Obama on Solyndra…Not Whisker of Truth

My, oh my, but aren’t liberals enlightened? Aren’t they intellectual?

The liberal’s new favorite adverb is…

Per se.

Liberals are SO enlightened and SO intellectual that they, at the drop of a hat, now speak Latin.

Joe Biden…an intellectual giant if ever one existed, stated last December that, “the Taliban per se is not our enemy.” Of course, that non, “per se” enemy is the very non “per se” enemy who have been raising all sorts of hell and has recently murdered 6 U.S. soldiers over burned Korans.

Now, as of yesterday, Obama jumped in.

“Obviously, we wish Solyndra hadn’t gone bankrupt. Part of the reason they did was because the Chinese were subsidizing their solar industry and flooding the market in ways that Solyndra couldn’t compete. But understand: This was not our program, per se. Congress — Democrats and Republicans — put together a loan guarantee program because they understood historically that when you get new industries, it’s easy to raise money for startups, but if you want to take them to scale, oftentimes there’s a lot of risk involved, and what the loan guarantee program was designed to do was to help start up companies get to scale.”

One can only suspect that the same reality of our “per se not” our enemy can easily be applied to “not our program, per se.”

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Who is Responsible for Whitney’s Death? Whitney.

Did we need more proof? Is anyone surprised?

For more than 10 years, I was a featured speaker at more than 100 DARE graduations. DARE, for those who may not know, is a program educating youth on the dangers of drug and alcohol abuse.

In those days, I was no more politically correct than I am today and once or twice, I was accused of being somewhat, harsh, in my direct language. I would routinely, at each and every DARE graduation, tell the kids, 5th graders, and their parents, that there were only 2 things drugs would do for you.

1)      Drugs will make you stupid.

2)       Drugs will make you dead.

Once again, a celebrity has proved my point.

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Inside the Mind of Pelosi…Rattling and Squeeking

“What our founders put forth in our founding documents, which is life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. And that is exactly what the Affordable Care Act helps to guarantee.”

Those were the words, last night, of Nancy Pelosi.

Somewhere, on the Montpelier Estate, James Madison, the Father of our Constitution just rolled over in his grave…and extended a middle finger in the general direction of Nancy Pelosi.

Along with being a brilliant political theorist and statesman, Madison was a keen judge of character.

Just as Madison was a great American, another such man of renown, Noah Webster, provided a definition with which, one must suspect, Nancy Pelosi has no known relationship.

LIBERTY, n. 1: [Noun] Freedom from restraint, in a general sense, and applicable to the body, or to the will or mind. The body is at liberty, when not confined; the will or mind is at liberty, when not checked or controlled. A man enjoys liberty, when no physical force operates to restrain his actions or volitions..   2: [Noun] Natural liberty, consists in the power of acting as one thinks fit, without any restraint or control, except from the laws of nature. It is a state of exemption from the control of others, and from positive laws and the institutions of social life. This liberty is abridged by the establishment of government..   3: [Noun] Civil liberty, is the liberty of men in a state of society, or natural liberty, so far only abridged and restrained, as is necessary and expedient for the safety and interest of the society, state or nation. A restraint of natural liberty, not necessary or expedient for the public, is tyranny or oppression. civil liberty is an exemption from the arbitrary will of others, which exemption is secured by established laws, which restrain every man from injuring or controlling another. Hence the restraints of law are essential to civil liberty. The liberty of one depends not so much on the removal of all restraint from him, as on the due restraint upon the liberty of others. In this sentence, the latter word liberty denotes natural liberty..

When Madison wrote of Life…LIBERTY…and the Pursuit of Happiness…One can quickly see that Mr. Webster had a much greater idea of what was meant by…”Liberty.”

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On the World Stage…Obama is Prancing

The same guy who handed out well more than a thousand waivers from Obamacare has now handed out 11 waivers from Iran sanctions and the Obama Doctrine continues.

Oh, Obama has been TALKING real tough…Saying he was going to squeeze the fight out of Iran. He was going to sanction them to their knees. We have time…and space…for sanctions to work he said. He has sent his puppets to Israel time and time again trying to TELL Israel not to load up and attack Iran BECAUSE of the sanctions.

It’s not at all hard to believe that while talking TOUGH…Obama was, behind the scenes, telling Iran…Trust me…it ain’t gonna be that bad…I just have to put on a little show over here.

10 European Union nations and Japan are going to be allowed to continue to purchase oil from Iran…as long as they cut back a little.

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All the President’s “Gates”

In the late spring of 1972, two break-ins at the Watergate Hotel in Washington D.C. led to one of the most significant events in American history…The resignation of the President. To be clear, it was not the break-ins that brought down Nixon. It was the cover-up OF the break-ins which damaged his presidency well beyond repair.

It took 2 years of intense investigations and a handful of stories in the press which relied on an unnamed source, identified at the time only as…Deep Throat…to shift public opinion, focus attention on the administration and eventually, force the resignation of Richard Nixon, the ONLY United States President ever to resign the office.

It has often been said that to ignore history is the most certain way to repeat it. While the adage stands as a stark warning it may well not go far enough. Ignoring the present may be the most certain way to render the lessons of history a mere whisper of the tumultuous days to come.

