Many of us have been throwing around ideas that would include adding Donald Trump to the race. You have to admit, even if you are not a fan, the man is entertaining and has swagger!
So what are we to do?? Should we convince Trump to go for the Democratic nomination? Think about it for just a moment…
Could the Obama machine stand up to the challenges of Trump? I would love to see the debate between them as Trump corners Obama and demands specific answers and rebuts the threadbare Obama mantra…
On Increasing Employment:
O: I will add more jobs and fix the economy.
T: What do you know about providing jobs? You have never had one. In fact, you wouldn’t get an interview with me because of your failure to produce records, college transcripts, job references, and your total lack of skills. I, on the other hand, have hired many workers throughout my life.
On the economy:
O: Look, the American people are frustrated with the slow economic growth. What we need is another stimulus – only BIGGER this time…
T: Are you kidding me? That’s like continuing to throw money into a slot machine waiting for it to payoff. I have built casinos – they are made for taking your money – and you are the kind of guy we like to see coming! You will spend $1 million to win $100. I wouldn’t even offer you a comp room – you would be flat broke in 10 minutes. Not only that, but can you even read a spreadsheet? Never mind. Here, let me sell you some timeshare properties. It is easy – you start with a false number and create equations that convince suckers.
On Appointments/Staffing:
O: I have a proven track record of surrounding myself with the best and brightest minds our country has to offer. I rely
on their wisdom, judgment, and experience to help me save this country that I am working to change fundamentally.
T: You’re fired!! [chuckles] Sorry, that’s a reflex when someone tries to sell me a load of crap instead of showing me results. And you wouldn’t recognize a good idea or sage advice if it kicked you in the butt! You have proven that an incompetent leader surrounded by sycophants is not a leader at all. Take your Unicorn Cult elsewhere buddy – I have a country to run!
On Bipartisanship:
O: I have proven I can reach across the aisle. I actually sent a Republican to China as Ambassador.
T: All you have proven is that you think shaking hands with socialists and other liberals is bipartisan. I know bipartisan. I have funded candidates from both parties. I change from party to party more often than you change your mom jeans. In fact, I can get more done than you because almost every member of Congress owes me!
On Being Influenced:
O: My teleprompter and I have proven that we are not influenced by anyone – that’s why I do not listen to my advisers. Nobody tells me what to do and how… [cell phone rings – Obama answers “uh huh, uh huh, okay Mr. Soros] … now where was I?
T: The fact you need a teleprompter during a debate tells me that you are scripted and either too stupid to remember your points or they were not your points to begin with….
T: You know what, you are wasting my time here. Let me know when you find your REAL birth certificate while my detectives track down the rest of your illegal immigrant family members. If the American people are stupid enough to vote for you again, which I doubt – have you seen my ratings? – but they won’t. Now that I have shown them what a real leader is, they will have no choice but to kick you to the curb.
But what if he decides to run an an Independent? What then?
I envision his campaign as the biggest series of reality shows ever!
- The Vice President – obviously modeled on The Apprentice, this vehicle would allow potential running mates to prove they have the right stuff for the job.
- Survivor: DC – potential running mates would be divided into two teams (liberals vs. conservatives), left in Washington, DC, to see who can outlast, outsmart, and outwit the other potential VPs.
- My prediction: While the conservatives make a plan and build a shelter and send Sarah Palin out hunting for game, the liberals wander around with their hands out – waiting for food stamps and enough change to buy a nice bottle of malt liquor. Look at that! the conservatives have built a shelter using wood from a tree and built a fire with a starter of fossil fuel; Sarah has bagged and field dressed a – difficult to see from here – a donkey?? – and the entire project came in under budget. Oh, for Pete’s sake! The liberals are still wandering around, hungry, no plan, hoping to get government housing – but they are going to get cold, very cold, as Gore demands they rely on solar heat and power…
- If the show picks up significant sponsors, then the second season would be Survivor: Cabinet, etc.
- For selection of FBI/CIA directors, how about Big Brother? All qualified folks would be locked in the Capitol. Who can keep a secret and who knows when to tell a secret will come to light!
But what if he runs as a Republican? Well, he does know how to come back from bankruptcy like nobody’s business. He understands business. He doesn’t whine about being recognized in public. He dresses well. EVERYBODY knows who he is…
But who should he run with? A friend of mine suggested Sarah Palin as the ideal running mate! She brings in the support of the Tea Party and let’s face it, she’s the most extensively vetted politician on the planet!
Sure, some conservatives might have to hold their nose to cast their vote. Get over it! He means business and she’s proven how strong she is in the face of constant criticism!
I would love to see Palin sit in the Senate (as the VP) does and hold court! And with The Donald as her tag-team partner, we know they can get the people’s agenda correct:
- Drill, baby, drill!!
- You’re fired (if you are incompetent)
- Sound business decisions
- Hearing Marine Corps pronounced correctly
- Balanced budget
- No skeletons hiding in the closet
- Great hair and distinctive hair
- Get a job, lazy slob! Cut entitlements
- Loud and proud
Hmmmm – President The Donald has a certain ring to it, no?? Could America really lose if he replaces Obama – say, if he ran as a Democrat and was elected? I don’t know about you, but I could live with that…
And in all three scenarios, The Donald will be able to tell Obama what America’s been waiting to hear: YOU’RE FIRED!!!