Putting the RINOS on NOTICE!!!

Let’s get something straight.

I am not preaching to the choir here.

I’m preaching to the sour note hitting organist.


We the People, affiliated with various Tea Party organizations from sea to shining sea have had enough of Obama, the socialists in congress and, frankly, we’ve had enough of you.

Let me ask Tea Partiers this question.

Have you visited the GOP website recently?

It’s pathetic. AS pathetic as the GOP establishment’s last 2 chosen presidential candidates.

I went to the GOP site yesterday and was absolutely astonished by what I found there. Okay, let’s be clear…I was astonished by what I DIDN’T find there.

The CHAIRMAN of the GOP…One Reince Priebus…As not posted an article, blog or memo to Republicans since his MLK piece LAST APRIL!!!!!


We have “scandals” breaking out week by week and sometimes day by day from this current, absurd, criminal and treasonous administration and NOTHING on the GOP website from PRIEBUS?????

Priebus has yet to pen anything regarding the IRS and their targeting of TEA PARTY and CONSERVATIVE groups. Nothing. Not a word. Zip…Zilch…ZERO!!!

Any Priebus blogs on the need to wash our hands of the IRS and reform, from top to bottom the tax code?

Nope. Not one.



Homeland Security???


Obama’s new “Grand Bargain” on taxes???




The upcoming continuing resolution???

That’s right.


Not a single word from the “LEADER” of the GOP on the GOP.com website since…THIS.

That is NOT leadership.

There is virtually NOTHING on GOP.com regarding the rapidly approaching 2014 midterm elections either. Nothing regarding possible candidates. Nothing regarding platform. Nothing regarding liberal/socialist seats up for grabs in the Senate. Nothing regarding key issues.


And 2016?

What of Hillary’s all but anointed candidacy for 2016 and how we combat that?

Who will take up the sword for the battle to get our country, our liberty and our freedoms back?


Oh, sure, there are plenty of ways to DONATE to the GOP but, honestly, it’s beyond me, with the current, abysmal lack of GOP leadership, why anyone would.

Can it be any wonder that GOP leadership in the house and minority leadership in the senate are so dismal?

Boehner, every once in a while, steps to a microphone and tries to deliver a zinger will all the personality of a mollusk and while his baritone voice echoes through the marble halls of the house, his message falls woefully flat.

His “leadership” is as ineffectual as is that of Reince Priebus.

Boehner continues to look for COMPROMISE with the socialists and their Dictator, Obama, as though COMPROMISE is what will save our nation, restore our rightful place on the world stage, right the ship of state and bring down what is soon to be a $17 TRILLION DOLLAR national debt.

Ask Boehner how to spell, COMPROMISE and he’ll say…A-P-P-E-A-S-E-M-E-N-T.

Boehner is not alone.

John McCain, a war hero to be sure, was a feckless 2008 candidate who was more interested in appeasing the MSM than defeating Obama.

How did that turn out?

It’s time for McCain to go.

Then there was Mitt Romney, another RINO establishment presidential candidate, pre-ordained to be the nominee and his reluctance to take on Obama squarely over Benghazi.

How did THAT turn out?

In between those 2 lack-luster and losing efforts…a choir formed.


In the 2010 midterm elections, socialists were handed their hats in the house.

Obama called it a “SHELLACKING” and he was correct.

That shellacking did NOT come at the hands or upon the point of the GOP sword…THAT shellacking came from grass roots activists who had seen and had enough of the socialist regime, had enough of being taxed into oblivion, had enough of sharing the wealth, had enough of a foreign policy agenda that weakens America and had enough of OBAMACARE.

And there was Priebus and Boehner, basking in the glow of a victory they didn’t win…Riding it all the way to defeat in 2012.

Go to a Tea Party site. Go to a Tea Party FB page. Go to a TEA PARTY meeting, rally, town hall or candidate’s forum and you’ll see leadership. REAL leadership.

Watch Ted Cruz and see leadership.

Listen to Michele Bachmann and hear leadership.

Marvel at the likes of Jason Chaffetz and Trey Gowdy as THEY question the Benghazi and IRS witnesses and see how it SHOULD be done.

Benghazi is nearly 11 months old and this treasonous administration has been stonewalling those members of congress trying to get to the truth since day one. 4 Americans DEAD and now we know that the names and whereabouts of those responsible have been known to this administration for MONTHS and yet, nobody has lifted a finger to go and get them.

