s Judicial Statement

It was a thing of beauty yesterday. A Judge, Jerry Smith, from the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals, one of 3 Judges on that bench, had had enough. Judge Smith had had enough of Obama’s arrogance and his ideology.


The Court had a federal Department of Justice in front of him while hearing a case related to Obamacare and to that attorney, Dana Lydia Kaersvang, Judge Smith let it be known that he indeed, had had quite enough.

“Does the Department of Justice recognize that federal courts have the authority in appropriate circumstances to strike federal statutes because of one or more constitutional infirmities?”

Kaersvang managed to utter a “yes” to the question but, Judge Smith wasn’t through.

“I am referring to statements by the president in the past few days to the effect … that it is somehow inappropriate for what he termed unelected judges to strike acts of Congress.” 

“That has troubled a number of people who have read it as somehow a challenge to the federal courts or to their authority. And that’s not a small matter.” 

It was Obama’s arrogant statement in the Rose Garden in front of his piers from Mexico and Canada on Monday which brought about Judge Smith’s ire.

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Obama’s Eligibility…Tyranny in the Making

While the Obama administration fights for all they’re worth, and that ain’t much, to prevent individual states from enacting voter ID laws, and while at the same time more and more allegations of forgery regarding Obama’s own personal records surfaces due to Sheriff Arpaio’s Cold Case investigation, voter fraud has taken a front seat in Indiana.

Butch Morgan, Pam Brunette, Beverly Shelton and Dustin Blythe, pictured  from left to right, have been formally charged with election fraud.

These were democratic operatives.

They worked for the democratic party in St. Joseph County, Indiana.

They forged names on petitions to place both Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton on the Indiana ballot in 2008.

They split up the job…2 forging names for Obama and the other 2 forging names for Clinton.

It looks now as if between the 4, enough name were forged to place both candidates on that ballot – and what’s even more stunning is the idea that, without their efforts, it now looks as though neither Obama nor Clinton would have made the ballot.

It is unlikely we would know anything about this today were it not for Lucas Burkett. He blew the whistle. From the start, he was in on the scheme. Burkett himself forged signatures and was there, at St. Joseph County Democratic strategy meetings, where the scheme was discussed and agreed upon.

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Obama’s Crusade Against Israel Comes Out in the Wash

Imagine if one of our allies, during WWII, had let the cat out of the bag regarding D-Day…the date and the location or, leaked our information regarding Midway Island or the Doolittle raid. Imagine it, if you can, the damage that would have been done.

For some, WWII is too distant a memory and probably not taught in schools. Trust me, even if you’re not familiar with these important and decisive moments of WWII, such leaks would have been devastating to our efforts, would have cost thousands if not tens of thousands of our soldier’s lives and most likely would have prolonged the war by years.

In fact, such leaks by our allies would have been unforgivable.

Got that?


And yet, this is exactly what the Obama administration and therefore, Obama, is doing to Israel.

It was less than 2 months ago when Leon Panetta sat before a Washington Post reporter and let loose of the “possible” timeline for an Israeli attack against Iran regarding Iran’s nuclear weapons facilities.

According to Panetta, “there is a strong likelihood that Israel will strike Iran in April, May or June.”

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