Tell Government to BUTT OUT of the Internet

Some websites will go dark today in protest of SOPA.

SOPA is a bill working its way through Congress which could lead to censorship of the internet regardless of its original intent.

The intent is to put a stop to piracy of content. Movies, music, entertainment in general has been a prime target for online piracy. Foreign countries have, for years, been grabbing this stuff and selling it overseas thus robbing American artists and industries of profits.

I think we can all agree that those products should be protected-  but SOPA, according to its critics, goes way too far.

The problem is in the language of the bill. “Search Engines” is a VERY broad term and one that is prominent in the SOPA bill.

We could go into great and confusing detail over the legal language and the possible meanings of it – and other sites have done that – but there is something much more basic which should be said.

With this bill, SOPA, and it’s somewhat less intrusive Senate Bill, PIPA, the internet would become, either in small or large part, regulated by Congress.

That should not be allowed to happen.

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Top 10 Wildcards in the GOP Race

While the 5 remaining GOP candidates continue to jockey for position through the January primary calendar, one should not discount any number of possible wildcards yet to be played.

This Saturday, South Carolina votes and that race is getting tighter after last night’s debate. Depending on the South Carolina outcome, we may well just be watching the beginning of the real race to the nomination.

After Saturday, it’s easy to see Rick Perry dropping out. His financial backing has evaporated and his slow start with debates never allowed him to gain the sort of traction he enjoyed in the weeks before he actually entered the race.

This is not to say he will leave empty handed as he does have some die hard supporters.

Wildcard 1…Who will Perry endorse when he drops out?

It seems unlikely he’ll get behind Romney and impossible to believe he’ll throw his support to Ron Paul. That leaves Santorum and Gingrich – and let’s face it, Perry, Gingrich and Santorum have been splitting up the “Not Romney” vote for several weeks.

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Will the REAL “Not Romney” Please Stand Up?

In last night’s debate in South Carolina, Newt Gingrich once again showed why he is the one-on-one leader amongst the GOP candidate field.

It was clear last night, when the stage lights went down that Newt won the evening but in a debate, there is something perhaps even more important to be said.

Newt won the crowd.

Will this boost Gingrich’s poll numbers less than a week before the South Carolina primary? It would be difficult to make a case against it. Will it be enough to win South Carolina? Probably not, but it could very well put him in second place.

Gingrich’s strong and maybe strongest point is his ability to shine on the debate stage. In fact, last night, in a campaign debate, Newt received the first standing ovation from the assembled crowd since Ronald Reagan in 1980.

The race for 2nd place in South Carolina is now between Gingrich and Rick Santorum. Although there are now 5 still in, the race for the nomination is in reality between Romney, Gingrich and Santorum.

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MLK…The Messenger vs the Message

Today is Martin Luther King Jr. Day. On this day, we celebrate, what…exactly?

Martin Luther King Jr.’s birthday?

He was born in January 15th and today is the 16 th. I’ve always been one who celebrates birthdays ON the actual day of birth.

Martin Luther King Jr. Day is always celebrated on Monday so that government workers can have a day off. After all, they haven’t had a day off in nearly 3 weeks and they must be exhausted.

Is this a celebration of African-Americans who used to be Black after they were Negros in the days of Martin Luther King Jr? That would seem a little…racist…wouldn’t it?

It’s not the sort of holiday where people have family picnics or travel. It doesn’t have a traditional meal like Thanksgiving does. It’s not really full of festive fun for children or marked by church services either.

It’s supposed to be a celebration of the man and the ideals for which he stood.

Today, on Martin Luther King Jr. Day, you cannot watch the news without hearing it’s Martin Luther King Jr. Day going into and coming out of each and every break. For God’s sake, they are even giving Martin Luther King Jr. weather updates.

Yes, we all know it’s Martin Luther King Jr. Day and we don’t need to be piously reminded of it by those who don’t really understand WHY it’s Martin Luther King Jr. Day any more than do I.

Now, am I saying we SHOULDN’T have this holiday?

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With Iran, Obama is in WAY Over his Head

Whatever is happening inside Iran, one thing is clear.

Crystal clear.

That is, that whatever is happening inside Iran is completely unclear.

Over the last few weeks, Iran has threatened to shut down the Strait of Hormuz. The U.S. has said, OH NO YOU WON’T.

Sanctions have been put in place. More sanctions have been threatened.

Iran has said THEY have started the process of enriching uranium in an underground facility.

Ahmadinejad has been making smiles and nice with Chavez and Castro.

