Conservatives, Let’s Get Our PRIORITIES Straight

solve 1Well, thank GOD that all our LITTLE insignificant problems as a nation have been resolved. Honestly, they were getting a bit annoying.

You know, thinks like our soaring national debt…all $18 TRILLION dollars of it and rising. Pesky really. But apparently, that’s been fixed so there is NOTHING more to worry about in that regard and may I just add…it’s about damn time.

GAS prices must be on THEIR way down which also means that nobody will have to worry this coming winter about the cost to heat their homes as the cost of electricity must also be dropping.

How’s your 401k doing?

Last week’s nose dive doesn’t mean a thing. Just because the Fed may stop artificially propping up the stock market and driving inflation up but…no worries.

Aren’t you glad that Obamacare finally got fixed? Admit it…YOU getting tired of seeing the same old doctor and having the same old insurance you’ve had for years? I know I was but now…BOY oh BOY…we have new and improved GOVERNMENT mandated health insurance to take the place of that old crap we USED to have and I, as a guy, am just GIDDY that for the first time in my life…MY visit to the gynecologist will finally be covered…after I pay my whopping deductible that is but hey…I’m resting better NOW than I did BEFORE Obamacare and I’m willing to bet YOU are too.

Darn good thing we don’t have any problems down on the southern border huh? Could you IMAGINE what things would be like if it STILL wasn’t secure down there? Why…ILLEGAL ALIENS might still be thinking they could waltz into our country any old time they liked but…not today.

We SOLVED that nuisance problem didn’t we?

Oh…I know Obama’s been using his pen an awful lot lately and he says he’s gonna use it even MORE over the next couple of years but seriously…where’s the harm in THAT. Isn’t it better to let ONE PERSON make up our laws as he goes along rather than be bothered with beingsolve 2 represented by those we elect?

Such a bother really…legislation. Better that we’ve let that go.

Remember, back in the day, before everything got fixed when we could express ourselves freely and fly a flag from our front porch and back when kids went to school and learned that 2+2 = 4 instead of whatever they WANTED it to equal? Well, THOSE things aren’t going to be happening anymore and if THAT doesn’t make you all warm and fuzzy…I don’t know what does.

Common core, free speech zones and patriotism = bigotry…all taken care of.

And don’t go letting the fact that the Obama regime and liberals want to take your guns away bother you ANY more.  No need to lose any sleep over that and besides, the government is monitoring everybody’s emails and phone calls so if somebody is planning to come over and break into your house…the police already know about it which is, most likely, why they’re outside your door right now.

Things are all fixed up on the world stage too.

Did you know that, due to Obama’s defense cuts, we’re on our way to having the smallest navy we’ve had since WWI?

Look, it’s not like any OTHER country has SHIPS or would come sailing over here to harm us…and besides, with the cuts going into effect right now, we’ll soon have the smallest air force in our nation’s history to counter any threat so…take THAT you enemies of freedom and liberty.

solve 3No problem there huh?

Obama told us a few weeks ago that because of HIM, the world is now a more tranquil place and all you have to do is look around…ISIS? Hamas? Syria? Afghanistan? North Korea? Iran’s still building up their nuclear weapons ambitions don’t ya know?

Any problems lurking around any of THAT?

How’s every old thing in Ukraine these days?

Did ya hear about Putin over there in Russia? HE wants to bring back the old RUSSIAN EMPIRE.

Now isn’t that just ducky?

I sure am glad we have all those problems taken care of…aren’t you?

ALL of our problems…from the economy to your personal financial situation…from thugs in the streets to fake racism…everything from Muslim barbarians beheading Christians, building a new caliphate and demanding the murder of all Jews on the planet to threats against our nation and the tsunami of illegal aliens pouring across our borders…

All taken care of.


No? NOT right? Those things are STILL problems???

Well…if you don’t know how to take care of those things…you just don’t understand the root of each and every one of those problems and frankly, I didn’t either but…thank God SOMEBODY does.

Here, for your education and mine…ladies and gentlemen…WILD BILL for AMERICA!!!


According to Wild Bill…“Natural marriage is one man, one woman, for LIFE” or…until the divorce takes hold…right Bill?

