Obama’s Latest Foreign Policy FAIL

“Seal Target Geronimo” is the name of a new book by Chuch Pfarrer. Geronimo, as you will remember, was the code name for bin Laden during the raid in Pakistan which killed him. In this book, Pfarrer describes, among other things, how this raid likely went down.

Pfarrer should know what he’s talking about too.

Chuck Pfarrer is a former Navy Seal, but that’s not the end of it. While not personally involved in the bin Laden raid, Pfarrer used to be with Seal Tem Six as an Assault Element Commander and I suspect, he has some pretty spot on contacts.

According to the author, it is most likely that the shot that took bin Laden out came within 2 minutes of the time those Seals broke through the front door of that compound.

That’s not what caught my eye.

Allow me for a moment to digress, just a little.

Last week, in the Friday Fume, I poked substantial sarcasm at the fact that the Obama administration has decided to send over TO Pakistan, a sure-fire way to settle things down and promote “Tollerance” in the region.

Oh, it’s going to cost us $20 million bucks but, it is essentially, the newest weapon in our war on terror.

The Obama administration is sending…Sesame Street to Pakistan.

Yep…The Muppets.

The Muppets, via Sesame Street, will teach little Pakistanis to be more tolerant of women and minorities. I am NOT making this up.

Okay…keep that in mind while I shift into a slightly different gear here.

Yesterday, Sunday November 6th, on Fox News Sunday, Ron Paul was the guest with Chris Wallace.

At the 10:34 mark of the video, the topic of the whole Israel/Iran deal comes up. As I have previously written, Israel is getting very close to a decision to launch a preemptive strike against Iran and their uranium enrichment/nuke building program. I also previously penned an article regarding just how wrong I believe Ron Paul is in his foreign policy regarding the Israel/Iran thing.

I wrote the Ron Paul article BEFORE the Fox News Sunday interview and just like clockwork, Paul makes my case for me.

Wallace asks Paul exactly what changes Paul, were he the President,  would make to our foreign policy to create better relations with Iran; and as Paul is carrying on about how he wouldn’t place any sanctions whatsoever on Iran and how he would treat Iran differently, Wallace asks “So, What’s – How are we gonna persuade them not to pursue a nuclear weapon?”

That is when Paul says something beyond naive, it’s the most dangerous thing someone could possibly say.

Paul, with a look of astonishment and a rather dismissive tone in his voice says, “Well…Maybe being – Offering friendship to em.”

The topic comes up at the 10:34 mark and this dangerous statement at the 12:00 mark of the video you can view by clicking here.


That is beyond naïve…It’s downright DOPEY.

It’s downright dangerous, too, but exactly what I would expect from Ron Paul hence the reason I think he’s DEAD WRONG on foreign policy.

Okay…Sounds a lot like the whole Sesame Street approach, doesn’t it? Muppets teaching tolerance to Pakistani kids and Ron Paul offering friendship to a terror sponsoring regime bent on creating nuclear weapons with the stated goal of wiping Israel off the map.

Well, I have digressed and changed gears but, I am about to wrap this all up in a very interesting little package.

Back to Mr. Pfarrer and his book about the bin Laden raid.

According to Pfarrer, and what really caught my attention was this little fact: Geronimo WAS the code name for bin Laden DURING that raid, but there was a different code name…or…names…while Seal Team 6 was TRAINING for that raid.

There were 2 high value targets for which Seal Team 6 was training…There was, of course, bin Laden and there was his chief deputy, Ayman al-Zawahiri.

Seal Team 6 knew that sooner or later, they would be sent after one of these two terrorists but until that day, they didn’t know which one. Then the call came in, Seal Team 6 was to gear up and, according to Pfarrer,  one question was asked and it was asked using the code names for bin Laden and Al-Zawahiri.

“So is this Bert or Ernie?”

No kidding.

Bert and Ernie.


Sesame Street characters.

Now, it’s up to this administration, the Obama administration, to debrief Seal Team 6 after the Bin Laden…I mean…Bert raid isn’t it?

Of course it is.

Had the Obama administration properly debriefed Seal Team 6, they would have known that bin Laden and al-Zawahiri were Bert and Ernie, wouldn’t they?

If they DIDN’T properly debrief the Seal Team…they weren’t doing their job which would be pathetic.

If they DID properly debrief the Seal Team…

Why would they now be sending Sesame Street…BERT AND ERNIE…to PAKISTAN…where…THE BIN LADEN/BERT RAID TOOK PLACE???

The Obama administration doesn’t think the Pakistanis will spin this against us? Here is how it will most likely work. The intolerant factions within Pakistan, and elsewhere, will say that Bert, of Bert and Ernie, was named after bin Laden and that the U.S. is teaching our children to kill through a children’s TV show.

They will claim that we are using symbols of intolerance to try and brainwash their kids.

Sending Sesame Street to Pakistan just went from silly to dangerous.

Even the Ron Paul followers, widely known as Paulbots, who were oh so tolerant of my article regarding Paul being DEAD WRONG on his foreign policy would agree that Obama’s foreign policy is dangerous and has made the world much less safe for Americans and others.

Okay…so how exactly is Ron Paul’s “Offer em friendship” policy any less dangerous that sending Bert and Ernie, given what we now know, to Pakistan?

It’s not.

Am I overreacting?

Ron Paul said in the video that the worst thing we can do is over react hence, his “Offer em friendship” foreign policy.

We under reacted for a decade and what did we get? September 11th 2001.

“Offer em friendship” is a gross under reaction.

“Send em Sesame Street” is a gross under reaction.

Sanctions too are a gross under reaction.

Anyone who wants history to repeat itself by offering gross under reactions as foreign policy please raise your hand.

Offer Bert and Ernie to a country which harbors terrorists and see what happens. Offer friendship to a country which sponsors terrorism and has vowed to wipe our ally off the map and see what happens. There is little if any difference between the foreign policies of Obama and Ron Paul and either one will make this a much more dangerous world.

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