NOTHING regarding this from PRIEBUS.

The GOP and Reince Priebus SHOULD be applying pressure every hour ON the hour regarding Benghazi but where IS it on their website?


Let’s face facts.

It was the GOP who called off the Benghazi dogs during last year’s presidential debates.


Go to the “Chariman’s Blog” on GOP.com and see for yourself.

The primary problem with today’s GOP is that they’re fighting YESTERDAY’S battles.

It is no longer the right side of the aisle against the left.

It’s not the Democrats against the Republicans anymore either.

Yesterday’s Democrats evolved into liberals and today, have become deeply rooted as socialists and worse. Today’s halls of congress have more than 70 Members, all with “D” after their names, who are, in fact, registered with THE COMMUNIST PARTY USA.

On the right side of the aisle, we are still being led by yesterday’s Republicans down a primrose path to oblivion.

Our military is in deep trouble as the “rules of engagement” have changed to win the hearts and minds of our enemies rather than win the wars we must fight. Our brave men and women in uniform are dying because socialist feel-good policy gives loaded weapons to the enemy and disarms OUR warriors.

We dismiss OUR security personnel and HIRE the enemy, Ansar al Sharia to guard our diplomats.

We tell our enemies exactly when we will be leaving the theater and sit in stunned silence as they fill the vacuum with terrorists.

We have lost the trust of our allies worldwide and work to appease our enemies through the corrupt United Nations.

At home, our socialist dictator spends OUR money on THEIR agenda and WE reap no reward. Success is deemed UN-American and government rewards those who do nothing, entrapping them into the socialist entitlement mentality.

Our schools are dumbing down our students and socialists propose cradle to grave government care but, getting TO the cradle with the socialists abortion agenda is the challenge.

Getting to the grave, with Obamacare, will be expedited.

We have a socialist Dictator telling us that all the scandals plaguing his years in office are phony but, phony scandals don’t have headstones…Do they Barack?

Do they Reince?

What is called for today are BOLD concepts…BOLD answers…BOLD solutions and BOLD action to face and defeat socialism at home.

The GOP continues to offer OLD concepts…OLD answers…OLD solutions and NO action.

Reince Priebus, Boehner, Graham, McCain and the rest of the RINOS have some tough choices to make as we head into the 2014 midterms.

They can stand on the tracks, contemplating their crusty, lint-filled navels and get run over by the TEA PARTY train or…

They can GET ON THAT TRAIN and ride IT to victory.

No one election will do it.

No one candidate will get it done either.

It will take a rebuilding of the nation from the bottom up using the founders and framers foundation as a starting point.

Smaller government, a return to family values and core principles, less restrictions through overburdening regulations, energy independence, a strong and unwavering military, strength gained by partnerships with our strongest allies against shared enemies, a reduction of the national debt, balanced budgets, lower taxes that allow businesses large and small to prosper and an end to the waste of bogus agenda items.

That’s not all but, it’s a start.

Freedom and liberty, the calling cards of the Tea Party will set this country right and make her stronger than ever before.


Go to GOP.com and tell me…PLEASE tell me where you see THOSE things.

Should the Tea Party win the day again in 2014 as we did in 2010, the pattern will be set.

Establishment loss in 2008…Tea Party win in 2010…Establishment loss in 2012…Tea Party win in 2014.

Given that most likely of scenarios, can one even wonder why the establishment refuses to take up Tea Party ideas and solutions? The Establishment is about to become irrelevant.

They’re grasping at straws.

Now is the time for the Tea Party to send a message to ALL of Washington.

To the socialists and to the RINOS.

Stand in our way and we’ll run you the hell over.

Yes…We want our country back that much.

11 thoughts on “Putting the RINOS on NOTICE!!!

  1. Strongly disagree with one point! Michelle Bachman recently sold out the Tea Party and anyone that believes in the Constitution and freedom. She voted against the Amash amendment which would have prevented the NSA to be funded to continue the spying on American’s.

  2. Craig,
    Thanks for your comments and suggestions. But your fundamental premise is wrong.

    McCain and Romney were not “ordained” by some “establishment.” Turnout in the primaries and caucuses, by conservatives, including tea partiers, was very low. You can look those numbers up. I know from first-hand experience here in AZ because I’ve served as an official poll watcher for the Party at the polls, both for the primary elections and the general elections.

    Here we are almost five years after the election and STILL many, many tea partiers haven’t figured out where the real power lies. That’s just a fact. Sorry if you think I’m being rude or a jerk for pointing it out. Facts sometimes do seem rude.