If you’re gay and you repent… get yourself all ungayed…WILD BILL will ask God to reveal Himself to you because, you know, God insists on a solve 4formal introduction.

Ya know, I remember when ol’ WB was all about stopping this Obama regime and taking a stand for individual liberty but, not any more it seems. Now, he’s all about stopping our nation’s greatest threat…gay people and if you have been watching his videos over the past couple of months, he seems to think if we just elect the RIGHT folks to our public offices…gays will stop gaying around.

I’m not sure how that works but maybe it has something to do with stoning people to death because, just a month ago, Wild Bill for America stood with and applauded  Pastor Manning, of the ATLAH World Ministry,who has called for those stonings of gay AMERICANS, and apparently did so at a rally in Gettysburg.

As if somehow, we could get gay people to stop BEING gay or simply rid our nation OF gay people…all the other problems would just…go away.

Now, I KNOW Wild Bill’s not the ONLY one who feels this way and there ARE others out there in the fundamentalist or evangelical wing of Christianity who express these same thoughts but for all the world, stoning people who don’t agree with your sensibilities sounds like Sharia law…it sounds exactly like the sort of thing we’re hearing from ISIS in Iraq right now.

I remember when Wild Bill used to speak out against Sharia law instead of applauding those who call for its barbaric punishments.

Ahhhhh…the good ol’ days…


Homosexuality is an ABOMINATION in the EYES of GOD they say…AN ABOMINATION and they say God is punishing America because of the gay people which begs the question…if it is SUCH an ABOMINATION to God…why wasn’t it mentioned in the big top ten…you know…the Commandments?

SOLVE 5Just wondering.

I’m not saying that I don’t have a problem with the militant wing of the gay agenda. I DO but I just don’t think that almost but not quite two percent of the American population, much less only a portion of that almost but not quite two percent of the American population is THE greatest threat our nation faces.

Do I think the gay agenda should be a point of focus in public schools?


Do I think that the gay agenda of the militant branch of gaydom is something to be fawned over so as not to be labeled some sort of hater?


Do I think we should all jump when the perpetrators of the militant gay agenda says jump?


Maybe it’s because I’m not intimidated by the militant gays or because I’m confident in who I am or because I don’t feel MY 30 year-long marriage is threatened by gay people who want to get married that I’m just able to brush off all the stink they raise.

I treat the militant gay agenda like Brussels sprouts. I ignore them. I don’t like Brussels sprouts any more than I like militant gay yahoos trying solve 6to make me an advocate for what they do but I most certainly don’t want to stone to death a Brussels sprouts farmer.

But they DO raise a stink, don’t they? Specifically the militant gay agenda people. They WANT a reaction when they do outrageous things. They DEMAND a reaction to their agenda and isn’t that exactly what those so tied in knots over them are GIVING them? Aren’t THEY jumping when the militant gay agenda tells them to jump?

They clearly do seem to thrive on the attention they get every time they pull on some of the evangelical’s strings.

Most of the almost but not quite two percent of the American population that happen to be gay just want to live their lives in peace and there are those, in that community, who are…(gasp) Republicans and dare I say it…CONSERVATIVES who just want their country back.

You see, SOME of these evangelical folks, believe that ONLY by believing in THEIR interpretation of Christianity, ONLY by being as devout in THEIR brand of Christianity can you get to heaven but…Jesus didn’t follow their brand of Christianity. He couldn’t. There WERE no Christians when Jesus was alive and He…HE was JEWISH…born that way ya know…so doesn’t that kinda shoot their theory in its proverbial foot?

And then, there is their political cloak. YOU can’t be a REAL Conservative if you don’t think exactly as they do. That’s what they’ll tell you. They, the noisy bunch of the evangelical wing INSIST that America is a CHRISTIAN nation and they get all wadded up if you ask them where, in any of our founding documents it says that.

Oh, they’ll point out that many of our founders said some very Christian things but they just can’t come up with a valid reason for why they didn’t include their personal AGEN 1views on religion in our Constitution. Maybe Abigail Adams’ hard drive crashed and all that stuff was lost.

