Enough is ENOUGH when it comes to this administration. Obama and his band of malcontented anti-American fools are again trying to divert history and are willing to blather from both sides of their mouths in the process.
As we approach the 10th anniversary of the attacks of 9-11, this administration has issued 2 sets of talking points regarding how to commemorate this very personal day.
One set of blather points is for those in foreign lands and the other is for those who reside in the United States.
Both are disgusting.
Here at home, the administration recommends that we, “draw on the spirit of unity that prevailed in the immediate aftermath of the attacks.”
It continues: “A chief goal of our communications is to present a positive, forward-looking narrative.”
According to the official liberal and administration note passer, the NY Times, the Obama blather points also include the following:
- Officials are instructed to memorialize those who died in the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks and thank those in the
military, law enforcement, intelligence or homeland security for their contributions since.
- Officials are to warn that Americans must be prepared for another attack — and must be resilient in recovering from the loss.
- Officials are cautioned that commemorations should not cast the United States as the sole victim of terrorism.
- The tone should be shaped by a recognition that the outpouring of worldwide support for the United States in the weeks after the attacks turned to anger at some American policies adopted in the name of fighting terror — on detention, on interrogation, and the decision to invade Iraq.
The guidelines also seek to remind everyone that Osama bin Laden was killed and cite his death as a reason for officials to “minimize references to Al Qaeda”:
- The guidelines say officials are to make the point that “Al Qaeda and its adherents have become increasingly irrelevant.”
- The guidelines say the absence of Al Qaeda playing any significant role in the “Arab Spring” uprisings in the Middle East and North Africa should be cited as evidence that bin Laden’s organization “represents the past,” while peaceful street protesters in Egypt and Tunisia “represent the future.”
SOMEBODY needs to remind this collection of delusional twirps of what REALLY took place that day.
We were attacked by Al Qaeada, a group who’s ideology had already, years earlier, declared war on America while we brushed them off. To make sure we understood the nature of THEIR aggression, they hijacked OUR planes and flew 2 of them into the twin towers of the World Trade Center in lower Manhattan, flew one into the Pentagon and WOULD have flown one into the U.S. Capitol in Washington DC had it not been for the heroic actions of those onboard that aircraft who forced it down in a rural PA farm field.
On that ONE day, in a matter of minutes, our enemy KILLED more than 3,000 people ON OUR OWN LAND!
People across the country took it personally and now, 10 years later, we still do.
For those living abroad, this administration has issued these guidelines:
“As we commemorate the citizens of over 90 countries who perished in the 9/11 attacks, we honor all victims of terrorism, in every nation around the world,” the overseas guidelines state. “We honor and celebrate the resilience of individuals, families, and communities on every continent, whether in New York or Nairobi, Bali or Belfast, Mumbai or Manila, or Lahore or London.”
And also contains this suggestion:
Officials are told to honor all victims of terrorism around the world as they also commemorate the Americans killed on Sept. 11.
Again, somebody needs to tell the fools that this day, the 10th anniversary of the most deadly attack against America on American soil by an outside entity is NOT the anniversary of attacks in Nairobi, Bali or Belfast, Mumbai or Manila, or Lahore or London.
While we’re busy trying to explain the reality of the day to liberal fools, SOMEBODY please explain to US why we, as Americans, should NOT regard 9-11 as OUR day of remembrance and focus on OUR losses? Why does this administration insist that we “spread” the remembrance around? For what end are they reaching here?
None of this should come as any great surprise as this IS the administration which traveled far and wide apologizing for American strength. This IS the administration which for so long could NOT bring themselves to utter the phrase, “War on Terror” and regards those captured in action as law breakers who deserve their day in an American court with all the protection of a U.S. citizen.
Liberal puppets have made it known there is either no room or no time for either first responders or clergy at the ground zero 9-11 event deciding it’s more important to be somehow politically correct than simply correct at this most important venue.
It’s shameful at best.
Administration guidelines also state, that for American ears “ceremonies draw on the spirit of unity that prevailed in the immediate aftermath of the attacks.” The guidelines ask officials to encourage Americans to volunteer, and also to share with attendees the steps that have been taken to prevent another terrorist attack.”
On the surface, this sounds quite palatable but with this administration, there is always a hidden agenda and this one is pretty transparent.
Remember, this IS theadministration which has tried over the last few years to turn 9-11 into a day of “service” rather than a day of remembrance. Yes, the original concept was created by a private entity, David Paine, but it was co-opted by this current administration and pushed by the Corporation for National & Community Service. Go to the CNCS website and at the top right side of the home page is the smug grin of Michelle Obama in a video.
While David Paine’s politics are unclear, it says SOMETHING when one notices that even HE places “Service” ahead of “Remembrance” in the titling of this day as “September 11th National Day of Service and Remembrance.”
September 11th of every year should be a day when we remember exactly what happened on that date in 2001, remember those who were lost and remember exactly who was responsible for it. We cannot afford to water it down, keep talk of al Quaeda to a bare minimum, or try to pass it off as a day of community service lest we drop our guard and allow such things to happen again.
September 11th, 2011, should be a day in NY, Washington and PA where we remember the things above and remember and thank those who rushed into the destruction to save those trapped within it and those who provided comfort to those whose friends and families were lost to it.
In PA, those on board flight 93 should be hailed as heroes.
Yes, people from more than 80 countries were killed on 9-11-01 – but they died on AMERICAN soil. On the 4th of July do we celebrate ALL nations who have won their independence regardless of their individual dates? Of course not. Then why should we use 9-11 as a day to remember all terrorist attacks worldwide? Clearly we feel for those lost in other parts of the world in such senseless acts – but on 9-11-01, it didn’t happen anywhere but HERE.
Rather than a “National Day of Service and Remembrance” why not call 9-11, “National Patriots’ Day” and rather than “United We Serve” why not “United We STAND” against those who perpetrated this act of war?
As for those who would deem to issue blather points, directed differently to domestic and international audiences and the liberals who would employ exclusionary tactics regarding the events of this most important day and anniversary which are clearly and simply wrong and shameful as well as those who, wish to erase from the consciousness of Americans, the true history of that awful day 10 years ago or attempt to dictate to us what to say, what to do, and how to act…
THEY can kiss our Patriotic asses.