Weekend Edition: Focus People…FOCUS!!!

tnp eagleSeriously, are we that easily distracted?

We have an election in 3 week’s time. It may well be THE most important midterm election of our lifetimes and rather than paying a lick of attention to the things that really matter…far too many are being distracted by…


A couple of days ago, Lala Land airhead Gwyneth Paltrow makes some oozy, schmoozy comments about the Dictator and yesterday…social media was CHOKED with the crap.


Last Wednesday, an off duty cop shot and killed some upstanding 18 year old in St. Louis and the streets of Ferguson LIT UP with BURNING AMERICAN FLAGS and once again, social media was clogged up tighter than eco-toilet at a democrat national convention.

WHO REALLY GIVES A CRAP? The punk had a rap sheet, an ankle monitor and, according to his cousin, a sandwich.

Cops recovered the 9mm stole sandwich which this piece of garbage was pointing and firing at the off duty cop from the scene.

3 weeks people. That’s all we have left is 3 weeks and if you’re not paying more attention to the midterm election in your state than you are to each and every shiny ball rolled across the floor by liberals than YOU are part of the PROBLEM when you SHOULD be a part of the SOLUTION!!!



Would you rather gay people be confined to marrying STRAIGHT people?

GET THE HELL OVER IT!!! Besides…how is it harming YOU anyway?


With just 3 weeks to go until an election that could begin the process of taking our country back…you really give a damn what Jackson says?


Some liberal won’t say whether or not she voted for Obama? Isn’t that a CUTE little KITTEN? LOOK EVERYBODY…SOME BREAKING NEWS FROM 2 YEARS AGO!!! Jimmy Carter said…Leon Panetta said…AND WE MUST, MUST, MUST SHARE IT ON FB…TWITTER…TUMBLER…AND IN OUR EMAILS!!!

Read this very carefully folks…Jimmy and Leon said whatever the hell they said because they are shilling for HILLARY in 2016…NOT BECAUSE THEY HAVE SUDDENLY SEEN THE CONSERVATIVE LIGHT so 86 the postings on that crap until after the midterm so we can get to the ROOT of our national ills.

shiny 2And here’s one of my favorites…

Holier than Thou “conservatives” who pretend to stand for the Constitution who think we can ONLY get our country back if we elect THE RIGHT BRAND OF CHRISTIANS who will bring the BIBLE back to GOVERNMENT.


Didn’t we fight a REVOLUTIONARY WAR just to get AWAY from that sort of thing???

GOD didn’t found this nation…JESUS ain’t gonna SAVE it and if you think that our country is based ONLY on CHRISTIAN principles…you’re only half right. Our country was based on JUDEO-Christian principles but our founders and framers went to GREAT lengths to make sure that OUR nation and OUR government was NOT predicated on ANY one set of religious beliefs so stop pretending otherwise and get with the damn program.

Three weeks folks…that’s what we’re down to here is three weeks.

Have you looked at your investments lately or have you been too busy chasing every shiny ball out there to notice that the stock market is dropping like an anvil from the wild blue yonder?shiny 3

Have you noticed that we have a real problem with our border security in this country and that every Tom, Dick and Jose imaginable is pouring across and taking up residence here…ILLEGALLY…and that YOU’RE paying for it?

That’s right…YOU’RE buying their food for them…YOU are buying them phones. YOU are paying for their education and YOU are paying their medical bills. THEY are in OUR country ILLEGALLY…WE’RE footing the bill and far too many of US are more concerned with making sure all our friends have seen the video of an ELEPHANT PAINTING A PICTURE OF ITSELF.

Excuse me but…Obamacare is still driving Americans into a bankrupt grave and even if you still have YOUR insurance and YOUR doctor from that point in time before SOCIALISM took hold…you won’t for long because THAT monkey is about to climb on YOUR back too.

ISIS…now there’s one of the real issues. There here ya know. Four of them were just picked up in Texas a day after liberals claimed we Conservatives were just making that crap up about the other 10 and they’re coming across our unsecured border too.

Maybe it’s slipped by you but none of our allies trust us and none of our enemies fear us.You think THAT might just pose a real problem or two or are Justin Beiber’s antics more important?shiny 4

Trust me on this…there’s nobody happier than liberals with all the distractions and nobody is more pleased with the attention that some on our side are paying to the social issues. They, the liberals and socialists are sitting back, waiting for and counting on US to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory this November just as we did in 2012.

Maybe you think it’s just a senator or two on your ballot or just a member of congress or two and this really isn’t that big of an election but I’m telling you that it’s the entire liberal/socialist agenda on your ballot. From amnesty to Obamacare, from liberal appointments to the truth on Benghazi, Fast and Furious and the IRS scandal…it’s on your ballot.

Our nation’s economy and YOUR cost of living…they’re on your ballot too.

On November 4th, we can either start turning the ship around or we can watch it sink. Vote for a third party candidate…watch the ship sink. Vote for a write in ccraig 1andidate…watch the ship sink. Stay home because you think it’s no big deal and watch the ship sink.

Vote for the candidate with an “R” attached to their name and we start to turn this ship around.

3 weeks. That’s what we have left. 3 weeks.

Focus people…FOCUS!!!

Craig Andresen

The National Patriot

Weekend Edition 10/12/2014

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