Behind the scenes, we hear reports that Obama and his administration is trying to tell Israel NOT to attack Iran.

We hear reports that Obama and his administration has told China that “we can’t hold Israel off” forever.

Iran is apparently holding and has sentenced to death an American with dual Iranian citizenship because the so called spy was visiting his grandmother yet Iran claims a nuke scientist who was killed in a car bombing was assassinated by the CIA…or Israel…or somebody.

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Econ 101 for Useful Idiots

The middle class…we must do what we can for the middle class. That is the Obama mantra isn’t it? Build up the middle class.

Really, it’s class warfare. Liberals hate to hear that but that’s really what it is. That’s what so many conservatives say and we hear it often from almost all the GOP candidates.

In part it’s true. Class warfare. Pitting those who don’t have as much as other against those who have more.

That’s the basis for the whole “Occupy” movement.

At best, occupiers are useful idiots in the grand Obama scheme.

Why “At best?”

Because there is a lot more to the Obama scheme than class warfare. Let’s make this as simple as possible so even liberals can understand it.

What have been the clarion calls from Obama since 2008?

Share the wealth.

Hike taxes on the rich.

Both are meant to accomplish one thing. Take money from those who have more of it.

By saying “SHARE” Obama makes it seem as though those who have it should share it with those who don’t have as much. Sharing is good isn’t it? Aren’t we taught to share as children?

The problem is, Obama never says with whom those who have money should share it does he?

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Marines vs Dead Taliban. Guess Who Wins the Pissing Contest?

Okay. So some Marines got caught on video, peeing on the corpses of dead Taliban soldiers.


I mean…Okay.

Was it the right thing to do? The moral thing to do?


Should pundits, journalists and others be all wound up over it?


Those who have a problem with it, a real problem, have probably never been shot at by the Taliban. They probably have never  had their friends killed by the Taliban and they probably haven’t had friends permanently disabled by the Taliban either.

Allen West had this to say, in The Weekly Standard, on the matter and as a man who spent 22 years in the Army, I believe he knows exactly what he’s talking about.

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Friday Fume

It’s been a great week hasn’t it?

Here a liberal, there a liberal, everywhere a liberal, liberal.

They are getting desperate and they’re coming out of the woodwork like roaches – so what do you say we turn on the lights?

It’s Friday, friends, and low and behold…

I’m fuming.

Really? SERIOUSLY???

Proof that liberal IDIOTS just don’t get it.

SOLYNDRA, that greenie weenie solar company that went BANKRUPT after flushing HALF A BILLION DOLLARS of TAXPAYER MONEY down their SOLAR POWERED TOILETS…is now asking a bankruptcy court to…


Yep, those bonuses range between 10 GRAND AND 50 GRAND EACH!!!

Oh why not? After all…they did SUCH a GREAT job didn’t they?

$500,000.00 in bonuses to the people who wasted $535 million dollars of our money??? Good grief!!! WHO DO THEY THINK THEY ARE??? FANNIE MAE?????



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Dying to Vote This Year?

Well, well. This will come as no surprise, great or otherwise, to conservatives but  it is sure to have liberals heads bursting as they search haplessly for a way to apply spin.

In the New Hampshire primary, just a couple of days ago, dead people were allowed to vote.

Think what you will of James O’Keefe, like him or hate him, he has a way of digging to the bottom of the barrel to get to the tactics of liberals.

O’Keefe, who exposed ACORN and others, has now shed the light of truth on voting practices in New Hampshire.

O’Keefe sent people into the polling places and had them state a certain name. The name of someone deceased.

Yep. They were registered to vote.

In each case, according to O’Keefe, the person asking for the ballot also offered to show ID.

In each case, the person was told no ID was necessary and yes, they WERE indeed given the ballot.

O’Keefe’s people did not vote. They walked out of the polling places without casting the ballot.

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Salute to Tim Tebow

In a world that has become increasingly more negative, at a time when more and more people feel entitled to something because others have what they don’t, it’s hard to find a shining light at center stage.

There are so few solid role models out there for kids to look up to and far too few for parents to point out.

Today, The National Patriot salutes a role model.

Tim Tebow.

You don’t need to be a Bronco’s fan. I’m not. All you need to be is human.

You don’t need to wear your faith on your sleeve either.

All you need is faith.

Tebow has been vilified in a way because he DOES wear his faith on his sleeve and some simply don’t like that.

Too bad.

Tebow is now the most popular athlete out there and it’s not just because he has a way of pulling off the win. It’s because he’s Tebow. He knows exactly who he is and he knows exactly who is responsible for his success.

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