SCOTUS Decision on Obamacare Looming

By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots on

oc 1The ruling from the Supreme Court could come at any day…Obabacare hangs in the balance and Obama himself is feeling the pressure…big time.

Yesterday, at a press conference in Germany, the dictator was asked about the upcoming decision and his response was nothing shy of, well, desperation laced with lies.

At issue are four words that appear on page 95 of the 2700 page Obamacare monstrosity and what those four fords mean but before we get to that and Obama’s lies told Monday in Germany…lets have a look back at how we got to this point to begin with.

Obama knows damn well how we got to this point and his weasling isn’t going to change any of it.

Nancy Pelosi, most likely on Obama’s orders as she is a good little minion, told us all, and congress, that in order to see what was IN the bill they would first have to PASS the bill. In other words…Obamacare wasn’t fit to be read by the very people elected to read bills BEFORE they passed them.


Obamacare was brought to a vote at the 11th hour, in the dark of the night amid pressure from the regime to get it done before any of the stinking liberals who had agreed to pass it, oc 2after several having taken bribes for that very purpose, changed their minds.

The bill, Obamacare, was passed in the house without a single affirmative vote from Republicans and then, in the senate without a single affirmative vote from the Republicans and in both cases, without being read.

Later, after being enacted and with the ball rolling toward disaster, those four words, four words that nobody bothered to read before, loomed large.

In the section regarding subsidies, tax dollars to be handed out like candy to those who couldn’t otherwise afford Obamacare’s premiums, the bill stated that subsidies will be allocated through exchanges, the online marketplaces…”established by the state.”

Four words…”established by the state” and here we are. Why, because once those four words were discovered, Obama knew damn well he had a major problem on his hands because, of the 50 states, 36 opted OUT of setting up a state exchange as was their purview leaving only 14 WITH such exchanges.

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What was a dictator to do?

Most people think the extension of Obamacare subsidies to the federal exchange was a matter of Obama’s pen but, that’s not exactly how it happened. In fact, it probably had more to do with his phone.

It was the IRS…in a panic over the lack of state created Obamacare exchanges, and certainly at the order of Obama himself, who coyly tried to make believe that the same subsidies available through STATE exchanges were also available through the FEDERAL exchange and it was the IRS who worded it this way…

“The statutory language of section 36B and other provisions of the Affordable Care Act support the interpretation that credits are available to taxpayers who obtain coverage through a State Exchange, regional Exchange, subsidiary Exchange, and the Federally-facilitated Exchange.”oc 4

Now that all SOUNDS pretty cut and dry until one actually does what Pelosi didn’t want ANYBODY to do before Obamacare was passed into law and READS the thing. In doing so…one quickly discovers the TRUTH and we all know that the TRUTH is something for which Obama has no taste.

In section 36B, there is absolutely NO mention of any federal exchanges or marketplaces. NONE. Further, Section 36B CLEARLY states that receiving subsidies…requires enrollment “through an Exchange established by the State under 1311 of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act.”

And what exactly is 1311 as directed in Section 36B? Well…THAT is the section of the Obamacare bill that SPECIFICALLY deals with STATE exchanges. If one reads 1311, one can find absolutely NO MENTION WHATSOEVER of the FEDERAL exchange AT ALL.

And here’s the real kicker…that portion of Obamacare that DOES deal with the federal exchanges does NOT include any language making subsidies available THROUGH the federal exchange.

By my count, that equals three opportunities for the Obamacare law to mention subsidies through the federal exchange…once in Section 36B…once in 1311 and once in the section devoted TO the federal exchange so, if the INTENT was to make those subsidies available through the federal exchange, why then was it never written INTO the law in ANY of the sections where it COULD have been?

Now would be a good time to watch the liar in action on Monday.

He couldn’t even get through it with a straight face yet, according to Obama, and in complete desperation, there is “well established precedent” for the IRS to amend the laws of our nation without going through congress as per the separation of powers established by our Constitution.

oc 5The IRS, the agency charged with the enforcement of the largest tax hike in American history, upon Obama’s orders, rewrote the Obamacare law to extend subsidies through the federal Obamacare exchange without going through congress and that’s not all…

The IRS, because Obamacare IS a tax as per the United States Supreme Court, has the ability to TAX employers who do NOT pony up for Obamacare on behalf of their employees at a rate of $3000.00 per employee and they, the IRS, is doing just that to penalize employers all across the country HOWEVER…since Obamacare ALSO allows individual states to OPT OUT of Obamacare by not establishing their own state exchanges…and since the IRS is TAXING those employers who aren’t providing Obama in the 36 states that DID opt out…THAT is CLEARLY taxation without representation.