    Again, look at the numbers. Would you agree there are millions of “tea partiers?” There’s about 400,000 “member” slots in the Republican Party. About 200,000 are vacant. It’s not hard or expensive to become a “member” of the Party. Here in AZ there are no dues. No requirements to attend meetings. Each person puts into the Party the time and effort of their choosing. Nobody can tell a precinct committeeman what to do.

    I became a precinct committeeman in 2007. At that time, less than one third of the allotted Republican Party PC slots in AZ were filled. (The number is determined by a formula based on the number of registered party members in each precinct. Each precinct gets one PC and then one more for every 125 registered party members, or majority portion thereof, residing in the precinct). So when the Marxist was elected I was already “in” a “party” — a political party. I didn’t run to a tea party, because I already knew where the real ball game was played — at my monthly local district Party committee meeting. So I started recruiting PCs at the tea party and 9.12 meetings. Many of those I recruited are now county chairmen, local district, county and state committee officers, and/or became delegates to our state and national presidential nominating conventions.

    Reince Priebus was elected by the RNC members. Each state’s chairman is an RNC member and each state gets one national committeeman and committeewoman. If you want to change the RNC, you’ve got to become an elected member of the Party. I got to vote for my state chairman because I was elected to be a state committeeman (each local district committee in AZ gets one state committeeman for every three elected PCs in the district). I got to vote for the national committeeman and committeewoman candidates because I was an elected delegate to our presidential nominating convention. The PCs in each district, and only the PCs, elect the delegates. That’s how it works per the AZ bylaws.

    If you want a “more conservative” RNC chairman, then you have to get “more conservatives” as members of the RNC. That begins by becoming a PC.

    Now, instead of less than one-third of the allotted PC slots being filled, we’ve got about 55% filled. And almost all the new PCs are conservatives recruited by me and other conservatives who understand the ONLY way to make the Republican Party “more conservative” is to get more conservatives “into” it — as precinct committeemen.

    I work for a living. I have four kids. I do what I can.

    We don’t have much time. We’ve got to use it efficiently. If I could only spend four hours a month on politics, I know where I could spend it. At my local district committee meeting and at my county committee meeting, because at those meetings I can actually vote for the leadership of the Party, I can vote on resolutions, I can vote to endorse the best conservative candidates in the all-important, traditionally-low-turnout primary elections, and I can work with my fellow PCs in getting out the vote for the best conservative candidates.

    Don’t take my word for it. Here’s more from The Duke and The Gipper, both of whom were Republican Party precinct committeemen:


    And here’s how the strategy has worked in AZ:


    Majority rules. Even inside the Republican Party committees. Create conservative majorities there and you’ll OWN the Party.

    It isn’t any more complicated than that.

    I hope this helps.

    Thank you.

    Cold Warrior

    • Cold Warrior,

      Nobody is disagreeing with you on the importance of being a precinct committeeman. Nobody.

      Where you and I disagree is in your approach TO it and the FACT that low voter turnout, from Republicans, was due TO the establishment candidate being the nominee.

      With a field of some 19 in the 2012 primaries, people were lost. The establishment nominee caused MANY to simply stay at home during the general election as they could see nu use in it.

      Same crap…Different day.

      Tea Party Patriots will FLOCK to vote should the nominee BE a Tea Party Candidate and to get to that point, one of two things MUST happen.

      1) The well of financial support flowing from the GOP establishment will have to be diverted to REAL CONSERVATIVE candidates or…
      2) The GOP will have to change IT’S perception of how we get OUT of this mess and start SUPPORTING Tea Party Candidates OPENLY.


  3. I once heard a “conspiracy theorist” say that voting no longer works because both parties are so infiltrated with secret NWO sympathizers that the candidates and elections are rigged to where whoever gets elected won’t be a true conservative. I scoffed at that. I always vote. And right in front of my face those I voted for keep doing things that favor a NWO and loss of our sovereign rights. Then I see our current Administration start targeting the new Tea Party for discrimination and even label us the new terrorists while striking any mention of the true source of terror in this world for the past 1400 years, made plain on 9/11/01. I have come to the conclusion that a new party with clear goals is what the USA needs. And if the new “terrorist” Evangelical Christians will observe 2nd Chronicles 7:14, America might just be recovered. If we do not unite in prayer and action, I truly fear it is TAPS for the USA. The NWO is pure evil and we have to fight it.

