Communications Matter

By Patty Ewing Robichaud on March 6, 2011

If there’s one thing I love, it is debating with liberals. In fact, this is a new revelation for me as I never argued politics until 2008.

Let’s face it, in the 2008 election, conservatives got stomped on. Were we wrong? No – clearly not. However, I believe we were not prepared for the radical war of words, actions and ideology we encountered.

Heck, even Hillary Clinton wasn’t prepared! She and her campaign were bullied out of arguably her right to run as the Democratic candidate for president by thugs invading her rallies.

I will be the first one to admit that when someone yells at me and uses profanity, I want to yell back and use even more colorful phrasing. However, that is a distraction and will get you off balance and off topic! That is exactly what the liberals want!

I call to you, fellow Conservatives, let’s not go down their road to ruin, regardless of the temptation to engage the enemy in their own territory. We are BETTER than that, we are more ARTICULATE than that, and our logic stands on its own MERITS and TRUTHS without the use of yelling and profanity.

Our best weapon is using FACTS and LOGIC. It makes liberals sputter out of control. And once they are calling you a big dumb poopy head (and they will), just reply “I’m sorry you feel that way.” Say it calmly without emotion – or write it without adding something like “idiot” to the end of the phrase. First, it proves they did not pull you into hysteria – which proves you are the better person.

Do your research! When you find a fact that strengthens your beliefs, remember to not only note the fact but where you got it from. That way, when they say, “You don’t know what you are talking about,” you can calmly say, “well, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics…”  Again, you will be called poopy head and you may see some Cujo foam around the mouth of your opponent – but you are winning the debate, and they know it.

And why is this all so important? Why not fight fire with fire? Because it is incumbent upon us to set the example of what an American patriot is and should be. We need to influence those on the fence politically to want to be like we are, strong and proud of our heritage and willing to stand up for what is right.

I know all of this is easier said than done. It takes PRACTICE. A good place to start is on some of the political blogs and sometimes Facebook (but you may lose friends on FB). One of my favorites is – I do not always agree with the site host’s point of view or his use of language, but reading and joining in the comments is a great exercise in “not feeding the trolls” by humoring their off-topic, off-color posts.

I truly enjoy for their variety of links to sources, information, and comments. I find links to articles that I use as sources to back my point of view – and also get a peek at the opposing viewpoint – which is equally important! If you understand how they are going to argue a point, then you can prepare accordingly.

But perhaps, most importantly, as we gird our loins for 2012, is that we need to find a way to come together and not be distracted by our little differences. The liberals are already hard at work trying to divide and diminish us as individuals and Conservatives. Do not let pro-life/choice issues and birther questions derail our goal of getting a Conservative into the White House. We need to come together on core principals of fiscal responsibility and reducing the size of the government and the debt. We need to stand united behind ONE CANDIDATE when the time comes and not be sidetracked into third party votes for candidates with slim chance of winning. We must find our common goal and repeat our message to one another and to the liberals who seek to bring us a socialist regime. We believe in responsibility and duty. Do not let them take our focus away from the objective.

We have time to hone our skills. Let us begin and set the tone.

I will stand proudly with you, fellow Conservatives; and win or lose, I will take pride in our mutual patriotism, convictions and ethics.