Remember…”If you LIKE your current insurance you can KEEP your current insurance!”

Remember…”If you LIKE your doctor you can KEEP your doctor?”

Of course you do and now we’re being told that the INTENT was for subsidies to be paid through the FEDERAL exchange AND that law makers from BOTH sides of the aisle agree on that?

Well…hang on…

NOT according to Jonathan UBER GRUBER…the M.I.T. economist and Obama adviser whom Obama sent to the house and senate to assist with the drafting of the Obamacare bill.

What’s important to remember politically about this is if you’re a state and you don’t set up an exchange, that means your citizens don’t get their tax credits—but your citizens still pay the taxes that support this bill. So you’re essentially saying [to] your citizens you’re going to pay all the taxes to help all the other states in the country. I hope that that’s a blatant enough political reality that states will get their act together and realize there are billions of dollars at stake here in setting up these exchanges. But, you know, once again the politics can get ugly around this.”

THAT was in January 2012 at a conference where Gruber ALSO stated “I’m biased, I’m in favor of this type of law, I won’t hide that,” and that his ENTIRE presentation was calculated on “verifiable objective facts”….so naturally, a couple of months ago, Gruber signed an amicus brief DEFENDING Obama and the IRS dictate that the federal exchange CAN pay subsidies…the exact opposite of what he said in the 2012 video that he states was entirely comprised of verifiable, objective facts.

So…IS it all just an error in the writing of the law and DID Obama andoc 6 his congressional minions actually MEAN for the feds to hand out Obamacare subsidies?

Again…NOT according to Uber Gruber who makes it CLEAR in that video that the way the law was written, allowing subsidies ONLY via the STATE exchanges was to PRESSURE state’s Governors and legislatures to CREATE their own exchanges because, if they opted OUT, their state’s citizens would be PAYING the price OF Obamacare while NOT receiving the subsidies.

And what of Obama’s nose-growing claim that 16 million Americans have signed up for Obamacare?

Well…that number is accurate ONLY when you take into account that 71% of those enrolled did so because of expanded Medicare coverage and the subsidies making both a tax and key factors in the rising cost of Obamacare, and let’s not forget that a good number of the enrollees are people who had the insurance they LIKED and were told they could KEEP…cancelled.

So, what decision WILL the Supreme Court make?

IF they side with Obama and the regime, which I believe to be a long-shot…it will essentially mean that any future president can order any agency of unelected bureaucrats to rewrite any law that president doesn’t like without the need for congress OR the Constitution.

If they rule AGAINST Obama and the regime…which I believe they will…Obamacare oc 7is virtually finished and as subsidies are removed from the table for all who signed up on the federal exchange…chaos. Premiums, deductibles and prescriptions will all go into orbit as the pool paying in dries up causing a death spiral that Obamacare can and won’t recover from.

So then…what happens to those who, because of Obamacare, are suddenly thrust into the cold…those who perhaps HAD insurance…LOST it BECAUSE of Obamacare and then regained it with the assistance of ill gotten subsidies?

While Obama has no plan B…congress does and while it may seem, on the surface to be yet another surrender by the Republican majority, it may well be something very cagey. The Republican led House and Senate are apparently close to a deal that would extend the subsidies, for those who enrolled on the federal exchange, through August 2017.

The plan, put out there by Sen. Ron Johnson, would also REPEAL the individual AND employer mandates of Obamacare which would, effectively, leave the damn thing gutted.

Yeah, I know, but think about it…that would either allow for a new…REPUBLICAN president and a continuing red House and Senate to replace Obamacare with an actual workable alternative that relies on the open market, private market rather than on government plus, it would eliminate the obvious plan of the liberal machine to blame the problem they and ONLY they created, on CONSERVATIVES.oc 8

According to HHS Secretary, Sylvia Mathews Burwell yesterday… “If the court says that we do not have the authority to give subsidies, the critical decisions will sit with the Congress and states and governors to determine if those subsidies are available.”

Get ready states…get ready Congress and governors…the liberals are reading the handwriting on the wall and the manure is already starting to hit the Obamacare fan.