April Fools

By Jennifer Stephens on April 1, 2011

Let’s listen in on a very important meeting between Obama and Biden…

BO: Joe, I don’t understand why my approval ratings are so low. I’ve followed through on my campaign promises of giving people Change and Hope. What more do they want than for me to keep my campaign promises?

Democrats wanted change, and I gave them change. The House changed from Democratic majority to Republican majority. Are they mad I didn’t get the Senate to change majority as well? I made sure a lot of the Governorships changed from Democratic to Republican.

I did change the economy…

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Indirectly Speaking

By John Brewer on April 1, 2011

Our beloved President has established a precedent which is un-precedented in the realm of job creation. Barack Obama, whose signature achievement thus far has been a signature on a 4-digited (neologisim) dimwittery of signatorily and liberally signifying directions which would weigh down heavily and oppressively and abruptly and un-precedently—never mind, “un-Presidentially” on the United States of America Health-Care Market, has now divined that his divine signature was un-accountably pre-divined, if not faultlessly approved through means of a, his, signature.

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