Hard left publication of the Liberals, known as “The Nation” published a very scathing article about Congressmen West’s recent outing of the Muslim Brotherhood. Young Muslims are up in arms over West’s recent exposé, and the liberal folks at “The Nation” are determined to champion their cause. How noble. In just a moment, I will share with you why I am so impressed with Congressman West yet again.
But first, let’s take a gander at what the folks over at “The Nation” have to say about Congressman West in regards to this issue.
Quoting the Liberal publication, “The Nation”:
“The Citizens for National Security (CFNS) came to Capitol Hill yesterday to give a Congressional briefing on what they consider a dangerous threat facing America: Islamism and the Muslim Brotherhood. Representative Allen West (R-FL), a man with a history of fringe beliefs and Islamophobia, introduced and sponsored the CFNS presentation. Titled “Hometown Jihad on the USA,” the briefing was designed as an exposé on the Muslim Brotherhood, which CFNS said has been operating a four-phase plan since 1962 to “penetrate the United States and eventually erode its institutions, policies, and sense of self.”
May I just say, I am not at all impressed with the news reports from “The Nation” because I have another quote:
“The Ikhwan must understand that their work in America is a kind of grand Jihad in eliminating and destroying the Western civilization from within and “sabotaging” its miserable house by their hands and the hands of the believers so that it is eliminated and God’s religion is made victorious over all other religions.”
From the Internal Muslim Brotherhood strategy memo released as evidence in the trial of The Holy Land Foundation, Dallas, Texas. But more on this quote below.
The folks over at “The Nation” have done a fine job of launching a hate fest, portraying Allen West as an evil Islamaphobe, but they have done a very poor job of covering the facts. For those of you who care to wade through the hateful vitriol and read the rest of what “The Nation” has to say, here is the link.
For those of you who want to know why Congressman West is correct to bring this to the table, please continue reading.
Congressman West has once more proven to be a driving force for the salvation of this nation. He is very much in tune, and it would do America well to behoove him. I have no affiliation whatsoever with the folks that gave him the information on the Muslim Brotherhood. The conflict in Gaza and the liberal outcry supporting Hamas’ bombing of Israel, prompted this research.
The following is based upon information and notes I compiled 2 years ago on the Muslim Brotherhood as Gaza was bombarding Israel with bombs. This information is in depth, and to provide clarity, I have placed my quotations of sources in italics. My own words and observations are in plain type. Furthermore, the links to the sources are links I collected two years ago. I don’t really feel it is that important. Nothing has changed the realities that are submitted here.
Here is what I learned as of 2009:
In the aftermath of World War One and the fall of the Ottoman Empire, an organization came into being that thrives today internationally, including within our own national borders, and that organization is The Muslim Brotherhood, founded in 1928 by Egyptian school teacher, Hassan al-Banna. At war even within the Arab world and its own rulers, and with the Western nations who embrace democracy, the Muslim Brotherhood from its onset has been controversial, extremely violent, and even among Arab nations, outlawed – Egypt’s President Nasser outlawed the Muslim Brotherhood in 1954 after their attempted assassination effort against his life. Subsequently, Egypt imprisoned thousands of their members.
For a historical background on the Muslim Brotherhood, click here and specifically as pertains to the Egyptian branch, click here.
Counter-terrorist experts of today have decreed the Muslim Brotherhood to be at the heart of the current wave of worldwide terrorism in their effort to promote worldwide rule of Islam under Sharia Law, in the way of a Global Jihad. The claims are not made lightly, but are based on physical evidence, including statements made by Muslim Brotherhood leaders – who leave no doubt as to their intent of a global Jihad.
Quoting IPT News from the Investigative Project on Terrorism:
“Some scholars have advocated dialogue with the “moderate” wing of the Muslim Brotherhood. When proponents of this strategy are asked how they know this wing is moderate, their reply amounts to, “Because they told us so.” If only the discussion ended there. The Brotherhood is based on the goal of worldwide Islamicization. As its founder, Hassan al Banna said, “It is the nature of Islam to dominate, not to be dominated, to impose its law on all nations and to extend its power to the entire planet.” No matter how “moderate” some in the Brotherhood claim to be, this is still the central and undisputed tenet of the organization.
Then there is the issue of terrorism. Hamas was founded as the Palestinian chapter of the Muslim Brotherhood Al Qaeda second-in-command Ayman al-Zawahiri began his Islamist career as a member of the Muslim Brotherhood. Almost every single Sunni terrorist organization can be traced back to the Muslim Brotherhood. And this isn’t limited to the Middle East. As former counter-terrorism chief Richard Clarke told the Senate Banking and Finance Committee in 2003:
“The issue of terrorist financing in the United States is a fundamental example of the shared infrastructure levered by Hamas, Islamic Jihad and al Qaeda, all of which enjoy a significant degree of cooperation and coordination within our borders. The common link here is the extremist Muslim Brotherhood – all of these organizations are descendants of the membership and ideology of the Muslim Brothers.