And now Wild Bill, it seems, has left behind the Tea Party movement to take up with the “Constitution Party” because IT is based on social beliefs he adheres to as evidenced by this portion of their mission statement entitled, “A Resolution on Difficult Times: A Call for Justice, Repentance, and Mercy

Odd isn’t it, that an American POLITICAL party calling itself the CONSTITUTION PARTY would advocate ONE religious belief above all others when our Bill of Rights clearly states that, “Congress shall make no law respecting an ESTABLISHMENT of religion, or PROHIBITING the free exercise thereof;…” but why let the Bill of Rights interfere with the evangelical views of a few where it comes to our national identity?

Evangelicals like Wild Bill are now applying pressure on real Conservatives to ONLY vote for the candidates deemed most Godly in THEIR view which is a direct and transparent attempt to SPLIT the republican vote thus ensuring liberals win this November and in all future elections, and they are disguising it by trying to wrap it in patriotism and our Constitution.

They are placing SOCIAL issues at the forefront of their platform and relegating the REAL issues to the trash heap.

The REAL issues we face are many and destructive to the very existence of our nation and while FAITH is indeed a cornerstone of our national foundation, our founders and framers were deliberately careful NOT to single out any ONE faith above all others. Their intent was that government should NOT interfere with the personal choices of the people NOR should the people base government on any one faith.

If we don’t start turning the ship around based on the policy issues of our economy, our national defense, national security and the multitude of unconstitutional overreaches by government and the liberal agenda of government intrusion into our daily lives, there will be nothing left of this Constitutional Republic and the social issues will no longersolve 8 matter at all.

Every vote counts. Even those cast to remove liberals from office by those whose lifestyles may not align with our own, and if they are willing to stand for what is right to save this country, we should be grateful rather than calling for their deaths by stoning or applauding those who make those calls.

LIBERALS just LOVE to push the militant gay agenda because it takes the focus off the SOCIALIST agenda THEY are trying to MANDATE!!!

In my opinion, if those who pretend to be on OUR side are trying to get US to focus on the whole gay thing too…they’re either closet liberals or…just puppets of the almost but not quite two percent of the American population.

As Conservatives, we need to get our PRIORITIES straight…

Once we solve the REAL threats to our nation…THEN let the holier than thou faction of the evangelical wing try to pray or elect the gay out of Americans but…”Let he who is WITHOUT sin cast the FIRST stone.”


mudar 1TODAY…Wednesday…August 6th…in a special LIVE edition of RIGHT SIDE PATRIOTS on CPR Worldwide Media at 2pm EST…Craig and Diane’s special guest will be Mudar Zahran, the leader of the Palestinian People’s Movement and supporter of Israel…YES Israel…reporting directly from the so-called ‘occupied territories.’

This is one show you do NOT want to miss as Mr. Zahran is also the founder of the movement to start the Palestinian Democratic Party.

Hope you will all join us at for Mr. Zahran’s unique take on the Middle East, which is quite different than those out to kill us all.

And join us in the chat room at

9 thoughts on “Conservatives, Let’s Get Our PRIORITIES Straight

  1. “…our Bill of Rights clearly states that, “Congress shall make no law respecting an ESTABLISHMENT of religion, or PROHIBITING the free exercise thereof;…” but why let the Bill of Rights interfere with the evangelical views of a few where it comes to our national identity?”

    Why do I suspect that the evangelicals staying home in 2008 got the worst President in history elected? A Mormon AND a Catholic? Anathema!

  2. Gentlemen and Lady,

    United we stand, divided we fall.

    Stop making false assumptions.

    Stop having a “one issue focus” resulting in splitting our strength as the liberals so love.

    We conservatives must stand together. None of us (patriots, candidates, incumbents, tea party members, American citizens, voters and Founders) are perfect and fall far short of it.

    Now, communicate with each other. Change that which you can change. Accept or ignore that which you cannot and have the wisdom to know the difference.

    Do what is necessary and let’s get back on the Truth Track.

    We need to stand strongly together with mutual respect and support.

    Conservatives need objective leadership and solid truthful information.

    Thank You and God Bless us all.

  3. You wrote things about me that are absolutely untrue and outright mean……
    I have done five videos taking on Obama since July 12th.
    And several taking on the Muslims.

