MORE Blood on the IMAM’S Hands

lies 1Last week, in an article co-written by myself and my RIGHT SIDE PATRIOTS radio partner, Diane Sori…’Obama’s Caliphate…The Truth Exposed’ I wrote the following:

“Last week, Obama was blaming the ‘surprise’ that is ISIS on a lack of accurate information from our intel community. “There is no doubt that their advance, their movement, over the last several months has been more rapid than the intelligence estimates, and I think then the expectation of policy makers both in and outside of Iraq.” Are we really to believe that the Director of the CIA, John Brennan, a muslim convert himself, didn’t know what ISIS was up to…oh please…”

“The Obama doctrine…creating vacuums of power in the Middle East and North Africa…is giving way to the strategic plan of ceding regional power to ISIS in an effort to do away with Israel and complete a caliphate the size and strength of which has never been seen before. And like a garden variety islamist, Obama has moved on from his support of the Muslim Brotherhood and al-Qaeda to throw in with ISIS…always bowing to the barbarians who carry the biggest sword.”

And I continued…

“Those in the media and elsewhere who believe Obama to be some sort of ignorant wuss, simply in over his head so far that he hasn’t a clue what to do…are sadly mistaken.”LIES 2

“None of this is the result of a community organizer trying to feel his way through the world’s most dire chess game. No…this is all being directed by islamic design and Obama is the architect.”

Now we know. NOW we know that Obama was…once again…lying. Bald faced, without a shred of mitigation…utterly…lying.

Yesterday, Fox News reported that one of their sources in the Pentagon…a highly placed source…told them that Obama, the liar, had received daily briefings on the beginnings and the rapid growth of ISIS…FOR A FULL YEAR before those 7th century barbarians with 21st century weapons began their march through Syria and Iraq this summer.

He knew all about it. He personally read the daily briefings. He was fully informed and so too was the intel community.

There can be no other reason than that written of in last week’s article for Obama to sit idly by, doing nothing, formulating no strategy and lies 3allowing ISIS to grow in size, strength, riches and weaponry but for the purpose of isolating and removing Israel from the map.

Note to all allies of the United States worldwide: Obama is not your friend. He will not support or back you. He will lie to you. He will stab you in the back. He will stand with our enemies and yours at every turn.  Obama cannot be trusted to give you the time of day and when push comes to shove, he WILL take the side of Islamic terror.

I have been documenting this strategy, what I have consistently referred to as the Obama Doctrine for years now…the creation of power vacuums to be filled by terrorist organizations. Now, rather than an organization, Obama has his own army. An army of barbaric bastards who are more than willing to kill all of those that he, Obama, regards as infidels.

Liberals, democrats…you voted for this son of a bitch but don’t think, for one minute, that he doesn’t regard you as an infidel too. He most surely does and when the next attack on our soil takes place, and there WILL be a next attack, those who carry out the jihad will not be checking your voter registration first.

That open border you’re all so damn proud of…that is how they will get into our country. Obama has seen to it. The invitation to illegal aliens and their families is a shiny ball, a distraction so that we will all be looking the other way. Illegal aliens are an economic drain, socialism at fulllies 4 bore but make no mistake…by erasing our southern border…Obama has, in fact, thrown open the gates of Islamic hell.

The Imam, Obama, has provided the necessary motivation to his army of global evil. The Imam, Obama, has emboldened them beyond all reason to do what their ideology demands of them. Oh, he pretends to bomb their convoys or individual trucks but those are nothing but pin pricks to the ISIS barbarians. They mean little more than sending a few dozen to their 72 virgins as martyrs to the Islamic cause.

It’s a diversion. The buying of time. The necessary room to gain more power, more weapons which the Imam Obama is all too willing to deliver and the space to grow in the courage needed to attack.

What is it going to take to put an end to the Imam Obama’s goal of a nation brought to its knees awaiting execution?

Beheadings of Americans in the streets of our cities, broadcast live on Al Jazeera America or MSNBC? Granted, it’s difficult to tell the difference but will THAT finally wake up the walking, talking, liberal voting dead?

lies 5Let me explain something else…

ISIS and the rest of the barbarians know one thing for certain…as long as Obama has his prayer rug spread out on the floor of the oval and as long as he is replaced by yet another liberal in 2016, they’ve got free reign. Nothing will be done to stop them. They also know, should republicans take the senate in 9 weeks and the White House in 2 years…they’re through. They will be met head on with abject and decided force.

It happened in 1979 as Reagan let it be known to Iran that should our hostages not be released before he took the oath of office, Mecca would be bombed…not only into the afterlife but…into the half-life.

As sure as I am that a coordinated and devastating attack, carried out by Islam on American soil is coming, I am equally certain that Obama knows it and will do nothing to stop it unless it is politically expedient for him to do so but political expediency is a two-way sword.

On one hand, such expediency could lend itself to suspending elections in a time of great crisis and with indicators now showing a distinct possibility of liberals losing control of the senate…don’t be too surprised…same truth regards the White House in 2016.

On the other side of the sword…expediency could well be the “foiling” of a grand Islamic plot in the days leading up TO either upcoming election in the hopes that the Imam’s party can claim credit and make the most OF it.

I am telling you now that any “foiled” plot will be a plot designed to be “foiled” and nothing more.

Now, as I write this article, at 1:20pm EST on Tuesday…word comes of the beheading of American journalist Steven Sotloff by ISIS.  To watch the graphic vile video, click the image below.


From Fast and Furious to Benghazi…from the lives lost in Iraq and Afghanistan due to Obama’s arming of our enemies and providing them with our dates of withdrawl and now to James Foley and Steven Sotloff…the Imam’s hands are dripping with American blood.LIES 6

I will say this as plainly as I possibly can…the strategy Obama claims not to have is working according to plan. Where ISIS is concerned, he has us all looking to the Middle East rather than in our own cities. He has us all watching the deserts of Syria and Iraq rather than main street USA.

Two weeks ago, it was James Foley. Yesterday, Steven Sotloff. Tomorrow, next week, next month, next year…it will be Americans, going about their business, harming no one who are the targets…right here at home.

There is no need for ISIS to raise their vile flag over our White House…

Their Imam is already sitting in it.

Be SURE to tune in to RIGHT SIDE PATRIOTS…TODAY…WEDNESDAY SEPTEMBER 3RD…from 2-4pm EST as Diane and I WILL be discussing the murder of Steven Sotloff, ISIS, Obama’s role in all of this and what MUST be done to stop it!!!

That’s RIGHT SIDE PATRIOTS…today from 2-4EST LIVE on CPR Worldwide Media.

You can listen live by CLICKING HERE!!!

2 thoughts on “MORE Blood on the IMAM’S Hands

  1. Pay attention America. Did you know there are 11 Planes missing out of Lybia? 911 is coming up.

  2. you are absolutely correct; HE is ONE OF THEM! Have also said this all along! He’s needs to be taken OUT of OUR house!! NOW!

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