The terrorism financing trial against the Holy Land Foundation in Dallas, Texas revealed the existence of a massive Muslim Brotherhood subversive movement in the United States that was originally established in the 1960s. This movement includes almost every major Islamic organization in the United States, such as the Islamic Society of North America, the Muslim American Society, and the Council on American-Islamic Relations. An internal Muslim Brotherhood strategy memo released as evidence in the trial stated the following:
“The Ikhwan must understand that their work in America is a kind of grand Jihad in eliminating and destroying the Western civilization from within and “sabotaging” its miserable house by their hands and the hands of the believers so that it is eliminated and God’s religion is made victorious over all other religions.”
This is from the Investigative Project on Terrorism. Click here for entire article.
A study of the Muslim Brotherhood, who publicly attempts to cloak itself as a “non-violent” organization, is a study of an organization that has infiltrated worldwide, recruited, aided, and encouraged, terrorist organizations with a goal of worldwide dominion of Islam and Sharia Law. And while many may not realize exactly what this entails, Hamas, the Palestinian Branch of the Muslim Brotherhood passed as law, the legal sentencing of Crucifixion under its Sharia criminal code. Under this same code, women are publicly executed for failure to completely veil themselves, or for even attempting to go to school.
This is the goal of the Muslim Brotherhood for the entire civilized world. Hamas is the Palestinian Branch of the Muslim Brotherhood, and is fighting not just to destroy Israel, but to claim that region as first begotten fruits of victory in a Global Jihad. Similar terrorist groups in league with this goal, and also fighting for worldwide dominion of Sharia law, include Al Qaeda, Somalian Jihadists, and Jihadists in Pakistan, and Europe. In her 2006 article titled “The Caliphate is Coming”, following an electoral victory by Hamas in Gaza, terrorist expert Dr. Rachel Ehrenfeld warns the civilized world:
(Note: The abbreviation of “MB” used by Dr. Ehrenfeld pertains to the Muslim Brotherhood.)
“To Mousa Abu Marzuk, Deputy Chief of Hamas’ Political Bureau in Damascus, HAMAS’ triumph is an important springboard towards the establishment of the Caliphate ¬– a global Islamic state, where life would be dictated by the Shari’a…..”
“Among the many permanent, deleterious features of Shari’a is a system that subjugates and oppresses non-Muslims. It requires non-Muslims to convert to Islam or pay the jizya tax, a form of extortion, creating a “contract” (dhimma) that “guarantees” the infidels’ lives and possessions. In a recent essay Dr. Andrew Bostom quotes the Arabic lexicographer, E.W. Lane, who bluntly calls the tax on “free non-Muslim subjects …compensation for not being slain.”
The system’s “obligations” institutionalize discrimination (dhimmitude) that targets Jews and Christians only. Others, such Hindus, and Buddhists have a choice to convert or to be slaughtered. These regulations prohibit them from possessing arms, ringing church bells, testifying in courts, building and restoring houses of worship while restricting many other civil rights as well. Like Nazi regulations, the Shari’a also require non-Muslims to wear special, identifying clothes. These key features of the Shari’a and Islamic ideology as called for by the MB and HAMAS, are political, not merely religious.
The spiritual leader of Hamas, the late Ahmad Yassin said: “The 21st century is the century of Islam,” and his successor Mahmoud Zahar says, “Israel will disappear and after it the US.” With its recent victory, HAMAS seems to be closer to reaching this goal.
Compare Hamas statements and its charter to those of al-Qaeda, Hizbullah and other Islamist organizations. All strive to establish a caliphate encircling the globe. Al-Qaeda says: “We will turn the White House and the British parliament into mosques,” as documented by Jonathan Dahoah Halevi, director of Orient Research Group in Toronto.
It comes as no surprise, therefore, that Iran, a major HAMAS benefactor, is celebrating the terrorist movement’s victory. Its Foreign Ministry spokesman Hamid Reza Assefi, said that Iran “congratulates the great Palestinian people, the Hamas movement, all Palestinians combatants, and the great Islamic Ummah.” And to ensure the HAMAS agenda, Iran is now considering financial aid to the Palestinians, “if Europe and the US cease funding the Palestinian Authority.” Saudi Arabia, who funded HAMAS all along, also promised $100 million to the Palestinian Authority. Clearly, both totalitarian Islamist regimes are stepping up to support the first democratically elected Jihadist government.