  4. Craig,
    I don’t rant on the internet day after day about what’s wrong with the Republican Party.
    Tonight I’ll be attending my monthly Maricopa County Republican Party Executive Guidance Committee meeting, of which I’m an elected voting member, where we’ll be developing strategies to elect greater numbers of conservatives and passing resolutions condemning the RINOs in our legislature for passing Medicaid Expansion/Obamacare. Tomorrow night I’ll be speaking to a tea party about how to take over the Republican Party.
    As I have many times in the past.
    I really don’t have time to dissect your article, but several of your premises are just wrong. “The Republican Establishment” did not select McCain and Romney. Those who took the time to actually vote in the primaries or at the caucuses selected them. What percentage of tea partiers didn’t bother to vote in those elections?

    Crossing your fingers and hoping “the tea party” will somehow magically make things right on Election Day in Nov. 2014 is not a strategy.

    If you want to change the Republican Party, advise people on how to get “inside” it. The Republican Party consists of about 400,000 voting members, called precinct committeemen in most states. About 200,000 of those slots are vacant. Do the math. The Party is there for the taking by “taxed enough already” tea party conservatives if they’ll just unite and organize where they live and invade their local Party committees and become voting members of the Party. The strategy works.

    You can’t change the Republican Party at a tea party meeting or rally. The ONLY way to make the Party more conservative is to get more conservatives INTO its voting slots.

    For Liberty,
    Cold Warrior

    • Cold Warrior,

      By all means…do not attend a Tea Party meeting to encourage REAL Conservative Patriots to get involved at the level YOU suggest because, as YOU claim, “You can’t change the Republican Party at a tea party meeting or rally.”

      DON’T update YOUR site with the happenings of YOUR monthly meeting as THAT would constitute a MONTHLY internet rant.

      You just keep slamming those trying to wake people up and cross YOUR fingers hoping things will change.


      Maybe YOU should take a slightly different approach. EMBRACE those who want to change the party from a bunch of establishment RINOS and meet with them on THEIR turf to spread YOUR ideas on how to get it done.

      You have the right idea but a DAMN lousy approach to it and you come off as a bit of a RINO ESTABLISHMENT jerk.

      Who do you think ordained McCain and Romney to be the GOP choices for the nomination? Who do YOU think funneled money and support to them instead of other MORE conservative candidates? Who stood behind them every step of the way?

      That’s who.


  5. Craig,
    Are you “in” the Party where you live?
    Are you a precinct committeeman?
    “He who controls the precincts controls the party.”

    The ONLY way to change our government is to “change out” who represents us, and the ONLY way to do that is to take over the Republican Party. It’s there for the taking.

    What have YOU been doing to make that happen?

    Other than rant?

    For Liberty,
    Cold Warrior

    • Cold Warrior,

      Well, for one thing…I’ve updated my site since may 10th.


  6. I liked the article Craig, but just have one comment. The TEA Party will never have a huge following or win, due to the fact there is no SINGLE MESSAGE or PLATFORM. The ideals and principles they are preaching vary so much, depending on which group or speaker you listen to. Chasing answers about Benghazi, doesn’t move this Country forward. I think the GOP recognized that, and let it go. If the TEA Party can show me a singular platform that has actual merit, then they may have my vote. I haven’t seen ANYONE, from ANY party, that looks like a Presidential possibility.

  7. Very good article.
    I frequently get calls from GOP to donate to help the party. So I have been interrupting the sales pitch and start asking where is my bang for the buck? How about We The People start seeing a bang for our buck? How about McCain, Graham, Corker, Hoeven, Ayotte, Rubio (Amnesty), Snow, Boehner start making a stand for Constitutional Rule of Law? I worked hard at the RNC volunteering my time morning noon and night at the RNC offices supporting, making door to door contacts, working the new ORCA in the 210 campaign, going to the rally’s and I have nothing to show for it. This money hole has dried up. I give to The Tea Party, Freedom Works and Heritage Foundations. Until you start showing me, We The People you can really make a Stand for the U.S. Constitution, and be a REAL CONSERVATIVE then I might reconsider. But We The People must take charge of the GOP and make the change. I am tired of Karl Rove, I am tired of the RHINOS that is as PROGRESSIVE as the Democrates.

    Therefore I will support only the Tea Party/Freedom Works/Heritage Foundation

    So I look forward to you calls which, you have not called so often you pretty well ready to leave the call when I am finished.


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