    If you truly are a Christian, then obedience to God should be your first priority……are you really becoming a gay rights activist?

    Do you actually believe the stonings of the Old Testament apply to Christians?

    And when you say I “applaud its barbaric punishments” (shariah)…that is an outright lie and you know it.

    Now I am writing to you as a friend….you have misrepresented me and my videos and I am asking you to tell the truth….to demonstrate journalistic standards….not descend into MSNBC style character assassination.

    I hope we will end this debate with our friendship back on course….we “are” on the same side after all.

    • The quote…”I remember when Wild Bill used to speak out against Sharia law instead of applauding those who call for its barbaric punishments.”

      Were you at that rally in Gettysburg? Yes Bill, you were. Did you applaud Manning? Yes you did. People were there, people heard what was said and watched it go down.

      I never said anything about stonings applying to the Christians but Manning HAS stated that gay people should be stoned and as can be clearly seen on his ATLAH sign, he says it is still the law. In fact, it has never been the law in this great nation.

      Have your videos taken a decidedly anti-gay turn as of late? Yes, they have and as I stated in my previous comment on this thread, even your ebola video starts with a gay attack.

      I AM a Christian, maybe not YOUR brand of Christian but a Christian none the less but I will not let my religion influence my political beliefs because, as a Conservative, I stand with our founders in that religion should not be a part of our political landscape.

  4. Thank you so much for your excellent blog. Well said Craig! I’m going to share your blog all over the place.

  5. Good Morning Craig,

    This was a pretty nasty article…..are we no longer friends?
    When have I ever supported stoning anyone? The Old Testament laws about stoning have never ever applied to Christians….ever.

    I have “abandoned the Tea Party in favor of the Constitution party”?

    Please explain this quote “I remember when Wild Bill used to speak out against Sharia law instead of applauding its barbaric punishments.”

    You know very well that I am hell on wheels against Sharia and Islam.
    What in the world possessed you to write this extremely hostile article about me?

    I consider you and Diane to be friends of mine….Diane is one of my best friends!

    Please explain this…….if I have offended you somehow, I apologize….This article was very unfair….downright mean and untrue….come on Craig….you are a better man than this.


    • Bill…

      Let’s get the article quote correct…”And now Wild Bill, it seems, has left behind the Tea Party movement to take up with the “Constitution Party” because…” SEEMS was conveniently omitted from your quote of that part of the article.

      As for the stoning…Manning has over and over called for stoning gay people in America and, as the photo makes clear, even posted it on his ATLAH sign. Now…you knew of this when you made the decision to speak at his ally and, we had people AT that rally and heard him call for it at the rally…YOU appeared, spoke and stayed to the end where you applauded Manning. Stoning is part of Sharia law and there you stood, on stage with the very person who has called for it.

      That said, nowhere in the article did I say YOU called for it but you never spoke out against it…while there at that rally, did you?

      How long has it been Bill, since you did a video regarding Obama, Islam, or the liberal political agenda? As I said in this article, for the past couple of months, your videos are all about anti-gay material and even today, your video just HAD to start off with an anti gay shot before you went into some sort of evacuate the big cities because Obama brought in ebola thing which plays on fears rather than facts.

      What we MUST do as TRUE Conservatives s concentrate on the REAL issues…the political policy issues of the liberal socialist agenda and leave the SOCIAL issues to the states or to people’s personal lives just as religion is something that must be held close to us and our families.

      When you start advocating a 3rd party vote, you are also advocating SPLITTING the vote and every time that happens, liberals win.

      And why did you mention Diane in your response? She had nothing whatsoever to do with this article.

      Just as you are free to express your opinions via your videos, so too am I via this blog which is what I did. In my opinion, trying to make the focus of elections about social issues and advocating 3rd party voting is a sure way to lose elections and, in my opinion, attacking people just because they are gay is also wrong. In my opinion, calling for stonings of ANYBODY in this country or anywhere else is wrong and in my opinion, trying to inject religion, ANY religion into politics is not only wrong but goes against our Constitution.

      As a Christian myself and as a Conservative, I cannot bring myself to condone any of it and, I believe that by remaining silent regarding these things, I would be condoning them.

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