HAMAS’ victory, therefore, should be seen as an important realization of the MB agenda,
not merely as a localized development. In Jordan, the Muslim Brotherhood “is demanding “true democracy” from the Jordanian king in order to win in elections there,“ while the efforts to impose the Islamist agenda are making strides in Europe.
Denmark, for example, has in the last few years become a host country for various Muslim radical groups, mostly offshoots of the Muslim Brotherhood. The most prominent of these is Hizb ut-Tahrir. Like HAMAS, members of Hizb ut-Tahrir have been connected with the recruitment of fighters for the Taliban, as well as membership in the al-Qaeda terrorist networks. Like HAMAS, they too, under the banner of democracy, are allowed to pursue their Islamofacist agenda.
According to Jonathan Dahoah Halevi, director of Orient research Group in Toronto, who follows Islamist organizations, they view Denmark as an easy target for the spreading of Islam, a springboard from which to renew the Muslim occupation of Europe. As Sheikh Issam Amayra warned in a recent sermon:
“Three percent of the Muslims in Denmark constitute a threat to the future of the kingdom of Denmark. …our Danish brothers will manage to bring Islam to all the homes of the Danish citizens. Allah will grant them the victory in their country in order to raise the Caliphate in Denmark. Afterwards the citizens of the Caliphate (which will be raised in Denmark) will wage war on Oslo, [and] they will fight their neighboring Scandinavian countries in order to join their lands to the territory of the Caliphate. Then they will wage a holy war and spread the teachings of Islam to the rest of Europe, until they reach the original city of Medina.”
Given the global aspirations of these MB splinter groups and the Islamist nature of their agenda, it seems that the West’s unwillingness to recognize their threat to our democracy will enable them to exploit it until those who survive, will have to do so under the MB’s inspired Caliphate.”
*End quotes of terrorist expert Dr. Rachel Ehrenfeld, click here for article.
Shabab Al-Mujahideen Jihadists in Somalia declared:
“We Will Establish Islamic Rule From Alaska and Chile to South Africa, and From Japan to Russia – Beware, We Are Coming”.
Even Russia has not been immune to the pervasive Jihad in past years. And few have forgotten the deaths of 195 innocent citizens in Mumbai, India, by Pakistani Jihadists, praised by the leadership of Al Qaeda, who also stands in league with Hamas in the Gaza Strip. The following is a video of a group known as “Al Qaeda in Gaza”, declaring Global Jihad from the Gaza Strip. If you do not fully realize the true goal of Global Jihad from Hamas, and their brethren terrorists in arms, this video of terrorists in training declaring that goal straight from the Gaza Strip will open your eyes – click here for terrorist training video declaring Global Jihad.
Okay, that is all I have from two years ago. Recently, another flame-throwing attack was hurled at Congressman West. The liberals and their mouthpiece publications like “The Nation” are so upset with Congressman West over his statements about The Muslim Brotherhood. The reality is, they have substituted real news with a hate fest against Congressman West, and they have woefully failed their surely ill-informed readers. Because this is what Congressman West has to say about the Muslim Brotherhood – click here for video of Congressman Allen West exposing the Muslim Brotherhood.
Now I don’t know about you, but it seems to me that the liberals and their publications like “The Nation” would prefer a slander campaign to reporting accurate news. And according to them, Gitmo is guilty of torture for water-boarding, Bush is a war criminal, and Allen West is an evil Islamaphobe with anger issues, because he discharged his weapon harmlessly during the interrogation of a prisoner. The information gleaned from Allen West’s actions saved lives. The prisoner was not a direct target, and he was intimidated enough to talk. Insofar as I know, he was unscathed during this horrendous act of torture.
What is more, liberals have no problem whatsoever with the fact that we are facing a Global Jihad and this is a reality that no credible individual can deny.
We have a choice: We can listen to the liberals and their slander campaigns disguised as news, or we can listen to the experts on terrorism and legislators like Congressman Allen West. The liberals have repeatedly proven to be more interested in slander and promoting their party, as they condemn those who champion national security.
In future elections, I will be casting my vote for legislators like Allen West, a proven warrior and patriot, who has a firm grasp on the pulse of the globe, and this nation. Whose sole motivation is love of this country. I appreciate his constant vigilance and commitment to do his utmost to protect our borders, and the lives of the American people – in the past, and even as I write this today. I am thankful Allen West is out there. Given the alternatives, all Americans should be.
“If ever time should come, when vain and aspiring men shall possess the highest seats in Government, our country will stand in need of its experienced patriots to prevent its ruin.”
~Samuel Adams
I gotta favorite this website it seems extremely helpful.
Congressman West,
I thank God that we have you!
rex jones