That is where we find ourselves as a nation today. The lessons of mid 1970s are being ignored and the faint whispers of pretense are being hushed.

Since 1972 and Nixon’s resignation in 1974, each and every purported scandal regarding any political entity has had the word “Gate” added to it as a suffix, almost as if the “Gate” in Watergate was a separate word. It wasn’t.

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Brainwashing Youth IS the Liberal/Socialist Way

Liberals are resentful of nearly everything our framers did and stood for, but, in the grand scheme of things, one thing stands out beyond all the rest.

The 2nd Amendment.

Our framers understood the greatest danger to the republic would come from within, and, therefore, they made certain that we, as citizens, have the right to arm ourselves.

Yes, it is so that we might protect our property and our lives; and yes, part of the reason for it back then was the fact that help in any official capacity was, in many cases, at best, hours away if not days. Yes, that is part of it.

The bigger part of it was the founders provision to arm the citizens against their own government.

This is what liberal/socialists are not just resentful of, but fear.

The 2nd Amendment is what really stands between a government take-over and a free republic.

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Friday Fume

It’s amazing really, how, day in and day out, liberals just seem to ignore common sense.

It can’t be by accident either. It’s a concerted effort. They look at any given situation, decide what the proper way to handle it would be…

Then do the exact opposite.

Oh well, here we go again. It’s Friday and…

I’m fuming.

On Wednesday, in Louisiana, teachers unions apparently believing the rest of us have forgotten that they don’t care a WHIP about the students…CLOSED DOWN 4 PARISH’S SCHOOLS SO THEY COULD PROTEST EDUCATION REFORMS!!!

According to Governor Jindal’s office, “The reality is that action is needed now. Forty-four percent of Louisiana’s public schools received a grade of D or F last year. Louisiana’s 4th and 8th graders ranked among the bottom in English and Math when compared to other states. In 2010 there were 230,000 students in Louisiana below grade level – one third of all students in public school.”

Naturally, the liberal run unions are MUCH more concerned about the TEACHERS than they are the students.

The changes proposed relate to teacher evaluations, tenure and retirement plans, as well as charter school creation and regulation. They would make it easier to fire BAD teachers, affect the way TENURE is handed out and create a charter system for those who want their kids to LEARN something.

Without a doubt…teachers unions in Louisiana are dead set against this idea of GOOD teachers being GOOD for students and RAISING the grade levels OF those students.

Liberals will be liberals…


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Will Obamacare Come Down to Steamboats vs Cows?

We are now less than 2 weeks away from opening arguments in the United States Supreme Court regarding Obamacare. The Court will take up the case starting on March 26th and hear arguments through March 28th.

On March 26th, the arguments will center around something very odd, unless of course, you keep an eye on liberals.

March 26th will be a stall tactic by the Obama administration. They will argue that it’s not applicable for the High Court to even hear the case until AFTER the individual mandate kicks in. That, of course, would be 2014. By then, nearly any vestiges of private healthcare would have been laid waste making a return to private healthcare nearly impossible – and IF possible, extremely costly.

The other and possibly more veiled reason for this stall tactic would be the possibility of a new Supreme Court nomination by a reelected Barack Obama.

Either way you look at it, the delay or stall move is one of desperation on behalf of liberals and the Obama administration.

On March 28th, the arguments are again scheduled to revolve around the expansion of Medicaid and its constitutionality and also around the question of whether or not Obamacare as a whole can stand should the individual mandate be struck from it.

The bulk of the case will be heard on March 27th. On that day, the idea that the government can mandate what We The People buy, as goods or services, will be challenged by the 26 Attorneys General who have filed suit against the Obama administration.

This part of the Obamacare case will directly involve the Commerce Clause.

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Long May the REAL Flag Wave

It’s all over the news and social media. Lake County Florida’s Democratic Headquarters. It seems they’ve been flying a flag outside their office for the last couple of months. That flag, with its red and white stripes, had a field of blue but, instead of stars, 50 of them, it bore the image of Obama’s face.

The flag can be purchased on the internet for $12.95 and, it’s made in China.

It’s a disgrace.

A group of military veterans, heroes, saw it this morning and immediately demanded it be removed.

It was not the flag THEY fought for.

It was not the flag their friends DIED for.

It was NOT the flag to which they have, all their lives, pledged allegiance.

The Lake County Democratic Party boss, Nancy Hurlbert, clearly didn’t see it the way our retired military heroes saw it and stated, “It leads me to believe that it’s not about the flag. Certain elements cannot accept Barack Obama as president.”

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The Texas Voter ID Law…How to Beat Libs in 7 Steps

Friends and fellow Patriots!!! The time has arrived. The time is now.


That’s right, you heard me.


What the HELL??? Really??? SERIOUSLY????


It’s time to take a stand for…TEXAS!!!

The only way I can seem to conjure up is to beat them about the head and shoulders with their own egregiously inane game.

Let’s pick a day. How about next Monday?

Next Monday, we, all across this great nation, from sea to shining sea, across the fruited plain, purple mountains….

Here is how we do it.

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