How many times does this regime think they can rehash the same old, dog-tired, worn out crap and get away with it?
I have a little advice for the Dictator…rewrite the code book…the only people still buying it are those Kool Aid drunk socialists who will believe whatever is spoon fed them by the lapdog media and even some of THEM are beginning to question the validity of the propaganda sewage your spewing.
According to the Dictator’s minion, Denis McDonough who is either one “N” short of Dennis or an “E” short of Denise…Obama is, “madder than hell” over the VA delay scandal and…“At the same time that we’re looking at accountability we want to continue to perform to provide our veterans the services that they have earned. The President will continue to demand that he and all of us who work for him continue to fix these things until they are functioning the way that our veterans, believe they should and the way that, so that they get the, the services and the benefits that they have earned.”
One can be sure there will be a puppy treat for any lapdog who runs with that hackneyed false Frisbee of sincerity and a steak bone for Denise or…Dennis or…Whatever his name is.
We’ve heard it all before, just before the deck chairs on the sinking Titanic get rearranged. The Dictator is mad. Mad as heck…”MADDER THAN HELL” over a breaking scandal. He vows, promises and declares that he will get to the bottom of it, whatever it is this week and he will bring to justice those responsible.
Excuse me but…
I believe THAT particular deck chair would look better next to the large chunk of ice than by the potted plant.
Speaking of potted plants…this time it’s a two-fer regarding the propaganda pile and Jay Carney, who needs to be watered twice a week and dusted for aphids, told the assembled two fleas short of a full dog catchers van full of media mutts that…
Well…See for yourselves.
Okay…he he’s “madder than hell” about the VA delay and die breaking scandal and he heard about it from the press. Everybody got that?
Let’s all go back to May 13th, 2013. Almost exactly one year ago and check in on the Dictator regarding the IRS targeting scandal shall we?
Well, well, well…He heard about the IRS in the press TOO and…he found it “OUTRAGEOUS!!!”
Same old story…Same old song and dance.
Normally I would advise those at the bottom of a very deep hole to stop digging but this regime seems bound and determined to bore through the other side of the planet.
Do you remember where, exactly, the Dictator’s puppet, Mike Morell claimed the You Tube video cover story came from regarding Benghazi???
According to Morell’s sworn testimony…The CIA relied on intel gathered …”FROM THE PRESS” that the attacks were due to a video virtually nobody had ever seen at the time over intel reported directly from their own CIA Station Chief who was on the ground, IN BENGHAZI… AT THE SCENE OF THE ATTACK on the night of September 11th 2012.
I do beg your pardon once again to ask that the potted plant be moved away from the members of the orchestra as they play “Nearer My God to Thee” and closer to the new deck chair arrangement.
The Dictator didn’t know anything about Fast and Furious until he…ummmmm…READ ABOUT IT IN THE PRESS???
Let’s see…by my count…Obama didn’t know anything about Benghazi until he read about it in the papers…he didn’t know anything about Fast and Furious until he read about it in the papers…he didn’t know anything about…the IRS targeting until he heard about it from the press…
Well, I don’t know about you but…I’m gobsmacked. Just GOBSMACKED!!!
The Dictator didn’t know about the NSA spying on the ASSOCIATED PRESS until he read about it…FROM THE PRESS???
And now we’re all to believe he had no knowledge whatsoever regarding the VA delay and die secret waiting lists until he heard about it from the media?
Well, I’ve got news for you.
This regime and the Dictator himself knew. They knew all about the VA and this debacle that is killing our veterans more than 5 years ago. In fact, the Obama/Biden transition team, between his election in 2008 and occupying the oval office in January of 2009, were informed about inaccurate and false waiting times for the treatment of veterans and scheduling failures that put veteran’s lives in peril.
Here is the Dictator himself, during the 2008 campaign, making sure WE knew that HE knew of the issues with the VA.
That was 2008 and now…NOW…we are being asked to believe that he didn’t know anything about it until he saw it in the media???
Our veterans, those who have worn our uniform and put their lives on the line for our freedom and the freedom of others around the world deserve a damn site better than this regime and their incessant lies. At the absolute least, they deserve a fresh, unrecycled, NEW and not a worn out and completely asinine lie but what has the regime done about this systematic and systemic problem that is killing our veterans?
They were served up Dr. Robert Petzel, undersecretary for health in the Department of Veterans Affairs as a sacrificial scapegoat. Petzel was scheduled to retire within the next couple of months anyway but the white house, in accepting the resignation, released this obtuse statement: “As the President has said, America has a sacred trust with the men and women who have served our country in uniform and he is committed to doing all we can to ensure our veterans have access to timely, quality health care.”
The problem at the VA, as I said, is systemic, not isolated and new evidence accompanied by new whistle-blowers are popping up from state to state to expose the issues on a staggering scale all of which Obama was briefed about before he ever sat his ass behind the oval office desk.
What’s been happening at the VA’s is criminal. America’s veterans are being left to die without treatment, suffering the indignities brought about by old age and combat related injuries and illnesses while those supposedly in charge of treating them in a timely manner are busy cooking the books and creating dummy lists of schedules while turning blind eyes to the very people who stood up for them.
While others lay this sickening problem at the feet of others, bureaucrats and the previous administration, I lay my disgust at the feet of Obama. He knew full well there was a problem before he took office and, in 5 years, he’s done nothing about it. Not one damned thing and now, more than 100 of our treasured veterans have died with their deaths being traced to delays in getting in to see doctors and delays in receiving treatment.
As the Commander in Chief, Obama is in charge of our military and therefore, by default, he is also the Commander in Chief of each and every military veteran. Knowing full well the problem, the Commander in Chief appointed HIS selection of Eric K. Shinseki at the very beginning of his regime. Shinseki , since 2009, has vowed that all VA claims would be processed within 125 days with 98 percent accuracy by 2015 but, since that vow, it has only gotten worse and worse. NOW, Shinseki says, “No veteran should have to wait for claims, as they are today. We have a fix for this. We are open for business and we will end the backlog in 2015.”
Shinseki, a veteran himself, has been at best, derelict in his duties and at worst, complicit in the cover up of the scandal and what has Obama done? He accepted the resignation of a bureaucrat who was scheduled to retire in a matter of months.
Just move the deck chairs around the potted plant.
And as all of this has been going on and while our veterans have been dying as a result of it, this insipid regime has gone to great lengths and with great fanfare been transforming our active military with the open inclusion of gay and lesbian soldiers, allowing them and trumpeting the first military gay drag show and Chuck Hagel, Obama’s hand-picked Secretary of Defense is now considering allowing transsexuals to serve in uniform while taking great pains to inform our enemies in theaters of war exactly when our personnel will be pulling out.
It is both despicable and treasonous that Obama would offer such aid and comfort to our enemies in a time of war while offering NO aid and NO comfort to those who have FOUGHT AGAINST our nation’s enemies.

This is all fine and well – the knowing…, but what really can/will be done? The middle class are now lower middle-class just trying to eek out an existence. the plan to dismantle our conservative values has been in play too long; the pieces set in motion and exponential in the dire effectiveness they yield.
Now all we can do is complain because we are out-numbered. The Kool-Aid has been drunk.