Concrete vs. Foundationless Answers

Conservative Answers “Concrete”; Liberals Answers “Foundationless”

By Margaret Smith on April 6, 2011

In the past 30 years of politics, liberals have had the bullhorn of the Media; whether it is local or national television, liberal political headlines have been favorable for all Democrat politicians. I know many people today have taken the blinders off seeing for the first time the media bias against Conservative values. I am amongst those fellow Americans.

Today we refer to media as mainstream media, but with technology gaining in information output we see many liberal media stories being fact checked. Most of us who are online have the ability to fact check a story, keeping the bias opinion from being the comprehensive answer. We share the corrected information with our fellow Americans.  I ask: What about the American not reading stories online or searching further for a more unbiased editorial?  What happens to them? Where do they get the information to make an educated thought on any given subject?  Is the answer from values, common sense or emotional knee jerk reactive thinking such as ideology?

Emotional knee jerk reactive thinking is the cornerstone of liberal, progressive foundations. Liberals use emotional response to create fervor on any given subject, even if the majority of Americans do not favor the subject. Fact: The health care law that Democrats jammed through Congress last year was not favored by majority of Americans, yet all responses by Democrats were emotional based. Fact: Tarp passed by Democrats was not favored by majority of Americans, yet all responses by Democrat pundits, main stream media, Democrat politicians and the white house were emotionally based. Fact: Cash for clunkers was not favored by majority of Americans, yet all responses were based on emotions. Fact: Auto Industry bailout was not favored by majority of Americans, yet all responses were based on emotions.

Emotional responses are not based on values, so they are left with a foundationless system of reference for any given subject, especially when their liberal candidate does a similar act as an opposing candidate. Examples listed below. Assess these responses with your conservative values.

Emotional response to budget cuts by Nancy Pelosi (and this is her budget mess):

” It was no surprise that Pelosi didn’t support the measure. She had harsh words for it, even after Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid said he’d back it last week. Pelosi objected to cuts to education, saying those alone made the bill “not a good place to start.” On the floor Tuesday afternoon, she delivered a long speech chastising Republicans for allowing debt to mount under President George W. Bush, while now calling for drastic cuts.Read more:

Emotional response to President Obama and Libya verses President Bush and Iraq by Dick Durbin during a debate on the Senate floor with Rand Paul:

“Still, during a testy floor exchange Wednesday with Sen. Dick Durbin (D., Ill.), the Kentucky freshman argued that his amendment deserves a vote, and fast. “In Afghanistan and Iraq, with all the complaints from many people on these wars that we were involved in, President Bush did come and ask for the authorization of force,” he said. “We’ve had two to three weeks of this issue. They had time to go to the U.N. They had time to go to the Arab League. They had time to go to everyone. I think you should be insulted the way I am insulted they never came to Congress.”

Durbin fired back that Bush, by coming to Congress, actually “broke precedent.” Paul looked on, bemused.”                                          Read more :

Emotional response to wars in Iraq and Afghanistan by candidate Obama on campaign trail in 2007:

“America it is time to start bringing our troops home. It’s time to admit that no amount of American lives can resolve the political disagreement that lies at the heart of someone else’s civil war. That’s why I have a plan that will bring our combat troops home by     March of 2008.”

Read more:

Emotional response to reducing the Public sector Unions from bargaining for more health care benefits and pension funding by Union Leaders and the President of United States;

“Labor leaders and Democratic lawmakers say the bill is intended to undermine the unions and weaken a key base of Democratic Party voters.”   Read more:

I could list numerous articles/television appearances which use words such as cuts for children; jobs shipped overseas, denying health care to seniors or children, denying money to the poor, tax cuts for millionaires, spending money to keep us out of depression, people will not afford education for the children, families will not be able to pay electric bills or put food on the table. etc…

Now we have conservatives who answer questions based on values, not on emotions. Conservatives have the ability to speak from the heart with no change in their answers because they are not emotional responses, answers are based on concrete values, whether they come from the Constitution or from their family values or from their experience with their religion, the answers are the same whether it is a Democrat or a Republic who uses moral authority to push a spending agenda, to push using tax dollars increases to raise more benefits in entitlement for those who do not work or punishing achievement, redistribution of wealth . Conservative use values to answer all the above situations. Values are concrete, steadfast and solid so we ultimately have the same response to any given subject at any given time.