I think liberals don’t think. I don’t think they think at all. I think if they thought to think they wouldn’t think the thoughts they think.
How could ANYONE employ thought and yet come up with the garbage liberals do?
The must be not thinking pretty hard and staying up late at night not thinking because to some of this stuff simply defies reality.
I’m thinking that, somewhere, there is a liberal Not Think tank where liberals sit about all day, not thinking, and then send out random lack of thinking marching orders and not thinking talking points to the liberal masses.
Anyway, it’s Friday and…
I’m fuming.
“If Tebow wins the Super Bowl, against all odds, it will buoy his faithful, and emboldened faithful can do insane things, like burning mosques, bashing gays and indiscriminately banishing immigrants. While America has become more inclusive since Jerry Fallwell’s first political forays, a Tebow triumph could set those efforts back considerably.”